Top 100 Quotes About Deyoung
#1. Don't follow those who can talk a big game about their amazing faith in Christ. Follow people who are actually following Christ.
Kevin DeYoung
#2. We take hold of Christ as his words take hold us.
Kevin DeYoung
#3. God is not a magic eight ball we shake up and peer into whenever we have a decision to make. He is a good God who gives us brains, shows us the way of obedience, and invites us to take risks for him.
Kevin DeYoung
#4. Just as heaven and earth were created to be together - and, indeed, that's how the whole story of the Bible ends - so marriage is to be a symbol of this divine design: two differentiated entities uniquely fitted for one another.7
Kevin DeYoung
#5. Every true Christian should feel deep in his bones an utter dependence on God's self-revelation in the Scriptures. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4).
Kevin DeYoung
#6. Justification is God's declaration that we, though guilty sinners, are righteous in God's eyes.
Kevin DeYoung
#7. Christ justifies no one whom he does not also sanctify.
Kevin DeYoung
#8. Expecting perfection from ourselves or others is not what holiness is about.
Kevin DeYoung
#9. The person who never sets priorities is the person who does not believe in his own finitude.
Kevin DeYoung
#10. Sincere biblical repentance is as much a work of grace as not sinning in the first place.
Kevin DeYoung
#11. The Bible can no more fail, falter, or err, than God himself can fail, falter, or err.
Kevin DeYoung
#12. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus assumes that asking for forgiveness would be a daily occurrence, as would praying that we might be delivered from evil and led not into temptation.
Kevin DeYoung
#13. When we are crazy busy, we put our souls at risk. The challenge is not merely to make a few bad habits go away. The challenge is to not let our spiritual lives slip away.
Kevin DeYoung
#14. To run hard after holiness is another way of running hard after God.
Kevin DeYoung
#15. God gets glory when his strength shines in our weakness.
Kevin DeYoung
#16. The Heidelberg Catechism is like a refreshing bath with cool gospel water.
Kevin DeYoung
#17. My fear is that as we rightly celebrate, and in some quarters rediscover, all that Christ has saved us from, we are giving little thought and making little effort concerning all that Christ has saved us to.
Kevin DeYoung
#18. The secret of the gospel is that we actually do more when we hear less about all we need to do for God and hear more about all that God has already done for us.
Kevin DeYoung
#19. Marriage, by its very nature, requires complementarity. The mystical union of Christ and the church - each "part" belonging to the other but neither interchangeable - cannot be pictured in marital union without the differentiation of male and female.
Kevin DeYoung
#20. If you want to know God as your Father, you need to know Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Kevin DeYoung
#21. Even though this seems rather plain, we Christians can easily become confused about what sanctification is. Instead of emphasizing its connection to the Lord and his Word, we can make it merely about certain external behaviors and mind-sets, select methods and practices.
Kevin DeYoung
#22. God tells me that I need to provide for my family, discipline and teach my children, and love my wife as Christ loves the church. If I don't do that, I'm being unfaithful and sinful.
Kevin DeYoung
#23. You will never see the preciousness of a Savior, if you do not see the reality of your sin.
Kevin DeYoung
#24. Those trapped in sin will not normally thank you for pointing out the darkness in their lives.
Kevin DeYoung
#25. God's way is not to show us what tomorrow looks like or even to tell us what decisions we should make tomorrow. That's not His way because that's not the way of faith. God's way is to tell us that He knows tomorrow, He cares for us, and therefore, we should not worry. Verse
Kevin DeYoung
#26. Blue Devils may have won today. Devil gonna lose tomorrow.
Kevin DeYoung
#27. Many in Jesus' day saw him, but they didn't have communion with him. You can have more of Christ by faith than they had by sight.
Kevin DeYoung
#28. Here's good news: God is even more committed to your change, your growth, and your transformation than you are.
Kevin DeYoung
#29. We don't get to pick the age we will live in, and we don't get to choose all the struggles we will face. Faithfulness is ours to choose; the shape of faithfulness is God to determine.
Kevin DeYoung
#30. For Jesus, Scripture is powerful, decisive, and authoritative because it is nothing less than the voice of God.
Kevin DeYoung
#31. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed is part of what it means to be a Christian. You can't bear somebody else's burden unless you are taking something of their load and it's weighing you down a little bit.
Kevin DeYoung
#32. As Christians, we worship a victimized Lord. We should expect to suffer and should have particular compassion on those who hurt emotionally and physically. But we do not resemble the Suffering Servant when we take pains to show off our suffering.
