Top 100 Quotes About Chaos

#1. Maybe that's why we used to get along so well - we both enjoyed lounging around in our own chaos.

Heidi R. Kling

Quotes About Chaos #1642125
#2. Chaos is Peace ... Blackness, blackness intolerable, before the beginning of the light. This is the first verse of Genesis. Holy art thou, Chaos, Chaos, Eternity, all contradictions in terms!

Aleister Crowley

Quotes About Chaos #1600345
#3. It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order.

Douglas R. Hofstadter

Quotes About Chaos #1601659
#4. Creativity is born of chaos, even if it is somewhat difficult to glimpse the possibilities in the midst of the confusion.

Charles Handy

Quotes About Chaos #1602075
#5. Just look at your mind for a few minutes. You will see that it is like a flea, constantly hopping to and fro. You will see that thoughts arise without any reason, without any connection. Swept along by the chaos of every moment, we are the victims of the fickleness of our mind.

Sogyal Rinpoche

Quotes About Chaos #1602419
#6. The Pentacle - The ancients envisioned their world in two halves - masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos.

Dan Brown

Quotes About Chaos #1602437
#7. I am perfect. I don't have to be perfect the first time. I'm a Goddess, a child of chaos. I get infinite replays, and I'm the editor, so only the ones I like are allowed into the final edition.

Callie Press

Quotes About Chaos #1603646
#8. We are living in an era in which billions of people are grappling to promote communication, tolerance, and understanding over the more destructive forces of war, terrorism, and political chaos that have characterized the beginning of the 21st Century.


Quotes About Chaos #1604084
#9. I didn't say anything; I could find no words that would express the swirled chaos of emotions inside me. So I just watched him go right out the door.

J.M. Richards

Quotes About Chaos #1604597
#10. Stars lookin at our planet watching entropy and pain
And maybe start to wonder how the chaos in our lives could pass as sane
I've been thinking bout the meaning of resistance, of a hope beyond my own
And suddenly the infinite and penitent begin to look like home


Quotes About Chaos #1604696
#11. Worry is a prayer to chaos

Gabrielle Bernstein

Quotes About Chaos #1607676
#12. Painting is the passage from the chaos of the emotions to the order of the possible.


Quotes About Chaos #1608902
#13. If one man can be allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny. Legal process is an essential part of the democratic process.

Felix Frankfurter

Quotes About Chaos #1608946
#14. Everything is contingent, and there is also chaos.

Spalding Gray

Quotes About Chaos #1611450
#15. My favorite play in drama school was 'The Bacchae.' It's about a king who literally gets eaten alive by all the women in the play in a kind of orgy - it's related to the word 'bacchanal' - and I loved that idea of animalistic chaos and following our own desires.

Hugh Jackman

Quotes About Chaos #1613685
#16. The real heroes are those who rebuild their lives using adversity as a stepping stone to greatness in the midst of the chaos life has thrown at them.

Nikki Rowe

Quotes About Chaos #1615687
#17. Kid Chaos : "Yes, ma'am".

Tara Janzen

Quotes About Chaos #1616542
#18. In some nations day broke after a long night, but it is clouded with chaos and corruption.

Vinita Kinra

Quotes About Chaos #1616801
#19. Order arise from chaos.

Ilya Prigogine

Quotes About Chaos #1617742
#20. He looked down at me, all sincere and open and with that chaos hair in his eyes and I wanted and didn't want and I had to say something.

Michelle Hodkin

Quotes About Chaos #1617807
#21. Learn to bring peace into life to still the chaos. Accentuate the joy of your heart, experiencing a life of bliss.

Steven Redhead

Quotes About Chaos #1618923
#22. I struggle if I have chaos around me, but at the same time, if I don't have it, I'm uncomfortable. It's a strange thing: If I don't have chaos, I create it.

Sam Taylor-Wood

Quotes About Chaos #1619429
#23. When you strive for greatness, chaos is guaranteed to show up.

Gary Keller

Quotes About Chaos #1619985
#24. Chaos is the law of nature, order is the dream of man ...


Quotes About Chaos #1620175
#25. Even at midnight the city groans in the heat. We have had no rain for quite a while. The traffic sounds below ride the night air in waves of trigonometry, the cosine of a siren, the tangent of a sigh, a system, an axis, a logic to this chaos, yes.

Lorrie Moore

Quotes About Chaos #1620828
#26. He didn't care about the others anymore. The chaos around him seemed to siphon away his humanity, turn him into an animal. All he wanted was to survive, make it to that building, get inside. Live. Gain another day.

James Dashner

Quotes About Chaos #1621096
#27. You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order - order out of chaos. But we will.

