Top 15 Quotes About Broken Spirits

#1. Even with tortured minds and broken spirits, even bound to the Surface, they ached for God's presence. It would be like being drawn back into the womb. It would be rest. It was the only real redemption there was.

Vicki Pettersson

Quotes About Broken Spirits #615104
#2. Some of you guys must have real jobs - office jobs. Anybody? By a show of broken spirits.

Christian Finnegan

Quotes About Broken Spirits #733222
#3. and exactly twenty-one feet from the ground. From there it fell about nine feet, culminating in a perfect hangman's knot, one that Seth had undoubtedly worked on for some time. The noose was straight from the textbook with thirteen

John Grisham

Quotes About Broken Spirits #256832
#4. The cars we drive say a lot about us.

Alexandra Paul

Quotes About Broken Spirits #326490
#5. Sharper than a serpent's tooth is a daughter's ingratitude. Still, the proudest spirits can be broken, with love.

Neil Gaiman

Quotes About Broken Spirits #410827
#6. (speaking of insecurity)
"It's broken greater spirits than ours, and robbed the world of God knows how much beauty. I've seen it happen more times than I like to think about."
"$10,000 A Year, Easy

Kurt Vonnegut

Quotes About Broken Spirits #460246
#7. I see people whose spirits are not broken, who continue to work for justice. That makes me feel alive, when I witness their work, and then I witness some of their dreams come to fruition.

Emily Saliers

Quotes About Broken Spirits #572819
#8. People only tell lies when the truth is disagreeable to them, or frightens them, or to cover sin.

Anne Perry

Quotes About Broken Spirits #962152
#9. Once in a great while lips meet and two spirits merge for a time and the universe is right and complete and the planets wheel in their proper places. Once in a while the lonely, broken spirit of man is healed and made whole. For a while his quest is over and his questions are answered.

Robert A. Heinlein

Quotes About Broken Spirits #981067
#10. Forgive me, Cassie, but Jonas Marsden is hardly an example of well-adjusted behavior!

Karen Chance

Quotes About Broken Spirits #1179893
#11. The Force tries to resist the callings of ravenous spirits; therefore it must be broken and made a beast of burden. It must be made to answer to one's will.

James Luceno

Quotes About Broken Spirits #1226813
#12. I am impressed when music matters, when genres are broken, when spirits are lifted, when people make a difference, and when people are true to themselves.

Nelly Furtado

Quotes About Broken Spirits #1257476
#13. The world is full of broken people. Splints, casts, miracle drugs, and time can't mend fractured hearts, wounded hearts, wounded minds, torn spirits.

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Broken Spirits #1293387
#14. She has no taste left to her and this makes it easier for me.
The color of her where she is inside is enough to make me kill her.

Jenny Holzer

Quotes About Broken Spirits #1455511
#15. Adults had the notion that juveniles needed to suffer. Only when they had suffered enough to wipe out most of their naturally joyous spirits and innocence were they staid enough to be considered mature. An adult was essentially a broken-down child.

Piers Anthony

Quotes About Broken Spirits #1791458

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