Kevin DeYoung
#33. My life often feels like a whirling dervish of kids, writing, speaking, and pastoral ministry.
Kevin DeYoung
#34. The antidote to busyness of soul is not sloth and indifference. The antidote is rest, rhythm, death to pride, acceptance of our own finitude, and trust in the providence of God.
Kevin DeYoung
#35. You can exaggerate your authority in handling the Scriptures, but you cannot exaggerate the Scriptures' authority to handle you. You can use the word of God to come to wrong conclusions, but you cannot find any wrong conclusions in the word of God.
Kevin DeYoung
#36. They took a bite from the forbidden fruit, and the fruit bit back.
Kevin DeYoung
#37. Margin," Swenson says, "is the space between our load and our limits.
Kevin DeYoung
#38. Don't just ask God for what we want. Let him teach us what we should want.
Kevin DeYoung
#39. When we use old confessions and catechisms, we help teach our people that their faith is an old faith, shared by millions over many centuries. We also help them realize that other Christians have asked the same questions.
Kevin DeYoung
#40. It is our confidence in the sovereign grace of God that gives us any hope of success in missions.
Kevin DeYoung
#41. We won't say no to more craziness until we can say yes to more Jesus. We will keep choosing dinner rolls over the bread of life. We will choose the fanfare of the world over the feet of Jesus. We will choose busyness over blessing.
Kevin DeYoung
#42. Fellowship with Christ does not exist apart from fealty to Christ.
Kevin DeYoung
#43. So much of our busyness comes down to meeting people's expectations.
Kevin DeYoung
#44. If we do not worship God, God will not be the lesser for it. But we will.
Kevin DeYoung
#45. We were taught in school, and I was taught at home and in church, that blacks and whites were equal and we should not discriminate based on skin color, even if my school was almost entirely white.
Kevin DeYoung
#46. One of the most resilient and cherished myths of parenting is that parenting creates the child.
Kevin DeYoung
#47. Being a child of God means confidence, but it never means complacency.
Kevin DeYoung
#48. I used to have six theories and no kids. Now I have six kids and no theories.
Kevin DeYoung
#49. We wake up most days not trying to serve, just trying to survive.
Kevin DeYoung
#50. My temptation is to tackle everything at once, or nothing at all.
Kevin DeYoung
#51. No doubt, some people are quantitatively less busy than others and some much more so, but that doesn't change the shared experience: most everyone I know feels frazzled and overwhelmed most of the time.
Kevin DeYoung
#52. Jesus was not just a prophet but the fulfillment of all prophecy.
Kevin DeYoung
#53. The worship of Christ is our joy and privilege today. And tomorrow, and next Sunday, and for all eternity.
Kevin DeYoung
#54. Any gospel which purports to save people without also transforming them is inviting easy-believism. If you think being a Christian is nothing more than saying a prayer or joining a church, then you've confused real grace with cheap grace. Those who are justified will be sanctified.
Kevin DeYoung
#55. The people on this planet who end up doing nothing are those who never realize they can't do everything.
Kevin DeYoung
#56. We think relevance and relate-ability are the secrets to spiritual success. And yet, in truth, a dying world needs you to be with God more than it needs you to be with it.
Kevin DeYoung
#57. God tends to do his best work when the odds appear stacked against him.
Kevin DeYoung
#58. Christlikeness is possible, but not by merely working with Jesus or simply imitating his example. Only by knowing our position in Jesus can we begin to live like Jesus.
Kevin DeYoung
#59. As the culture war rages on, Lord give us wisdom to see the difference between defending our rights and protesting our slights.
Kevin DeYoung
#60. Stewarding my time is not about selfishly pursuing only the things I like to do. It's about effectively serving others in the ways I'm best able to serve and in the ways I am most uniquely called to serve.
Kevin DeYoung
#61. To paraphrase Titus 3:3, we live as slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in chaos and envy, hassled by others and hassling one another. We are all very busy, but not with what matters
Kevin DeYoung
#62. Sincerity is a Christian virtue, as is honesty about our struggles. But my generation needs to realize that Christianity is more than chic fragility, endless self-revelation, and the coolness that comes with authenticity.
Kevin DeYoung
#63. We're not consistent. We're not stable. We don't stick with anything. Most of the time we can't even make decisions.
Kevin DeYoung
#64. Why should we think that we wouldn't have a cross to carry? Are we somehow more deserving than our Lord?