George W. Bush

Quotes About Chaos #1621382
#28. Just like in the eye of the storm there is always comfort within the chaos. Becoming aware of this however, is your responsibility.

Gary Hopkins

Quotes About Chaos #1621486
#29. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes.

Carlos Barrios

Quotes About Chaos #1622058
#30. Forgotten rimes, and college themes, Worm-eaten plans, and embryo schemes; A mass of heterogeneous matter. A chaos dark, nor land nor water.

Anna Letitia Barbauld

Quotes About Chaos #1622121
#31. There is no greater feeling than hanging out with my dogs, or just walking around the land with our horses. My rescue ranch is is where I feel the most at peace and where I'm reminded of the simple things in life and let the chaos of my crazy work life fade away.

Kelly Clarkson

Quotes About Chaos #1622333
#32. But Nakata wasn't afraid of the darkness or how deep it was. And why should he be? That bottomless world of darkness, that weighty silence and chaos, was an old friend, a part of him already.

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About Chaos #1624019
#33. I believe in love and lust and sex and romance. I don't want everything to add up to some perfect equation. I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion and heat and sweat and madness. I want valenties and cupids and all of that crap. I WANT IT ALL

Barbra Streisand

Quotes About Chaos #1624596
#34. Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I'm an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair.

Heath Ledger

Quotes About Chaos #1625873
#35. I think in the '70s that there was a general feeling of chaos, a feeling that the idea of the '60s as 'ideal' was a misnomer. Nothing seemed ideal anymore. Everything seemed in-between.

David Bowie

Quotes About Chaos #1627740
#36. The merchant increases the speed of the city. The musician slows it down. The merchant intensifies the urban stress, the noise, the chaos. The musician makes you slow down, find your center. This holds true in all cities and countries.

Nicos Hadjicostis

Quotes About Chaos #1630304
#37. We put up with a lot to be saved from chaos. We always have.

Elizabeth Janeway

Quotes About Chaos #1630869
#38. Writers seek to create order out of the chaos of everyday life, and to extract meaning from both the tragic and the mundane

Hope Edelman

Quotes About Chaos #1631450
#39. He knew that for all his admission of Chaos he would be better able to do what he wished in a world ordered by some degree of Law. The

Michael Moorcock

Quotes About Chaos #1631629
#40. It is sheer hell in this house. I would have to be quite a writer to describe it properly. Anyhow, I sprang from the chaos and it is my business to pull myself out of it.

Etty Hillesum

Quotes About Chaos #1632169
#41. Our most fundamental spiritual experiences consist on experiences of risk, fear and chances that make us jump from a cliff of emotional turmoil and into a chaos of excitement. It's precisely the potential for disappointment, pain and total annihilation that make them so spiritual.

Robin Sacredfire

Quotes About Chaos #1636751
#42. There is so much chaos and dysfunction going on with the federal government that Dallas can't wait any longer for federal help.

Laura Miller

Quotes About Chaos #1637704
#43. Without a filter, a man is just chaos walking.

Patrick Ness

Quotes About Chaos #1638220
#44. The consequences of a collapse would not be pretty. Whichever country precipitated it - Germany by threatening to abandon the euro, or Greece or Spain by actually doing so - would trigger economic chaos and incur its neighbours' wrath.

Barry Eichengreen

Quotes About Chaos #1638232
#45. The Empire is in chaos. As the old order crumbles, the fledgling New Republic seeks a swift end to the galactic conflict. Many Imperial leaders have fled from their posts, hoping to escape justice in the farthest corners of known space.

Chuck Wendig

Quotes About Chaos #1638320
#46. From 2002 to the end of his presidency, George W. Bush routinely was accused by the Left of 'creating chaos:' chaos in Iraq, chaos in Afghanistan, chaos in the Muslim world, chaos among our allies.

Monica Crowley

Quotes About Chaos #1638395
#47. Change without continuity is chaos. Continuity without change is sloth-and very risky.

Max De Pree

Quotes About Chaos #1639263
#48. We make sense of the world intentionally. Faced with chaos, we seek or make the familiar, and build up the world with it. Babies do it, we all do it; we filter out most of what our senses report.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Quotes About Chaos #1639905
#49. Before the beginning of brilliance, there must be great chaos. Before a brilliant person begins something great, they must look foolish in the crowd.


Quotes About Chaos #1641112
#50. All knitterly creation stems from one simple element: yarn. It is the baker's flour, the jeweler's gold, the gardener's soil. Yarn is creation, consolation, and chaos all spun together into one perfect ball.

