Top 48 Quotes About Adventure And Discovery

#1. The roadmap to a rich, rewarding life is to follow your passion, to be willing to deviate, to never dull to the dawn of a new day and all of the possibilities it holds for adventure and discovery.

Toni Sorenson

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #935199
#2. I think the desire for adventure and discovery is the essence by which our souls have been woven. It is as if we all might be browsers by nature, and we not even for a moment cease to surprise and wonder about the things around us.

Paola Sanjinez

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1412101
#3. What is even more important than developing intuition is cultivating the sense of adventure and discovery in life.

Akemi G

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #634044
#4. in all the vastness of the world, the deepest adventure is not of war or mortal danger, but of heart, of soul, of the infinite discovery of a beloved other.

A.S. Peterson

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #944734
#5. If there is passion, let me feel its heat.
I want my heart to beat fast,
my breath raspy, my skin to burn.

Susie Clevenger

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1852948
#6. It is like a voyage of discovery into unknown lands, seeking not for new territory but for new knowledge. It should appeal to those with a good sense of adventure.

Frederick Sanger

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #987880
#7. So travel for me is an act of discovery and of responsibility as well a grand adventure and a constant liberation.

Pico Iyer

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1077157
#8. I've made it my mission to discover that which is off the beaten track. Somewhere in the undergrowth of the impossible.

Fennel Hudson

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1167781
#9. Adventure is the seed of discovery.

Alex Walker

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1194137
#10. To learn a new language is, therefore, always a sort of spiritual adventure; it is like a journey of discovery in which we find a new world.

Ernst Cassirer

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1240373
#11. Try me. I'm always in the mood for something else.

Marty Rubin

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1326122
#12. I finally felt myself lifted definitively away on the winds of adventure toward worlds I envisaged would be stranger than they were, into situations I imagined would be much more normal than they turned out to be.

Ernesto Che Guevara

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1370841
#13. Explore new adventures.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1384560
#14. When it was time to board my flight, I took one last glance back. I knew that I had everything with me so it was not a "make sure I have everything" glance. It was more like a parting glance to Philadelphia, my home, America- for I would not be coming back for ten months. (Ch 5- Twenty in Paris)

Andrea Bouchaud

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1387722
#15. We go to the mountain for enlightenment, for self-realization, for adventure, for discovery. It's pregnant with meaning. When people see a mountain, they invest it with meaning. Not plot. Not character.

Joe Rohde

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1391659
#16. As I looked out at the glittering waters of the Pacific I was seeing for Carl. He knew that it's not for any one generation to see the completed picture. That's the point. The picture is never completed. There is always so much more that remains to be discovered.

Ann Druyan

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1414324
#17. I was much more into romance as a teenager and it's been a kind of new discovery for me to learn about sci-fi adventure. I think it's a really interesting genre and it's all about imagination. It's boundless what you can do in these stories.

Olivia Wilde

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1415517
#18. This is the great adventure and the great discovery. No one can do it for us. Until we have reached the top of the mountain we cannot see in full glory the view that lies beyond; but glimpses of light illumine our path to the mountain.

Juan Mascaro

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1420699
#19. Bioenergetics is an adventure in self-discovery. It differs from similar explorations into the nature of the self by attempting to understand the human personality in terms of the human body. Most previous explorations focused their investigations on the mind.

Alexander Lowen

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1435382
#20. An eternity of wisdom and life lies waiting for discovery by those who are willing to embark on the mystical adventure. All of our resources are within us. All we need is our heart, our mind and the will to be something better than we are.

Kim Chestney

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1517750
#21. You don't just read a book to find adventure. You read a book to find yourself.

C.E. Dimond

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1558897
#22. The charm of a woodland road lies not only in its beauty but in anticipation. Around each bend may be a discovery, an adventure.

Dale Rex Coman

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1814172
#23. Libraries are starting places for the adventure of learning that can go on whatever one's vocation and location in life. Reading is an adventure like that of discovery itself. Libraries are our base camp.

