Top 29 Quotes About Blessed Hands

#1. O Thou Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, what Thou bearest in Thy blessed hands and feet I cannot bear; take it all away. Hide me in the depths of Thy suffering love, mold me to the image of Thy divine passion.

Horace Bushnell

Quotes About Blessed Hands #776663
#2. I have blessed hands. I got my hands blessed by the priest, and I am able to give out Holy Communion at Mass. It is lovely to be part of it.

Sarah Bolger

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1038576
#3. A blessed hands touches sand and it becomes gold and a curse hand touches gold and it become sand.
with Jesus Christ in you,you are blessed.

Peter Irabor

Quotes About Blessed Hands #602303
#4. Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with a grateful hand.


Quotes About Blessed Hands #1873597
#5. If in madness of delusion, anyone shall lift his parricidal hand against this blessed union, the arms of thousands will be raised to save it, and the curse of millions will fall upon the head which may have plotted its destruction.

Andrew Jackson

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1868628
#6. Why hang about in long drawn out fights, you want them to be over as quick as possible and I was blessed with a pitiless punch that sorted the men out from the boys. The only drawback to having such a vicious punch is that my hands have been broken so many times over the years.

Stephen Richards

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1820984
#7. And blessed are the horny hands of toil.

James Russell Lowell

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1738225
#8. Secret to what?"
"Secret to shutting you up," he said. "I just have to beat you till you're half-dead, then give you chicken soup and"
he raised his hands
"blessed silence.

Ilona Andrews

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1706253
#9. There are those who struggle every day with challenges. Let us extend to them our concern, as well as a helping hand. As we care for each other, we will be blessed.

Thomas S. Monson

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1675915
#10. When our hands have touched spices, they give fragrance to all they handle. Let us make our prayers pass through the hands of the Blessed Virgin. She will make them fragrant.

John Vianney

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1613121
#11. It is not a matter of how many loaves we have in our hands, but whether or not God has blessed them.

Watchman Nee

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1547967
#12. Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them

Peter Of Alcantara

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1483036
#13. Do not be fearful. Be humble and feel blessed. You are always in God's Hands.

Paul Stefaniak

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1390210
#14. On this one long, blessed night we refused to worry, allowing only hopes and dreams for the future of the human race, held in the miniscule hands of these newborns.

A.B. Shepherd

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1346973
#15. I try to keep my feet on the ground. Even though I appreciate the fame and adoration, I remember once I used to pick cotton, and I felt like even then I was somebody. I have the same feet, hands and heart like everyone else. I'm just also blessed with a good voice.

Charley Pride

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1323564
#16. How important it is to ascertain the will of God, before we undertake anything, because we are then not only blessed in our own souls, but also the work of our hands will prosper.

George Muller

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1172656
#17. Even an ordinary broken chord is made to disclose rare beauties; we are reminded of the fairies' hazelnuts in which diamonds were concealed but you could break the shell only if your hands were blessed.

Neville Cardus

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1149268
#18. I believe in Michelangelo, Velasquez, and Rembrandt; in the might of design, the mystery of color, the redemption of all things by Beauty everlasting, and the message of Art that has made these hands blessed. Amen. Amen.

George Bernard Shaw

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1143070
#19. I had no idea that all the things in my career were going to happen. I sure didn't see it. I just know the good Lord blessed me with ability, blessed me with good eyesight and a good pair of hands, and then I worked at the rest.

Tony Gwynn

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1080201
#20. Our Redeemer ever present in the most Blessed Sacrament, extends His hands to everyone. He opens His heart and says, 'Come to Me, all of you.'

Raphael Kalinowski

Quotes About Blessed Hands #1043937
#21. The soul that has learned the blessed secret of seeing God's hand in all that concerns it, cannot be a prey to fear, it looks beyond all second causes, straight into the heart and will of God, and rests content, because He rules.

Susannah Spurgeon

Quotes About Blessed Hands #891164
#22. Blessed are those who eat greens, for they shall keep their teeth. Blessed are those who wash their hands after wiping their arses, for they shall not sicken. Blessed are those who boil water, for they shall be called saviors of mankind.

Diana Gabaldon

Quotes About Blessed Hands #803807
#23. In God's hands, the ingredients of our lives will always work out ultimately for our good and, even better, for His eternal purposes.

Elizabeth George

Quotes About Blessed Hands #697347
#24. Could he hold up a hand, tell them he had spent a thousand years learning this trick and others, tell them of the guns and the blood that had blessed them? Not with his mouth. But his hands could speak their own tale.

Stephen King

Quotes About Blessed Hands #520301
#25. The fact that they viewed their wealth as a result of their own hands, without any honor other than lip service being given to the god that had blessed them, gave perfect openings to the liars slithering up their legs.

Lee Goff

Quotes About Blessed Hands #373664
#26. South Africa is blessed to have women and men like yourselves who have little to give but give what you have with open hands and open hearts.

Mangosuthu Buthelezi

Quotes About Blessed Hands #129040
#27. I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Quotes About Blessed Hands #122422
#28. When you give a feast, do not invite your friends or your rich neighbors, in case they might invite you in return, and you would be repaid," she said, gazing down at her hands on the bar. "Invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.

Gary Whitta

Quotes About Blessed Hands #40904
#29. The one who reigns must die,
At the hands of she born last,
And the last will make the first,
When the bastard twins are one,
And blessed be the newborn King,
For Charyn will be barren no more.

Melina Marchetta

Quotes About Blessed Hands #14786

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