Clara Parkes

Quotes About Chaos #1641754
#51. In the middle of the night, I saw chaos bleeding out of darkness and peace. Everything that was said and seen before seemed like a paradox. I saw the graves of lies breaking open and the truth crawling out silently into the cold hearts.

Akshay Vasu

Quotes About Chaos #1660509
#52. A great deal of chaos in the world occurs because people don't appreciate themselves. Having never developed sympathy or gentleness toward themselves, they cannot experience harmony or peace within themselves, and therefore, what they project to others is also inharmonious and confused.

Chogyam Trungpa

Quotes About Chaos #1682735
#53. Leaders seem to have a high tolerance for ambiguity. Recognizing that the brain does not work in a completely linear fashion, leaders demonstrate a comfort with the chaos of exploding ideas, many of them seemingly unrelated to the stimulus that caused them.

Marlene Caroselli

Quotes About Chaos #1681190
#54. Now I'm a glorified bureaucrat holding on by my fingernails as we all slide into super-powered chaos. A voice of reason in a world gone mad.

Matt Kindt

Quotes About Chaos #1681078
#55. The moon by day the sun by night, deaf woman, blind men, jackdaw fool, let the lord of Chaos rule.

Robert Jordan

Quotes About Chaos #1680715
#56. remember, there's no such thing as perfect anything. You make your own future out of the chaos life hands you. Life is a giant slot machine, and honey, God only gives you so many pulls.

Miranda Liasson

Quotes About Chaos #1679609
#57. You are a labyrinth of chaos where I yearn to wander forever.

Remesh R.

Quotes About Chaos #1679205
#58. Oh to let go of it all ... The pain, the anguish, the shame and disgust ... Just let it all go. Embrace chaos.

Pippa DaCosta

Quotes About Chaos #1679178
#59. Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.

Steve Martin

Quotes About Chaos #1678149
#60. Chaos exists only in the moment. But Fate knows all. Every action and reaction. Since everything is destined, nothing is random ... Chaos is only an illusion.

B.C. Sirrom

Quotes About Chaos #1676834
#61. I was vaguely attracted to both library science and accounting, for the way that these disciplines impose order on chaos.

Kathleen Norris

Quotes About Chaos #1675204
#62. I am Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle. Keep a civil tongue in your head or lose it

Sarah Rees Brennan

Quotes About Chaos #1674974
#63. Menshikov wants to see the old gold swallowed by Apophis. He wants to see the world plunged into darkness and chaos. He is quite insane.
[great response, I know. But what do you say to a story like that?]

Rick Riordan

Quotes About Chaos #1671055
#64. Many coping strategies have a Zen simplicity. Instead of resolving chaos, find beauty and happiness amid chaos. I am reminded of a friend who said that when she found out her husband couldn't fill her needs, she changed her needs;

Andrew Solomon

Quotes About Chaos #1670733
#65. There is so much each one of us can do to make a difference. We are at a dangerous juncture in the history of mankind ... We need to defend our principles and values, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of international law. If we don't our world will further descend into a state of chaos.

Bianca Jagger

Quotes About Chaos #1670548
#66. And beneath the chaos of the moment, Denise becomes aware of a painful truth about herself: she is never as deeply in love with a man as she is in the moment he leaves her.

Jonathan Tropper

Quotes About Chaos #1669341
#67. The only antidote to chaos is peace itself.

Marianne Williamson

Quotes About Chaos #1668060
#68. What's beautiful about art is that it circumscribes a space, a physical and mental space. If you try to put the entire world into every page, you turn out chaos.

Jonathan Lethem

Quotes About Chaos #1666838
#69. The controlled chaos is one way to get creativity. The intensity of it, the physical rush, the intimacy created the kind of dialogue that leads to synergy.

Richard Holbrooke

Quotes About Chaos #1664591
#70. Having too much of anything results in chaos, confusion and clutter.

Geralin Thomas

Quotes About Chaos #1663158
#71. CALL REMOVED A small circle of oily pepperoni from his slice of pizza and slid his hand under the table. Immediately, he felt a wash of Havoc's wet tongue as the Chaos-ridden wolf inhaled the food.

Holly Black

Quotes About Chaos #1662658
#72. I'm pro-life, in the sense that chaos seems like life to me and order seems like death.

Bonnie Jo Campbell

Quotes About Chaos #1662515
#73. If you cannot reconcile the difference between the elite that stay behind the scene and the right of the people, that's going to be forever chaos. It's time to compromise, to allow more democracy. Those who are stay behind the scenes must hand off and observe the law.

Thaksin Shinawatra

Quotes About Chaos #1662033
#74. The truth is sealed.
Life goes on.
Till one day, history changed ...
Like thief in the night,
aliens invade human.
Chaos happens prior to the new order of coexistence.
The truth is sealed.
Life goes on.
Till one day, history changed.

