Top 78 Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man

#1. I look upon the whole world as my fatherland, & every war has to me the horror od a family feud. I look upon the true patriotism as the brotherhood of man & the service to of all to all. The only fighting that saves is the one that helps the world toward liberty, justice & an abundant life for all.

Helen Keller

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1434202
#2. I believe in the brotherhood of man, not merely the brotherhood of white men but the brotherhood of all men before law.

Harry S. Truman

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #808031
#3. Only God can break down the national and racial barriers that divide men today. Only God can supply that love that we must have for our fellowman. We will never build brotherhood of man upon earth until we are believers in Christ Jesus.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1168233
#4. A smile or a tear has not nationality; joy and sorrow speak alike to all nations, and they, above all the confusion of tongues, proclaim the brotherhood of man

Frederick Douglass

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1208753
#5. If there were no God the Father, there could be no brotherhood of man.

Russell Kirk

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1266064
#6. The principle of the brotherhood of man is narcissistic ... for the grounds for that love have always been the assumption that we ought to realize that we are the same the whole world over.

Germaine Greer

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1305973
#7. The underlying principle of Masonry is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. In this war we are engaging in upholding these principles and our enemies are attacking them.

William Howard Taft

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1424432
#8. In our plain defects we already know the brotherhood of man.

Christopher Fry

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1432386
#9. Develop the feeling of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God.

Sathya Sai Baba

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1433838
#10. In all my travels the thing that has impressed me the most is the universal brotherhood of man-what there is of it.

Mark Twain

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #99752
#11. You cannot further the Brotherhood of Man by encouraging class hatred.

J. Paul Getty

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1495778
#12. Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people Sharing all the world.

John Lennon

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1664366
#13. Through realization of freedom of India, I hope to realize and carry on the mission of brotherhood of man.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1814879
#14. Its unadulterated belief in the oneness of God and a practical application of the truth of the brotherhood of man for those who are nominally within its fold are two distinctive contributions of Islam.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1842781
#15. Right knows no boundaries, and justice no frontiers; the brotherhood of man is not a domestic institution.

Learned Hand

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1858005
#16. The founders of the great world religions, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Lao-Tzu, Mohammed, all seem to have striven for a worldwide brotherhood of man; but none of them could develop institutions which would include the enemy, the unbeliever.

Geoffrey Gorer

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1861584
#17. As long as man loves a phantom in the sky more than he loves his fellow man, there will never be peace upon this earth; so long as man worships a Tyrant as the "Fatherhood of God," there will never be a "Brotherhood of Man.

Joseph Lewis

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #94897
#18. The ideal of brotherhood of man, the building of the Just City, is one that cannot be discarded without lifelong feelings of disappointment and loss. But, if we are to live in the real world, discard it we must.

Kingsley Amis

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #760426
#19. Our doctrine of equality and liberty and humanity comes from our belief in the brotherhood of man, through the fatherhood of God.

Calvin Coolidge

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #778346
#20. I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don't believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn't know how to return the treatment

Malcolm X

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #136408
#21. The brotherhood of man is not a mere poet's dream: it is a most depressing and humiliating reality.

Oscar Wilde

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #152189
#22. If you embark on a project as magnificent in concept as the brotherhood of man, it is foolish not to anticipate difficulties of proportionate magnificence.

Margaret Halsey

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #278605
#23. Trying to build the brotherhood of man without the fatherhood of God is like trying to make a wheel without a hub.

Irene Dunne

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #341405
#24. I cannot forget that the Nobel Prize for Peace was also a commission - a commission to work harder than I had ever worked before for "the brotherhood of man".

Martin Luther King Jr.

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #347932
#25. The brotherhood of man is evoked by particular men according to their circumstances. But it seldom extends to all men. In the name of our freedom and our brotherhood we are prepared to blow up the other half of mankind and to be blown up in our turn.

R.D. Laing

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #370006
#26. If you really believe in the brotherhood of man, and you want to come into its fold, you've got to let everyone else in, too.

Oscar Hammerstein II

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #445300
#27. The brotherhood of man is an integral part of Christianity no less than the Fatherhood of God; and to deny the one is no less infidel than to deny the other.

Lyman Abbott

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #533098
#28. If I have any desire at all, it is to show the brotherhood of man.