Kevin DeYoung
#65. The seed of God's Word won't grow to fruitfulness without pruning for rest, quiet, and calm
Kevin DeYoung
#66. Busyness does not mean you are a faithful or fruitful Christian. It only means you are busy, just like everyone else. And like everyone else, your joy, your heart and your soul are in danger.
Kevin DeYoung
#67. Let us shout of our God from the rooftops, that the whole world would stand in silence before him.
Kevin DeYoung
#68. Try this New Year's resolution: I won't check my phone, my tablet, or my computer until I've first read a chapter in my Bible.
Kevin DeYoung
#69. The kind of experience of humility and happiness that comes with gratitude tends to crowd out whatever is coarse, or ugly, or mean.
Kevin DeYoung
#70. Wristband). The gospel is not a message about what we need to do for God, but about what God has done for us. So get them with the good news about who God is and what he has done for us.
Kevin DeYoung
#71. Am I trying to do good or to make myself look good?
Kevin DeYoung
#72. When you share the gospel, you're not calling people to a better way of life, you're proclaiming to them eternal life.
Kevin DeYoung
#73. But we all live somewhere and must swim in the water around us. I can't help but deal with the realities of life as I experience them in the United States.
Kevin DeYoung
#74. When our lives are frantic and frenzied, we are more prone to anxiety, resentment, impatience, and irritability.
Kevin DeYoung
#75. The irony is that if we make every imperative into a command to believe the gospel more fully, we turn the gospel into one more thing we have to get right, and faith becomes the one thing we need to be better at.
Kevin DeYoung
#76. It would be bad enough if we were just restless, meandering through life, and a little cowardly. But we've spiritualized restless and meandering cowardice, making it feel like piety instead of passivity.
Kevin DeYoung
#77. When busyness goes after joy, it goes after everyone's joy.
Kevin DeYoung
#78. If the gospel is old news to you, it will be dull news to everyone else.
Kevin DeYoung
#79. We may have the best of intentions in trying to discern God's will, but we should really stop putting ourselves through the misery of overspiritualizing every decision. Our misdirected piety makes following God more mysterious than it was meant to be
Kevin DeYoung
#80. I tell my congregation at times, "You don't have to feel conviction for every sermon. Some of you are actually obedient and faithful in this area." Not perfectly, of course, but truly and sincerely.
Kevin DeYoung
#81. The world stands for everything that opposes the will of God.
Kevin DeYoung
#82. There is no sin so prevalent, so insidious, and so deep as the sin of fearing people more than we fear God.
Kevin DeYoung
#83. As Christians living in changing times, we must keep three things open: our heads, our hearts, and our Bibles.
Kevin DeYoung
#84. Busyness is like sin: kill it, or it will be killing you.
Kevin DeYoung
#85. No one in the history of the world has been more inclusive of repentant sinners than Jesus and no one has been more intolerant of sin.
Kevin DeYoung
#86. All our sins are offensive to God and require forgiveness. But over and over the Bible teaches that some sins are worse than others.
Kevin DeYoung
#87. Most moms and dads think they are either the best or the worst parents in the world. Both are wrong.
Kevin DeYoung
#88. I read an anecdote once about a woman from another culture who came to the United States and began to introduce herself as "Busy." It was, after all, the first thing she heard when meeting any American. Hello, I'm Busy - she figured it was part of our traditional greeting,
Kevin DeYoung
#89. Grace does not lead us to overlook obedience. Grace compels and empowers us for obedience.
Kevin DeYoung
#90. When "everything is awesome" we may miss what (and Who) is truly deserving of awe.
Kevin DeYoung
#92. Fourth, Jesus himself reinforces the normativity of the Genesis account.
Kevin DeYoung
#93. You will not find what you want in the world, only in the Father.
Kevin DeYoung
#94. Don't try so hard to be hip. When the Church finds out what is cool, it is not cool anymore.
Kevin DeYoung
#95. No one can hate you in this life more than Jesus was hated.
Kevin DeYoung
#96. Christianity is so much more than getting your doctrine right, but it is not less.
Kevin DeYoung
#97. No matter how goofy or insignificant your church may seem, fellowship in that body of believers is fellowship with God.
Kevin DeYoung
#99. Plain horse sense ought to tell us that anything that makes no change in the man who professes it makes no difference to God either, and it is an easily observable fact that for countless numbers of persons the change from no-faith to faith makes no actual difference in the life.
Kevin DeYoung
#100. The whole of the Christian life, from election to justification to sanctification to final glorification, is made possible by and is an expression of our union with Christ.
Kevin DeYoung
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