Toba Beta

Quotes About Chaos #1661776
#75. You need to know the characters as living, breathing people before you start the plot; otherwise, you'll feel panic, anarchy and chaos.

Deborah Moggach

Quotes About Chaos #1661624
#76. Most people go, I wish for world peace. But chaos has a place in balancing out the light and the dark in the world. I don't know if I would wish for world peace.

Brendan Fraser

Quotes About Chaos #1651666
#77. Let storms rage
In the world outside;
Fires rise from hell
Stay, beloved,
From here to eternity,
Should chaos consume us
Or death annihilate us.

Sreesha Divakaran

Quotes About Chaos #1642495
#78. He died without cutting his nails, she said accusingly, as if I was responsible for that ill luck, and it was bad fortune indeed because now the grim things of the underworld would use Ivar's nails to build the ship that would bring chaos at the world's end.

Bernard Cornwell

Quotes About Chaos #1643142
#79. In the end it's up to you - it's about what you see, it's about what you are looking for. If you're expecting Chaos, then you will see chaos, if you're expecting to make money then you will find ways to make money. But you need to be clear about your thoughts.

Osayi Emokpae Lasisi

Quotes About Chaos #1644984
#80. Ponder this the next time your world goes from calm to chaos ... . Jesus knows how you feel.

Max Lucado

Quotes About Chaos #1648348
#81. The world is only one poor harvest away from chaos. We are so close to the edge that politically destabilising food prices could come at any time

Robert Zoellick

Quotes About Chaos #1648967
#82. when the end came and there was initial chaos and rampant starvation, people learned all too well that you could not rely on stuff. You needed friends. A dead phone provided no companionship; an empty house no comfort. The latest fashions provided no food, but you could always eat a close friend.

Benjamin Wallace

Quotes About Chaos #1649011
#83. Anyone who was alive during the outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 14th century experienced something terrifyingly close to the widespread death and chaos of an apocalyptic event.

Alan Huffman

Quotes About Chaos #1649998
#84. But behind all the beauty lies madness and chaos.

Tanner Walling

Quotes About Chaos #1650116
#85. Never underestimate the totality of chaos and betrayal that comes through currency debasement.

James Cook

Quotes About Chaos #1650886
#86. Re-forming after the chaos," I said, remembering Raquel's words. "Choosing what we'll do with how things are now, who we'll be in this new world where the only magic left is what we make ourselves.

Kiersten White

Quotes About Chaos #1651360
#87. War is the most readily available form of chaos.

Frank Herbert

Quotes About Chaos #1651581
#88. If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in the struggle, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Quotes About Chaos #1651609
#89. Black chaos comes, and the fettered gods of the earth say, Let there be light.

Thomas Hardy

Quotes About Chaos #1657744
#90. Chaos is an ocean," Alexandra Nueva said. "It ebbs and flows and sometimes it rises to destroy those who build their lives beside it. But if you're clever and determined, you just might find a way to hold back the tide.

Christopher Golden

Quotes About Chaos #1660489
#91. Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don't let them take you ALIVE.

Sid Vicious

Quotes About Chaos #1659609
#92. Chaos will come and I will be its master.

Leigh Bardugo

Quotes About Chaos #1658582
#93. To the newcomer who has not learned its language, a large city is a chaos of details, a vast Woolworths store of differently colored, simlarly priced objects.

Jonathan Raban

Quotes About Chaos #1657800
#94. Chaos happens. Let's make better use of it.

Edward Tenner

Quotes About Chaos #1657750
#95. Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.

Henry Adams

Quotes About Chaos #1654237
#96. Our culture is in moral chaos. On TV we celebrate freaks instead of honest, decent people.

Kathie Lee Gifford

Quotes About Chaos #1652485
#97. Eros has degenerated; he began by introducing order and harmony, and now he brings back chaos.

George Eliot

Quotes About Chaos #1653441
#98. Writing helps me to create order out of chaos and make sense of things. It helps me to understand what I've experienced, what I've felt and seen, so it becomes a little easier to handle. On the other hand, I don't want it to be just a cathartic experience, an outpouring of grief or whatever it is.

Miriam Toews

Quotes About Chaos #1600281
#99. All children find chaos congenial. Any unruliness, even by nature, advances the child's program of subverting authority.

George Will

Quotes About Chaos #1655920
#100. All his life he has avoided permanent intimacy. Till this war he has been a better lover than husband. He has been a man who slips away, in the way lovers leave chaos, the way thieves leave reduced houses.

Michael Ondaatje

Quotes About Chaos #1656561

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