Top 30 Quotes About Coping Strategies

#1. She doesn't approve of either sentimentality or graveyard humor at crime scenes. She says they waste time that should be spent working on the damn case, but the implication is that coping strategies are for wimps.

Tana French

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1644436
#2. Many coping strategies have a Zen simplicity. Instead of resolving chaos, find beauty and happiness amid chaos. I am reminded of a friend who said that when she found out her husband couldn't fill her needs, she changed her needs;

Andrew Solomon

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1670733
#3. When a person is in emotional pain, it's hard to be rational and to think of a good solution. Nevertheless, many of the coping strategies used by people with overwhelming emotions only serve to make their problems worse.

Matthew McKay

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1073299
#4. When you cross a challenge that is expansive and deep, you may not even realize when you've come to the other side. That day will come. And when it does, how will you look at your crossing?

Teresa Hirst

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1874554
#5. Every rule in the book can be broken, except one - be who you are, and become all you were meant to be ...

Sydney J. Harris

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1870176
#6. Before my commercial success, I had difficulty doing what I wanted, but my sincere short films always won prizes in festivals. So I was ready for larger successes.

Michel Ocelot

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1695534
#7. But for the silly chaps, we would still be living in the Stone Age.

Christopher Cockerell

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1588625
#8. I like being a cog in a wheel. I like being a small aspect of a much bigger thing, and I think my interest in that takes the pressure of myself.

Charlize Theron

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1437378
#9. Dreaming was easier than screaming, and screaming was easier than worrying, and worrying was easier than crying, which was what she knew she would be reduced to if she didn't keep a hard eye on herself.

Kevin Brockmeier

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1324553
#10. We want to do a lot of stuff; we're not in great shape. We didn't get a good night's sleep. We're a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup.

Jerry Seinfeld

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1244529
#11. But it's a changeable world! When we consider how great our sorrow seem, and how small they are; how we think we shall die of grief, and how quickly we forget, I think we ought to be ashamed of ourselves and our fickle-heartedness. For, after all, what business has Time to bring us consolation?

William Makepeace Thackeray

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1227283
#12. Once an individual shines bright walking in average light to some may appear as dim surroundings..

Victoria Addino

Quotes About Coping Strategies #1195217
#13. The Past can be a nice place to visit, but it's a terrible place to live." - Unknown

Mark D. Paul

Quotes About Coping Strategies #995086
#14. May God grant you more grace, strength and wisdom.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Coping Strategies #958170
#15. For children who depend on mentally escaping into their minds to survive, imagination can become both refuge and desert island.

Na'ama Yehuda

Quotes About Coping Strategies #887352
#16. Hollywood is right. A good and strong movie can have a more powerful social impact than any and all political speeches or newspaper editorials and columns.

Mike Royko

Quotes About Coping Strategies #755081
#17. We have two strategies for coping; the way of avoidance or the way of attention.

Marilyn Ferguson

Quotes About Coping Strategies #748655
#18. Mr. Kerrick wants your hair one color so you don't stand out so much.
Mr. Kerrick could kiss my ass.

Maria V. Snyder

Quotes About Coping Strategies #548970
#19. A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.

Lana Turner

Quotes About Coping Strategies #502600
#20. The key to happiness is to listen to campy Parisian music and smile at a bird. It hinges on insanity, but it works.

Erica Goros

Quotes About Coping Strategies #499286
#21. It sounded somewhat doom-laden, so I felt obliged to look it up more thoroughly, in case I should eat some chocolate rather quickly.

Carol Anne Dobson

Quotes About Coping Strategies #472161
#22. The greatest help you will ever have in this life is the Holy Ghost! Cultivate him as a friend and constant companion.

Barbara W. Winder

Quotes About Coping Strategies #443476
#23. Noble failure atones for the impossibility of resisting progress successfully.

Richard Appignanesi

Quotes About Coping Strategies #360012
#24. Every star that lights up the sky, every bee pollinating the flowers, every pet asking for a treat exposes us to energy that echoes throughout our universe.

Celeste Cooper

Quotes About Coping Strategies #247030
#25. Everyone needs fudge, Hildy. It's how God helps us cope.

Joan Bauer

Quotes About Coping Strategies #245634
#26. Helen devises plans to become a monster herself.

Ekaterina Sedia

Quotes About Coping Strategies #226994
#27. By the time the clock had moved past midnight on Christmas 1993, they finally clicked the last piece into place: Angola, nestled between Zaire and Namibia and bordering the vast lapping Atlantic. Then, having succeeded in putting the world back together, they went to bed.

Jessie Ann Foley

Quotes About Coping Strategies #214247
#28. Ultimately, culture, secular and otherwise, is a collection of survival strategies. The things that look like decoration - poetry, novels, music, dancing - if you strip away all the layers, are mechanisms for coping, surviving, understanding.

Ben Fountain

Quotes About Coping Strategies #163629
#29. There are many things in life that can help you to cope with emotions that have a habit of bringing you down. Just always remember; help comes in all forms, and not necessarily only from people.

Martin R. Lemieux

Quotes About Coping Strategies #154370
#30. Girls are genius at getting through sexual abuse. Often the only way to get through is not to feel. And that is exactly what these fantasy worlds allow: They give girls a place to go so they don't have to be present in their violated bodies. Brilliant.

Patti Feuereisen

Quotes About Coping Strategies #23505

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