Top 42 Quotes About British Politics
#1. British politics, as the world knows, is a joke. Yet it's rarely funny.
#2. I think this is what we must not lose sight of, present a confident, positive and optimistic platform for our country's future in which this Party appeals to the centre ground of British politics.
Nicky Morgan
#3. I've committed myself to serve my constituents in South Shields and I have committed myself to British politics.
David Miliband
#4. It is not polite for a Russian to interfere in British politics.
Alexander Lebedev
#5. If there is any emergence of a fourth party in British politics, it is the task of the Liberal Party to strangle it at birth.
Cyril Smith
#6. It's my view that human dignity - an attribute which for years has been taken by the Left in British politics - resides in fact in Tory values of independence, individuality and self determination.
Maurice Saatchi
#7. That this occurred at the launch of the report into the Labour Party's recent troubles with antisemitism shows how deep the sickness is in parts of left of British politics today.
Jonathan Sacks
#8. He made an enormous contribution to British politics in opposition and in government [on Robin Cook]
John Prescott
#9. The Commons is one of the most depressing and intellectually unstimulating places in the country. [On the state of British politics
Clare Short
#10. It is no longer acceptable in British politics to be fat or eccentric or religious.
Ian Hislop
#11. The Conservatives do not want to go into an election with the leaders' relative ratings as they are - but it is depressing to hear that plans are afoot to paint Miliband as the Michael Dukakis of British politics: part of a metropolitan elite with no understanding of mainstream concerns.
Michael Ashcroft
#12. What is it that unites, on the left of British politics, George Orwell, Billy Bragg, Gordon Brown and myself? An understanding that identity and a sense of belonging need to be linked to our commitment to nationhood and a modern form of patriotism.
David Blunkett
#14. Any criticism of Thatcher throws a dangerously absurd light on the entire machinery of British politics. Thatcher's name must be protected, not because of all the wrong that she had done, but because the people around her allowed her to do it.
#15. I am totally in favour of reform - but it must be reform that changes the nature of British politics, not simply the makeup or operation of parliament.
David Blunkett
#16. British politics is more nuanced. Part of the problem with New Labour is that they are a moving target.
Rory Bremner
#17. Short of being prime minister there isn't a better job in British politics than running London.
Ken Livingstone
#18. I'm highly political. I spend an awful lot of time in the U.S. trying to influence decision-makers. But I don't feel in tune with British politics.
Jane Goodall
#19. Seattle is a liberal city, its politics not so much blue (in the American, not the British, sense) as deep ultramarine, and its manners are studiously polite.
Jonathan Raban
#20. British Conservatives base their entire approach to politics on the rule of law, and rightly so.
William Randolph Hearst
#21. The British people rejected politics as usual and government as usual. They want and need a new approach to running this country.
Michael Gove
#22. The British could leave and half India wouldn't notice us leaving just as they didn't notice us arriving. All our reforms of administration might be reforms on the moon for all it has to do with them..
J.G. Farrell
#23. The French have a new president, the British will soon have a new P.M., and we envy them as we endure the endless wait for this small dim man to go back to Texas and resume his life.
Garrison Keillor
#24. The Beatles' story is all of our stories. It is about how the youth culture emerged, the drug culture emerged, how politics rose to the fore as a universal debate. It's about rebellion, it's about the growth of the British entertainment system, the growth of the rock n' roll entertainment system.
Bob Spitz
#26. King Louis Philippe once said to me that he attributed the great success of the British nation in political life to their talking politics after dinner.
Benjamin Disraeli
#27. The British Empire passed quickly and with less humiliation than its French and Dutch counterparts, but decades later, the vicious politics of partition still seems to define India and Pakistan.
Pankaj Mishra
#28. I am completely opposed to the British National Party; I couldn't possibly support people who find fluorescent yellow flyers appealing.
Robert Clark
#29. The British political system and the whole clapped out Westminster architecture, and the language that we use about politics, it's completely unsustainable. You either decide to be part of that transition to do something different. Or you cling to old certainties.
Nick Clegg
#30. Barbara Castle was a hero to millions of British women. She inspired a new generation of women to become active in Labour politics, including, of course Labour's deputy leader, Harriet Harman.
Patricia Hewitt
#31. (John F.) Kennedy was an elitist and not a populist. He was enthralled by a certain British aristocratic view of politics in which an enlightened ruling class makes reasoned, rational decisions that are in the interest of the more emotional and easily manipulated masses.
Scott Farris
#32. The Russian action in Chechnya could be likened to the British Army reducing Edinburgh to rubble and expelling a couple of million Scottish people in response to a unilateral declaration of independence by Scotland
Amjad M. Jaimoukha
#33. I do think British and American politics rhyme. They go in cycles. They go in Thatcher-Reagan cycles, Blair-Clinton cycles.
David Brooks
#34. And what is the reaction of the British politcal class? Well the Lib Dems, still think that the Euro is a success! I don't quiet think where Cleggy gets this from, I don't know. Prehaps he is cosidering an alternative career, as a stand up comedian, once he's out of politics.
Nigel Farage
#35. What I hope is in five years' time, I can go to the British people in the election and say: Lots of you doubted that coalition politics worked, but it has worked.
Nick Clegg
#36. In five hundred years' time, to the historian writing the Decline and Fall of the British Empire, this little episode would not exist. There will be plenty of other causes. You and me and poor Jones will not even figure in a footnote. It will be all economics, politics, battles.
Graham Greene
#37. Overall his period in office can only be characterised as a decade of missed opportunities in which the hopes of the British people for a new kind of politics were shattered [on Tony Blair]
Menzies Campbell
#38. There's a tradition in British intellectual life of mocking any non-political force that gets involved in politics, especially within the sphere of the arts and the theatre.
Harold Pinter
#39. Basically, I have no place in organized politics. By coming to the British Parliament, I've allowed the people to sacrifice me at the top and let go the more effective job I should be doing at the bottom.
Bernadette Devlin
#40. I'd like that translated if I may.
British Prime Minster Harold Macmillan
on Nikita Khruschev's shoe banging at the UN General Assembly on 29th September 1960
Harold Macmillan
#41. I'd like to apologise to the British people for the state our politics is in.
Anna Soubry
#42. Mr. Jones's book is a cleareyed examination of the British class system, and it poses this brutal question: 'How has hatred of working-class people become so socially acceptable?' His timely answers combine wit, left-wing politics and outrage.
Dwight Garner
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