Top 33 Quotes About Addiction To Technology

#1. This sense of entitlement contributes mightily to sloppiness, to low incentive, to boredom, to bad choices, to instant gratification, to constant demands for more, and to all kinds of addictions (including the addiction to technology).

Richard Eyre

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1451581
#2. Out here on the water, it's a fine line between feeling in control and losing it altogether.

Laurie Nadel

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1304209
#3. Life without a phone is riskier, lonelier, more vivid.

Eloisa James

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1073288
#4. A legacy rises to become culture only when its elements are so common that they no longer attract comment - not because people have lost interest, but because people cannot imagine a world without them.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1084621
#5. Addiction is to the habits of mind that technology allows us to practice.

Sherry Turkle

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1096728
#6. It is not necessary to conceal anything from a public insensible to contradiction and narcotized by technological diversions.

Neil Postman

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1168505
#7. I remember my melancholy was intolerable; I felt inclined to cry; I sat and wondered and wondered uncomfortably; the consciousness that everything was strange weighed terribly upon me; I could understand that it was all foreign and strange.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1179375
#8. I have more awareness of other people and, I hope, more sensitivity to their needs. I also find that I'm more direct and outspoken.

Christopher Reeve

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1239806
#9. The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.

Esther Dyson

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1284486
#10. The threads of many beliefs can run side by side; from time to time they tangle, and mesh into a stronger rope.

Juliet Marillier

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #941957
#11. We live during a time in which some shoppers shiver all Thanksgiving night only to trample one another to death in a sunrise race through the electronics store to buy gaming consoles that allow them to create avatars of themselves.

Joe Dilley

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1346332
#12. People addicted with technology.
Technology has indulged mankind.
Beware of technology dependency!

Toba Beta

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1492555
#13. So, your kids must love the iPad?" I asked Mr. [Steve] Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company's first tablet was just hitting the shelves. "They haven't used it," he told me. "We limit how much technology our kids use at home."
(Nytimes article, Sept. 10, 2014)

Nick Bilton

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1507894
#14. Yep, it's revolutionary. We made a new I pad at twice the price and half the size , and durability. Also, if you break it, it's okay. We'll have six more models by next month

Jack Wynn

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1601395
#15. The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1706222
#16. Technology is a queer thing. It brings you gifts with one hand, and stabs you in the back with the other.

C.P. Snow

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1724126
#17. I am interested in costume. Clothes in your daily life are important: your choices say something about you, even if what they're saying is about non-choice. And what you wear in a film is crucial.

Clemence Poesy

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1815013
#18. The almost biological certainty that the more often you checked your cell phone, the more likely you were to find that one wondrous message or notification that would improve your entire life.

Courtney Maum

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #1002467
#19. It was one thing to use computers as a tool, quite another to let them do your thinking for you.

Tom Clancy

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #839761
#20. The latest technologies are often sexy, but beware of solutions that vendors dress up like trollops, unless you're looking for a one-night stand.

Stephen Few

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #821443
#21. The amount of control you have over somebody if you can monitor internet activity is amazing.

Tim Berners-Lee

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #688549
#22. So that's the telephone? They ring, and you run.

Edgar Degas

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #634900
#23. Every social association that is not face-to-face is injurious to your health

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #500560
#24. We visual communicators have so much good to share: rather than sharing our chemical and style addictions, we could be using our professional skills to help communicate health information, conflict resolution, democracy, technology.

David Berman

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #495392
#25. There are few times that I feel more at peace, more in tune, more Zen, if you will, than when I force myself to unplug.

Harlan Coben

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #488100
#26. What magnetic force draws us to scenes of pain, and words that wound us? You have seen this, I told myself as I marched along to that apartment. You have seen this already, you've lived through this, spare yourself

Andrew Sean Greer

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #457214
#27. In real estate, many investors love triple net leases. With NNN's investors receive income without the expenses of taxes, repairs and insurance. The tenant covers these costs.

Robert Kiyosaki

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #406328
#28. Just once I want it to be easy and neat. But no, there is never a good decision. I pick what I can live with.

Ilona Andrews

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #375211
#29. Chocolate always makes everything better, don't you think?

Elizabeth Camden

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #303316
#30. It takes one a long time to become young. - Picasso

Patsy Asuncion

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #276079
#31. Sometimes I think it is because we remember when we could smoke in pubs, and that we pull our phones out together as once we pulled out our cigarette packets. But probably it's because we are easily bored.

Neil Gaiman

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #210768
#32. We have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil ... The best way to break this addiction is through technology

George W. Bush

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #181024
#33. These days we have Smartphones, Smartcars, Smartboards, Smarteverything, but consider this: if technology is getting smarter, does that mean humans are getting dumber?

Rebecca McNutt

Quotes About Addiction To Technology #87519

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