Top 45 Quotes About A Fantastic Day

#1. I'm a very strange painter. I don't wake up one day and say, 'God, isn't this a fantastic day, I'd better get out and paint!' I think my father's more that way, because he's very fast.

Jamie Wyeth

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #479091
#2. Fantastic days are what you wish upon those who have so few sunrises left, those whose lungs are so lesion-spangled with new cancer that they should be embracing as much life as they can. Time's a-wasting, go out and have yourself a fantastic day! Fantastic days are for goners.

David Rakoff

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #44923
#3. They shouldn't call anything a boot camp unless you're going off to war. Standup boot camp has been a fantastic thing, for the people putting it on. They keep you out in the woods and won't let you come back until you're funny. Lenny Bruce came up with his Religions Inc. bit on a day hike.

Andy Kindler

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #820632
#4. It was strange to think that one day I might have my own stack of yellowed photos to show skeptical grandchildren - and my own fantastic stories to share.

Ransom Riggs

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1875313
#5. Analog was perfected over 70 years, though. Digital will one day be fantastic. I'm sure of it.

John Vanderslice

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #879372
#6. Great touch is often written off simply as 'talent,' which is crucial, because a good swing can take a golfer only so far. I've seen thousands of fantastic swings in my day, but that doesn't guarantee anything.

Arnold Palmer

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #886958
#7. We have a very loyal fan base, the kind tat buys the record the day it comes out, sees every show, and that's fantastic, but what about the people who would never hear about our band?

Pat Mastelotto

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #905410
#8. People are still very uncomfortable with the idea that humans are not specially created species. I believe we are a fantastic species. But we are not created specially. That's very hard for people to accept in their day-to-day routine.

Greg Graffin

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #917159
#9. It is fantastic to think that one day we may be able to access fuel, materials and even water in space instead of digging deeper and deeper into our planet for what we need and then dragging it all up into orbit, against Earth's gravity.

Rusty Schweickart

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1022140
#10. Photography's central role is to be the absolute medium of the day. It is fantastic that there is no longer any technical intimidation.

Martin Parr

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1045925
#11. I have always watched the Race of Champions on TV every year and dreamed about participating one day. It's fantastic to be invited; I'm so happy. To represent Team Germany together with Michael Schumacher is a great honor.

Sebastian Vettel

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1290988
#12. At work, we have fantastic catering people. They feed the cast and crew all day, and they're sensitive to the needs of picky vegetarians like me. They have delicious salads. I keep mine simple: romaine lettuce, avocado, baked tofu, carrots, tomatoes and Asian dressing.

Lisa Edelstein

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1434014
#13. When's the last time you really thought about what you eat, how much you move throughout the day, whether or not you feel fantastic when you get up in the morning, and which shoes keep your feet comfortable?

David Agus

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1434230
#14. I love the practicality of a good car. You know what I mean? And when I say 'practicality,' I mean the complete practicality of a Ferrari 458, a wonderfully fantastic every day car.

Hunter Hayes

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1451623
#15. He encouraged me by spending afternoons at my side hunched over maps of the world, plotting imaginary expeditions with trails of red pushpins and telling me about the fantastic places I would discover one day.

Ransom Riggs

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1575043
#16. At the Tour, you always have some fantastic days and some days where you hit the asphalt. Today was an asphalt day for me,

Jens Voigt

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1600557
#17. Every time you get told you get a part, it's just wonderfully soothing and incredibly fantastic and healing. You have a bad day at school, you come home and get told you've got a part in something, and it's just like, 'Yeah, it's all worth it'.

Charlie Rowe

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1629176
#18. The money, the fame, if that comes, that's fantastic. But at the end of the day, my aim is to go to sleep at night content and have a purpose, and to know that I'm not swapping my life for money and some mind-numbing boring job, making easy money and protecting my brain.

Mark De Mori

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1671072
#19. It's always a great day going to work with Ginnifer Goodwin; she's a fantastic actress and I learn so much from her.

Josh Dallas

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1674981
#20. Back in those days I was stoned almost twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The difference today is that there is nothing you or anyone else could say to persuade me to inhale enough even to fill a flea's lung with cannabis. It's actually impossible to measure how fantastic I feel.

Chris Sullivan

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1680338
#21. You get crushes on people. You have to see them every day in that week. They're a fantastic person, and it could be a man or a woman.

Jennifer Saunders

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1715017
#22. Dreams have never been this hot! Pleasures of the Night sizzles as a romance, enthralls as a paranormal, and captivates with a fantastic cast of characters. I didn't want the 'night' to end!

