Top 26 Quotes About Content Strategy

#1. The role of the CMS is not simply to shuffle and store packets of information. Its primary role is to help your content strategy succeed

Kristina Halvorson

Quotes About Content Strategy #1705288
#2. I have great tenants. They've all become my friends. They call me and say, 'Hey Kev, we've got a drip!'

Kevin Dillon

Quotes About Content Strategy #687413
#3. As there was never any question there was never any answer.

Gertrude Stein

Quotes About Content Strategy #1833747
#4. High-quality web content that's useful, usable, and enjoyable is one of the greatest competitive advantages you can create for yourself online.

Kristina Halvorson

Quotes About Content Strategy #1539661
#5. Creating great content that educates and informs is always the best marketing strategy.

David Meerman Scott

Quotes About Content Strategy #1462913
#6. Hail to thee, blithe spirit! Bird thou never wert.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Quotes About Content Strategy #1436363
#7. I'm super-obsessed with 'Intervention.' I wrote a song about it.

Margaret Cho

Quotes About Content Strategy #1343973
#8. Quality, relevant content can't be spotted by an algorithm. You can't subscribe to it. You need people - actual human beings - to create or curate it.

Kristina Halvorson

Quotes About Content Strategy #1327988
#9. In my experience, the content strategist is a rare breed who's often willing and able to embrace whatever role is necessary to deliver on the promise of useful, useable content.

Kristina Halvorson

Quotes About Content Strategy #1161313
#10. We're doing some very exciting, bold things, pioneering content on mobile and for broadband, ... My vision is to say, as we take the strategy forward, we are doing it to deliver public remit. We're thinking less and less about C4 and more about the brand family.

Tim Duncan

Quotes About Content Strategy #1158199
#11. If you're asking yourself who the content is for, it's already too late to make an impact.

Dane Brookes

Quotes About Content Strategy #915309
#12. Babelgum has no ties to individual content owners and distributors, and as a result our editorial strategy is primarily 'user-centric.' That strategy ensures the platform satisfies the needs of a potentially infinite number of niche audiences around the world.

Silvio Scaglia

Quotes About Content Strategy #870251
#13. A superficial education would be worse than none. But a full education would open every man's eyes to the nature of human existence.

Gore Vidal

Quotes About Content Strategy #857029
#14. I wanted to be a soldier. Someone who would earn standing in Winter. Someone Sir would look at with pride. Someone Mather would look at and -

Sara Raasch

Quotes About Content Strategy #847678
#15. Parts exist only for purposes of figuring and describing, and as we figure the world out we become confused if we do not remember this all the time.

Alan Watts

Quotes About Content Strategy #668560
#16. Genius is nothing more than an extraordinary manifestation of the body.

Arthur Cravan

Quotes About Content Strategy #667146
#17. She wasn't a courtesan, nor an intellectual, nor the mother of a family - she was nothing at all. And

Francoise Sagan

Quotes About Content Strategy #636286
#18. Tyndall, ... I must remain plain Michael Faraday to the last; and let me now tell you, that if accepted the honour which the Royal Society desires to confer upon me, I would not answer for the integrity of my intellect for a single year.

Michael Faraday

Quotes About Content Strategy #632892
#19. We believe that the best Web content optimization strategy is something as old as journalism itself: the shocking truth and the authentic opinion.

Nick Denton

Quotes About Content Strategy #573132
#20. The most pernicious of absurdities is that weak, blind, stupid faith is better than the constant practice of every human virtue.

Walter Savage Landor

Quotes About Content Strategy #553029
#21. None of the questions was what I expected. Most of them were esoteric thought experiments, 'How would you turn Pride and Prejudice into a video game?' and 'If you added a button to Pac-Man, what would you want it to do?' Conundrums like 'How come when Mario jumps he can change direction in midair?

Austin Grossman

Quotes About Content Strategy #468403
#22. Your style guide is your most loyal brand protector.

Dane Brookes

Quotes About Content Strategy #380758
#23. I hardly ever so longed to live to God and to be altigether devoted to Him. i want to wear out my life in His service, and for His Glory!!

David Brainerd

Quotes About Content Strategy #331142
#24. Habit is necessary to give power.

William Hazlitt

Quotes About Content Strategy #307641
#25. Good content should be at the heart of your strategy, but it is equally important to keep the display context of that content in mind as well.

Tim Frick

Quotes About Content Strategy #285338
#26. Words Have The Power To Change Us

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Content Strategy #89210

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