William, Saroyan

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #564081
#29. Develop a sense of the brotherhood of man. Look upon each person as your own brother. There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. All of us belong to the human race, so everyone is equal. Therefore, love each one equally.

Sathya Sai Baba

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #619084
#30. The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession.

Mark Twain

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #647118
#31. If you truly believe in the brotherhood of man, then you must believe that blacks are just as capable of being racists as whites are.

Thomas Sowell

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #684510
#32. What is the essence of theosophy? It is the fact that man, being himself divine, can know the divinity whose life he shares. As an inevitable corollary to this supreme truth comes the fact of the brotherhood of man.

Annie Besant

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #701110
#33. I have always held those political opinions which point to the universal brotherhood of man, no matter in what rank of life he may have taken his origin.

Alexander Mackenzie

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #449666
#34. I know, up on top you are seeing great sights, but down here at the bottom we, too, should have rights.

Dr. Seuss

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1152770
#35. I had the assassins of the former president of Egypt, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was with me in prison, the leaders of my own former group Hizb ut-Tahrir were with me in prison and so by the time I was released at the age of 28, I wasn't the man who went in at 24.

Maajid Nawaz

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1150833
#36. Brotherhood" to the more civilised is connected with training and identity of interest.' Man

Idries Shah

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1071712
#37. For Star Trek proves, as faulty as individual episodes could be, is that the much-maligned common man and common woman has an enormous hunger for brotherhood. They are ready for the twenty-third century now, and they are light-years ahead of their petty governments and their visionless leaders.

Gene Roddenberry

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1028454
#38. No man can be an exile if he remembers that all the world is one city.

C.S. Lewis

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #990129
#39. There is no Them. There are only facets of Us.

John Green

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #754953
#40. To preach of peace and brotherhood, oh what might be the cost? A man he did it long ago, and they hung him on a cross.

Bob Dylan

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #714619
#41. I hate Science. It denies a man's responsibility for his own deeds, abolishes the brotherhood that springs from God's fatherhood. It is a hectoring, dictating expertise, which makes the least lovable of the Church Fathers seem liberal by contrast.

Basil Bunting

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #685392
#42. We can either walk the highroad of brotherhood or the low road of man's inhumanity to man.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #683684
#43. We men and women are all in the same boat, upon a stormy sea. We owe to each other a terrible and tragic loyalty.

G.K. Chesterton

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #674120
#44. A man who piously shuts himself up to meditate upon the sin of wickedness and to keep it fresh in his mind joins a brotherhood of awful examples.

Ambrose Bierce

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #649505
#45. Sometimes, I look outside, and I think that a lot of other people have seen this snow before. Just like I think that a lot of other people have read those books before. And listened to those songs.
I wonder how they feel tonight.

Stephen Chbosky

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1183116
#46. We love and lose in China,
we weep on England's moors,
and laugh and moan in Guinea,
and thrive on Spanish shores.
We seek success in Finland,
are born and die in Maine.
In minor ways we differ,
in major we're the same.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1318986
#47. I find out of long experience that I admire all nations and hate all governments

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1387819
#48. Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.

Thomas Paine

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1405918
#49. During times of disaster sorrow brings people together in a spirit of friendship, and influences man to recognize the blessings of becoming his brother's keeper.

Napoleon Hill

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1414137
#50. [May] the olive of peace and brotherhood be embraced by the white man and the black, and their children, approached in feeling and education, gradually blend into one their blood and their hue.

Frances Wright

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1469021
#51. If you have two shirts in your closet, one belongs to you and the other to the man with no shirt.

Ambrose Of Milan

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1570936
#52. When man to man shall be friend and brother.

Gerald Massey

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1684806
#53. The free man must be born before freedom can be won, and the brotherly man must be born before full brotherhood can be won. It will come into being only if we build it out of our very muscle and bone - by trying to act it out.

Barbara Deming

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1744962
#54. Those eerie diamond eyes shifted over to her and she stilled, as if he's willed her to do so.
There was a moment of silence. And then in a rough voice the man whose life she saved spoke four words that changed everything ... changed her life, changed her destiny: She. Comes. With. Me.

J.R. Ward

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1749562
#55. It is for man to establish the reign of liberty in the midst of the world of the given. To gain the supreme victory, it is necessary, for one thing, that by and through their natural differentiation men and women unequivocally affirm their brotherhood.