Susan Grant

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1783698
#23. To sit down at a computer every day and write a script is commendable. I don't have the patience for it, but I have some fantastic ideas.

Shiloh Fernandez

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #1844155
#24. On my actual 16th birthday, on the actual day, I went home and I had chicken korma and Peshwari naan bread and pilau rice, and that was fantastic.

Maisie Williams

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #496597
#25. Although the villagers rose with the sun to work the fields, attend to the animals, bake their bread, and begin their long list of chores, for me, Leya Truelong, this was a day like no other. Today, Wren River was touched by the fantastic.

Desiccate by Bonnie Ferrante

Bonnie Ferrante

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #6623
#26. I have a full Tuscan lunch and dinner every day in my home; my husband's a fantastic chef.

Debi Mazar

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #15339
#27. To this day, when I say that I went to the American Academy, people are very impressed. The reputation of the school has always been fantastic.

Don Rickles

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #38931
#28. The president is the cube of ice one places in the pot of a houseplant, providing a steady amount of nourishment over the course of a hot day. A good description of the job and also a fantastic bit of practical household advice.

Abraham Lincoln

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #82363
#29. For he had acquired, as time went on, the firm conviction that any thought, even the most audacious, that any fiction, even the most insane, can one day materialize and see its fulfillment in space and time.

Stefan Grabinski

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #84926
#30. Making films can be absolutely fantastic, but it can also be incredibly dull. You spend the whole day sitting by yourself in your trailer and then you get called to deliver one sentence - then you're told to come back and do it again at 5:30 the following morning.

Kristin Scott Thomas

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #113998
#31. I love my films. I have stacks and stacks of DVDs. I put 'Last of the Mohicans' on the other day with Daniel Day-Lewis. It hurts me to say it because he's a Millwall fan, but I think he's fantastic.

Alvin Martin

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #174850
#32. There are a lot of composers who were fantastic, but I challenge them to write a record that you could play five times a day for two months on the radio, songs that people will want to dance to on a Saturday night.

Robert Wyatt

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #322953
#33. I just can't believe that there won't come a day when people won't be fed-up with being overfed. That they won't get fed-up with the self-deception that all this fantastic food is the whole point of life.

Gudrun Ensslin

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #398460
#34. It might sound fantastic, but when we bother to look, it's hard to deny that our day-to-day choices shape the world.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #437358
#35. I think fan conventions are the epitome of what is fantastic about the internet. And probably why they've become so much more popular in the last several years. You're never weird when you're surrounded by people who are weird like you, right?

Felicia Day

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #816863
#36. When you're in a soap, it's fantastic, and I'm really grateful for the fans who watch you and support you. For me, it was the best experience because I was able to act every day and work with so many different directors and get some great storylines and learn on-screen.

Emma Rigby

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #534967
#37. But she remained more or less and ideal character, about whose form he began to weave curious and fantastic day-dreams.

Thomas Hardy

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #548751
#38. I use the PhotoReady Foundation almost every day, and their lip glosses are fantastic.

Olivia Wilde

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #550445
#39. A fantastic positive ATTITUDE makes a great day! SMILE!

Mary D. Bradford

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #588726
#40. Finally, it is no longer completely fantastic to think that a day may come when not the executioners alone will deny the inalienable rights of men, but when even the victims will not be able to say why it is that they are suffering injustice.

Josef Pieper

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #620381
#41. I think that the day you've figured out the differences between women and men is the day that you're no longer attracted to women. It's the difference that is so fantastic and frustrating and angering, and really sexy.

Kiefer Sutherland

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #653181
#42. One can imagine a sane, healthy, cheerful human society based on no more than the principles of common sense, as validated each day by work, play, and living experience. But this remains the most utopian and fantastic of ideals.

Edward Abbey

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #665493
#43. It was fantastic to be on the set again with Denzel (Washington) and Antoine (Fuqua) and then to have the situation be so different. We weren't making a sequel to Training Day. We were in the middle of the desert riding around on some horses.

Ethan Hawke

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #670276
#44. I was on 'Murder She Wrote' with Angela Lansbury. She was fantastic ... she was lovely to everyone, she was always on time, prepared. Whereas when I worked with Bob Hope, he didn't know his lines. He had to have these huge big cards ... he hardly said two words to me all day.

Jane Badler

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #677294
#45. I before E except after C. Weird?
By rebelling against the rules the word itself denotes its very meaning: of strange or extraordinary character, odd, fantastic.
I think all writers are weird.

Day Parker

Quotes About A Fantastic Day #759207

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