Top 29 Prophet Mohammed Quotes

#1. Osama bin Laden, who is a Saudi, feels himself to be a patriot because the U.S. has forces in Saudi Arabia, which is sacred because it is the land of the prophet Mohammed.

Edward Said

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #151348
#2. We've seen violent responses to 'Satanic Verses.' We've seen violent responses to the cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in an evil way.

Susan Rice

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #66744
#3. Every Muslim leader must unequivocally proclaim that terror committed in the name of Islam violates the core tenets of the Prophet Mohammed, and they must do so repeatedly. Period.

Mike Pompeo

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1879524
#4. Prophet Mohammed would have no objection to The Satanic Verses.

Salman Rushdie

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1478599
#5. It is better for a leader to make mistake in forgiving (a guilty person) than making a mistake in punishing (an innocent). (Prophet Mohammed - peace be upon him)


Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1103638
#6. The Holy Prophet Mohammed came into this world and taught us: 'That man is a Muslim who never hurts anyone by word or deed, but who works for the benefit and happiness of God's creatures. Belief in God is to love one's fellow men.'

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #852497
#7. I believe in my religion and in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. What did your Prophet Mohammed ever do to save mankind? (as quoted from Asia Bibi sentenced to hang for anti-Muslim blasphemy)

Malala Yousafzai

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #824172
#8. The Muslim Prophet Mohammed was a big believer in charity and firmly established helping those in need as a basis of the religion.

Richard Engel

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #311928
#9. What the fundamentalists are doing is a total negation of their own faith - encouraging and lionizing suicide bombers and killing women and children, hardly in keeping with the teachings of Prophet Mohammed.

Alexander Haig

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #218007
#10. When someone you know passes on, the only thing you can do is keep moving forward.

Danny Glover

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1700373
#11. Our literary culture is marinated in deep traditions of the fantastic and the supernatural, and we export those rich qualities in films and books on a spectacular industrial scale.

Graham Joyce

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1354614
#12. The Lord's angel, Gebrail, dictated the Koran to Mohammed the Lord's Prophet. What a joke if all that holy book were only twenty-three years of listening to the desert. A desert which has no voice.

Thomas Pynchon

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1311701
#13. The 'Survivor' community is very tight. I mean very tight.

Jenna Morasca

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1194470
#14. We Egyptians reject any kind of assault or insult against our prophet.

Mohammed Morsi

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1178036
#15. Three Things
Three things cannot be retrieved:
The arrow once sped from the bow
The word spoken in haste
The missed opportunity.
(Ali the Lion, Caliph of Islam, son-in-law of Mohammed the Prophet),

Idries Shah

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1071176
#16. What moved me to do what I did was purely my faith. I was motivated by the law that commands me to cut off the head of anyone who insults Allah and his Prophet.

Mohammed Bouyeri

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #1064596
#17. It's good to suffer. Dont complain. Bear, bow, accept - and be grateful that God has made you suffer. For this makes you better than the people who are laughing and happy.

Ayn Rand

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #971237
#18. Treat this world as I do, like a wayfarer; like a horseman who stops in the shade of a tree for a time, and then moves on.

Idries Shah

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #923930
#19. The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.

Nazr Mohammed

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #918825
#20. One of the reasons why people in the west are nervous is they are reading the Koran, and the life of Mohammed and he is a prophet that declared he was victorious through terror and that is disturbing to people.

Mark Durie

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #852200
#21. Everywhere in the world, we're aware that democracy has incredible flaws and that the word has been used, especially in the United States, to wage wars.

Gael Garcia Bernal

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #689642
#22. Rise and shine, asshole,

Eve Jagger

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #632824
#23. The strongest man is the one who, when he gets angry and his face reddens and his hackles rise, is able to defeat his anger.
(Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 5/367, and classified as hasan in Saheeh al-Jaami', 3859)


Prophet Mohammed Quotes #619904
#24. She did not want Fairyland to be full of older girls who wanted to be stars.

Catherynne M Valente

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #249686
#25. Vocal cords are not rental units. No Hebrew prophet, nor Mohammed, nor any founder of any cult or religion ever spoke the words of anybody but themselves.

Thomas Daniel Nehrer

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #182340
#26. The number of diet books available to the public correlates to obesity rates.

Clay A. Johnson

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #139202
#27. If you know you're the best it only makes sense for you to surround yourself with the best. NO EXCEPTIONS

Kanye West

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #125877
#28. ASSUME is to make an ASS of U and ME.

Dan Gutman

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #41319
#29. To this military attitude of the soul we give the name of Heroism ... It is a self-trust which slights the restraints of prudence, in the plenitude of its energy and power to repair the harms it may suffer. The hero is a mind of such balance that no disturbances can shake his will ...

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Prophet Mohammed Quotes #13402

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