Simone De Beauvoir

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #1757146
#56. The love of a man for a woman waxes and wanes like the moon, but the love of brother for brother is steadfast as the stars and endures like the word of the prophet.

P.C. Wren

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #277922
#57. A low capacity for getting along with those near us often goes hand in hand with a high receptivity to the idea of the brotherhood of men.

Eric Hoffer

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #6048
#58. Of a truth, men are mystically united: a mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one.

Thomas Carlyle

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #59182
#59. 'What is the Unpardonable Sin' asked the lime-burner 'It is a sin that grew within my own breast', replied Ethan Brand 'The sin of an intellect that triumphed over the sense of brotherhood with man and reverence for God'.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #59931
#60. The more man knows of man, the better for the common brotherhood among men.

Charles Dickens

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #86006
#61. Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival.

Carlos P. Romulo

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #118830
#62. She regarded books as the emblems of secret brotherhood. A man with this sort of library couldn't possibly hurt her.

Milan Kundera

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #139273
#63. An enlightened society is one where all people - the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the black and the white, men and women - live happily as children of the same Lord. Thus experiencing the brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God.

Pandurang Shastri Athavale

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #142993
#64. Fuck the lot of you and your hypocritical bullshit. You sit around spouting brotherhood. You don't know the first thing about being a brother. Or being a man. Because a real man sure as hell would never have disrespected a woman the way each and everyone of you have disrespected Maysie.

A Meredith Walters

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #185689
#65. The great city can teach something that no university by itself can altogether impart: a vivid sense of the largeness of human brotherhood, a vivid sense of man's increasing obligation to man; a vivid sense of our absolute dependence on one another.

Seth Low

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #232103
#66. A good choreographer is one that's going to collaborate, teach, guide - everything. The wonderful thing on 'Brotherhood of the Wolf' was that we had Philip Kwok - he choreographed John Woo's 'Hard Boiled,' and in the '70s, he was a martial arts actor, stunt man, fighter, choreographer in Hong Kong.

Mark Dacascos

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #234893
#67. To pray together, in whatever tongue or ritual, is the most tender brotherhood of hope and sympathy that man can contract in this life.

Madame De Stael

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #254964
#68. He who is different from me does not impoverish me - he enriches me. Our unity is constituted in something higher than ourselves - in Man ... For no man seeks to hear his own echo, or to find his reflection in the glass.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #590403
#69. Wisdom is finding the path that is best for all - considering the options, the positives and the negatives - and having the courage to change what must be changed for the sake of the entire world.

Laurence Overmire

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #319860
#70. She was losing it. Needing to harden, hating that she was out of control and sloppy, she punched the leather. He needed to apologize. He needed to stop the fucking car and kiss her. She had to slap him. Eve didn't realize how badly she'd been craving this man.

Debra Anastasia

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #320911
#71. Try to understand men. If you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and almost always leads to love.

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #345252
#72. Remember that every man is a variation of yourself

William, Saroyan

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #422741
#73. One of these days, you're going to realize that your sister doesn't need a man who follows the rules. There are too many rules and only one of her. Keep your brotherhood of left-handed do-gooders, Marshall. Your sister needs a man who is actually sinister.

Courtney Milan

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #426131
#74. I am not in favor of caste, nor separation of the brotherhood of mankind, and would as willingly live among white men as Black, if I had equal possession and enjoyment of privileges, but I shall never be reconciled living among them subservient to their will.

Martin Delany

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #527681
#75. On ladies' nights they watch frozen-faced while their men embrace and fool about commenting to each other that they are all overgrown boys. Of the love of fellows they know nothing. They cannot love each other in this easy, innocent, spontaneous way because they cannot love themselves.

Germaine Greer

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #532825
#76. I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.

Harper Lee

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #541164
#77. If he lost her now, he'd not be able to live. He would drive off a cliff - maybe the same one the fucker who shot her did. And then he'd be able to spend his time in hell beating the fuck out of the man who'd hurt Eve.

Debra Anastasia

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #588313
#78. And so the man who called to her was simultaneously a stranger and a member of the secret brotherhood. He called to her in a kind voice, and Tereza felt her soul rushing up to the surface through her blood vessels.

Milan Kundera

Quotes About Brotherhood Of Man #588560

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