James H. Billington

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1831998
#24. Hope the voyage is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.

Constantine P. Cavafy

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1841853
#25. I want MIT to be the dream of every child who wants to grow up to make the world a better place. We need to reach those young explorers and bring them with us on the great adventure of discovery and innovation.

Susan Hockfield

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #1847789
#26. When it comes down to it, it's pretty simple. Adventure is what you make it. And whether it's the travel, the discovery or just the feeling of letting go, the only way we'll ever find out is to get out there and do it. Enjoy the ride.

Travis Rice

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #399200
#27. There's no self-expression or joy in these joints
no springboard to self-discovery, or adventure, like any decent night out involving men, women, alcohol, and taking your clothes off. Why do many people have a gut reaction to strip clubs? Because inside them, no one is having fun.

Caitlin Moran

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #46500
#28. Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don't know you're having one until you're right in the middle of it.

E.A. Bucchianeri

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #85999
#29. The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes. The only adventure that is doomed from the start is the one we do not attempt.

Paul-Emile Victor

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #96702
#30. For me, the kitchen is the most special room in the house. It's a place for adventure - not drudgery, but discovery, sharing and showing off with friends, trying new ideas.

Ted Allen

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #128211
#31. To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one's self ... And to venture in the highest is precisely to be conscious of one's self.

Soren Kierkegaard

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #213160
#32. We feel safe on familiar ground, the tried and tested, the accepted, the so-called 'normal', but life is meant to be experienced and explored, to be a journey of self-discovery and adventure.

Carole Carlton

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #271934
#33. Life will be your treasure box, filled with the sparkle of laughter, the gleam of adventure, the shine of discovery, the flash of magic. And through all these jewels streams the steady glow of love.

Nora Roberts

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #295552
#34. NASA projects often have romantic names that link into a long history of exploration and adventure: Atlantis and Discovery, for example.

Hanna Rosin

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #356333
#35. Science is the most exciting and sustained enterprise of discovery in the history of our species. It is the great adventure of our time. We live today in an era of discovery that far outshadows the discoveries of the New World five hundred years ago.

Michael Crichton

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #356537
#36. I know I am planning to visit a "land" that is not entirely foreign, only foreign to me. As an adventurer, I am on a journey that I believe will last me my whole life. A new relationship, discovery, or awareness excites me.

Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #376613
#37. When I started doing chemistry, I did it the way I fished - for the excitement, the discovery, the adventure, for going after the most elusive catch imaginable in uncharted seas.

Karl Barry Sharpless

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #377770
#38. The longest voyage of discovery, the boldest adventure in the records of our race, had begun.

Stefan Zweig

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #912464
#39. Adventure can be an end in itself. Self-discovery is the secret ingredient ...

Grace Lichtenstein

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #430208
#40. Love is an adventure and a conquest. It survives and develops, like the universe itself, only by perpetual discovery.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #478966
#41. Our ability to discover new experiences exists outside of who we are in the Box.

Heidi Reagan

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #482064
#42. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.

Evelyn Dunbar

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #517930
#43. It's the unknown that draws people.

E.A. Bucchianeri

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #605391
#44. War is hell, but that's not the half of it, because war is also mystery and terror and adventure and courage and discovery and holiness and pity and despair and longing and love. War is nasty; war is fun. War is thrilling; war is drudgery. War makes you a man; war makes you dead.

Tim O'Brien

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #683631
#45. The journey toward self-discovery is life's greatest adventure.

Arianna Huffington

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #686291
#46. History belongs to the dead... Discovery belongs to the Living.

(Professor Alistair Dawkins)

Samuel L. Norman

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #737358
#47. Out of Africa, there is always something new.

Pliny The Elder

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #749816
#48. If you would stick to the concrete, and put your discoveries in the form of entertaining anecdotes about your adventures with women, your conversation would be easier to follow.

George Bernard Shaw

Quotes About Adventure And Discovery #759183

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