Top 11 Quotes About Christian Couples

#1. The love, loyalty, and dedication of Mary and Joseph are an example for all Christian couples, who are neither the friends nor masters of their children's lives, but the guardians of this incomparable gift from God.

Pope Benedict XVI

Quotes About Christian Couples #699350
#2. Marriage is a long-lasting friendship.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Christian Couples #200745
#3. No matter; God wants Man, whom he has created and in whose heart he has so profoundly entrenched a love for life, to do all he can to preserve an existence that is sometimes so painful, but always so dear to him.

Alexandre Dumas

Quotes About Christian Couples #259172
#4. It has taken countless hours of prayer, study, conversation and emotional turmoil to bring me to the place where I am finally ready to call for the full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the Church.

Tony Campolo

Quotes About Christian Couples #422683
#5. Being "married for a mission" can revitalize a lot of marriages in which the partners think they suffer from a lack of compatibility; my suspicion is that many of these couples actually suffer from a lack of purpose.

Gary L. Thomas

Quotes About Christian Couples #666276
#6. Study yourself the way a hunter studied prey. Exploit your own weaknesses to create desired changes within yourself.

Grant Morrison

Quotes About Christian Couples #738459
#7. My heart's desire is to be recognised in Nigeria.


Quotes About Christian Couples #928929
#8. Couples often live out years of falsehood trying to protect and save a relationship, all the while destroying any chance of real relationship.

Henry Cloud

Quotes About Christian Couples #982147
#9. Be kind to everyone; forgive everyone everything.

Dharma Mittra

Quotes About Christian Couples #1212308
#10. Love your soul mate with all your heart and body.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Christian Couples #1597571
#11. You come to me and it's my job to make you look the best you can look. From an image point of view, would I prefer to dress Jude Law instead of Rolf Harris? Of course. But it's my job to make them both look great.

Ozwald Boateng

Quotes About Christian Couples #1605657

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