Top 17 Quotes About Biblical Leadership

#1. you cannot "save" a church without focusing on the important things that make it a church - scriptural authority, biblical leadership, teaching and preaching, ordinances, covenant community, and mission.

Ed Stetzer

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #978711
#2. The truth is, we like to talk over our disasters, because they are ours; and others like to listen, because they are not theirs.

Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1057202
#3. A person like me ... isn't even worth the tip of a toe. I can't even compare to half.

Jung Yoon-sung

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1607197
#4. There's only two things you can start without a plan: a riot and a family, for everything else you need a plan.

Groucho Marx

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1428185
#5. The biblical preacher talks about the poor man's wisdom that saved a city but he was immediately forgotten. A poverty of ideas, contributions, uniqueness or influence, will overshadow the visibility of good potential. Keep those ideas flowing and you will not be forgotten.

Archibald Marwizi

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1372129
#6. My confidence can come back very quickly.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1325042
#7. Source of national strength. By providing leadership, guidance, restraint, security, and values, the family unit promotes the greatness of the nation. Should the family fail in these responsibilities, the nation will suffer as a result.

John Eidsmoe

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1312835
#8. Because you are young and free and one with the jungle. You are mortal, but instead of clinging to the hope of immortality, you embrace each day, one at a time, and never worry about tomorrow.

Jessica Khoury

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1288092
#9. Dear child, there are few problems in life which kindness and common sense cannot make simple and manageable.

Mary Burchell

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1274872
#10. The aim and the result of faithful, fruitful, and fulfilling service is to make God famous.

Don Cousins

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #1176455
#11. When your vision is a biblical vision, the people arguing with it are not arguing with you. They are arguing with God.

Matthew Carter

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #922446
#12. They couldn't have known that slowly, year by year, the ocean's water would ingest a people's fury so completely that hurricanes would come each season and claim lives in recompense for Africans gone overboard.

Daniel Black

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #427789
#13. Do what comes into your life and do it well ... Be polite without groveling. If you are ever afraid of anything, do not deny it, but behave as if you feared nothing.

Anna Lee

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #405002
#14. Make sure your vision is biblical. You want to make sure you can defend the vision biblically.

Matthew Carter

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #333406
#15. We cannot afford to forget any experience, not even the most painful.

Dag Hammarskjold

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #251115
#16. Leadership is a Western virtue; submission is a biblical virtue.

Brandon J. O'Brien

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #158329
#17. I've never read Joseph Campbell, and I don't know all that much about story archetypes.

Christopher Nolan

Quotes About Biblical Leadership #113273

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