Top 24 Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes

#1. An investment operation is one that can be justified on both qualitative and quantitative grounds.

Benjamin Graham

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1093360
#2. Like qualitative and quantitative research, historical references, and subject matter interviews - help UX designers to discover unique problems for a specific set of target customers.


Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1308515
#3. Digital analytics is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from your business and the competition to drive a continual improvement of the online experience that your customers and potential customers have which translates to your desired outcomes (both online and offline).


Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1785014
#4. A painstaking course in qualitative and quantitative analysis by John Wing gave me an appreciation of the need for, and beauty of, accurate measurement.

Paul D. Boyer

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #888594
#5. After the wada is complete, we shall use it ourselves. We shall live, move and play there, embrace each other and be happy.

Jaya Wahi

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1827769
#6. Creative professionals know the importance of quantitative goals and how they can lead to qualitative results.

Josh Tyler

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1754530
#7. You may have heard the world is made up of atoms and molecules, but it's really made up of stories. When you sit with an individual that's been here, you can give quantitative data a qualitative overlay.

William Turner

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1607162
#8. You need to marry the qualitative with the quantitative. It better informs us so we can decide what to do. We can't be afraid of data and analysis. We have to use that lens.

Nathan Shedroff

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1495074
#9. Our goal is to create a beloved community and
this will require a qualitative change in our souls
as well as a quantitative change in our lives.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1476818
#10. qualitative change is only produced by long-term quantitative accumulation.

Liu Cixin

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1216795
#11. Every day I'm thinking about change.

Miuccia Prada

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1163055
#12. The person that I most admire is Jesus Christ. He is the only perfect Person. There is simply no comparison. The difference between Him and all other men is not merely quantitative, but qualitative. He is in a category all to Himself.

Paul Washer

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1153397
#13. In international affairs, you never threaten things you're not prepared to do.

Sandy Berger

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1075483
#14. The quantitative factors lend themselves far better to thoroughgoing analysis than do the qualitative factors. The former are fewer in number, more easily obtainable, and much better suited to the forming of definite and dependable conclusions.

Benjamin Graham

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #1059181
#15. When our environment changes we change, and this combination of transformative deeds create a synergistic effect. Seemingly, insignificant and imperceptible quantitative changes can eventfully lead to fundamental qualitative changes in the way a group of people function as a society.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #982896
#16. Quantitative methods are no more synonymous with objectivity than qualitative methods are synonymous with subjectivity.

Mike Patton

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #934186
#17. As every bookie knows instinctively, a number such as reliability - a qualitative rather than a quantitative measure - is needed to make the valuation of information practically useful.

Hans Christian Von Baeyer

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #837841
#18. It is when we go beyond instinct that we seem most idiosyncratically human. Perhaps, as Darwin suggested, the difference is one of degree rather than kind; it is quantitative, not qualitative.

Matt Ridley

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #818506
#19. Increase could be qualitative or quantitative

Sunday Adelaja

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #674584
#20. The New Testament picks up from the Old the theme that God intends, in the end, to put the whole creation to rights.

N. T. Wright

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #568731
#21. When you're an investor, you can look at the quantitative and qualitative elements of an investment, but there's a third aspect: What you feel in your gut.

Kevin O'Leary

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #443866
#22. To find one's calling is perhaps not the easiest thing in the world, but probably the most important.

Boman Irani

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #325851
#23. Merely quantitative differences, beyond a certain point, pass into qualitative changes.

Karl Marx

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #237742
#24. Sometimes people talk about conflict between humans and machines, and you can see that in a lot of science fiction. But the machines we're creating are not some invasion from Mars. We create these tools to expand our own reach.

Ray Kurzweil

Qualitative And Quantitative Quotes #127603

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