Top 33 Project Goal Quotes

#1. A project goal like a joke. If you have to explain it, it is not good / fun.

Gerry Geek

Project Goal Quotes #1007957
#2. Believe! Project a mental picture of your goal in life. Believing is a creative force that brings the visible out of the invisible. You must believe to achieve.

Wilferd Peterson

Project Goal Quotes #1225885
#3. I'm committed to seeing this project done. To see if within this decade we can finally hold in our hands the rule for our universe, and know where our universe lies in the space of all possible universes.

Stephen Wolfram

Project Goal Quotes #922993
#4. the more successful change transformations were more likely to set behavioral goals: 89 percent of the top third versus only 33 percent of the bottom third. For instance, a behavioral goal might be that project teams would meet once a week

Chip Heath

Project Goal Quotes #1059136
#5. Sexual fulfillment goals, to make them happen, you have to work on them as a project. I don't think it's a bad thing.

Margaret Cho

Project Goal Quotes #1083546
#6. Our goal is to leverage what is already out in the field in terms of partners, but then hire in project management capability and a bit of technical capability.

Kevin Rollins

Project Goal Quotes #1097797
#7. Everyone I meet is gay, married or crackers

Victoria Wood

Project Goal Quotes #1120768
#8. My favorite TV show of all time is 'The Wire,' which has the feeling of a project-based show. You draw in people from disparate parts of the world, and they have to work together to achieve a goal.

Michael Schur

Project Goal Quotes #1150872
#9. A goal gives you the lens to see the future with clearer vision.

J.R. Rim

Project Goal Quotes #1161250
#10. In a way, the goal of all writing projects should be to "get the hell out." You don't simply want to finish; you want to finish as quickly and easily as possible (without undue stress or pressure, of course) so that you can move on to the next project - or, the rest of your life.

Hillary Rettig

Project Goal Quotes #842431
#11. We look to our pastors and priests and rabbis and counselors of all kinds to testify of the enduring principles upon which our society is built: honesty, charity, integrity and family.

Mitt Romney

Project Goal Quotes #1266041
#12. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project.

Maxwell Maltz

Project Goal Quotes #1466972
#13. People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to look forward to ... to work for and hope for.

Maxwell Maltz

Project Goal Quotes #1486467
#14. Have a definite, clear, practical ideal - a goal, an objective.


Project Goal Quotes #1626778
#15. I'm building a career as big as humanly possible so I can be in a 'Star Wars' project. My life goal is to have a character in the 'Star Wars' universe, film or other media. I just want to go to my grave knowing I played some character or some character based on my likeness was part of that world.

Rahul Kohli

Project Goal Quotes #1701977
#16. My goal, whenever entering a project, is always to gain 12 pounds.

Bob Odenkirk

Project Goal Quotes #1851336
#17. For me photography is just a way to collect material to realize the ideas in my mind. I get inspired by things around me in my daily life and all kinds of things I see. Every new project is a new challenge and my goal is to realize them as realistic as possible.

Erik Johansson

Project Goal Quotes #1854195
#18. Fortunately, there is a project that will create jobs, provide direct investment in our economy, and move us closer to our longstanding goal of becoming energy independent: the Keystone XL pipeline.

Kevin McCarthy

Project Goal Quotes #853650
#19. Good planning is the foundation of success for almost any project. Start by getting clear on your goal.

Jude Bijou

Project Goal Quotes #841981
#20. Every time I've gotten myself into trouble, it's because I'm choosing a project based on a long-term career goal as opposed to something that speaks to me at the moment.

Ryan Reynolds

Project Goal Quotes #808609
#21. Love isn't decent. Love is glorious and shameless.

Elizabeth Von Arnim

Project Goal Quotes #799861
#22. If the United States commits to the goal of reaching Mars, it will almost certainly do so in reaction to the progress of other nations - as was the case with NASA, the Apollo program, and the project that became the International Space Station.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Project Goal Quotes #735593
#23. I wanted to the best player in the state - [the best] the area has ever seen. That's always been my goal. Guys like Elgin Baylor, Adrian Dantley and Dave Bing, it's tough to pass those guys. So I'm studying, working. My project's not over yet. Hopefully, I get there.

Kevin Durant

Project Goal Quotes #731520
#24. The goal was to teach each man in the project that he had the power to control history. We, each of us, can take control of the world.

Chuck Palahniuk

Project Goal Quotes #700437
#25. Tonight I see no spheres, but project myself
and gaze back, an important trick
because the goal is to be on both sides of the poem,
shuttling between the you and I.

Ben Lerner

Project Goal Quotes #660465
#26. My whole goal in my film career is to project a positive image on the screen, that I hope people will enjoy watching.

Chuck Norris

Project Goal Quotes #653862
#27. The Venus Project is neither Utopian nor Orwellian, nor does it reflect the dreams of impractical idealists. Instead, it presents attainable goals requiring only the intelligent application of what we already know. The only limitations are those which we impose upon ourselves.

Jacque Fresco

Project Goal Quotes #609140
#28. The project manager accomplishes this goal through planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve goals.

D. Williams

Project Goal Quotes #547882
#29. To begin an ethnographic project with a goal, with an object of research and a set of presumptions, is already to stymie the process of discovery; it blocks one's ability to learn something new that exceed the frameworks with which one enters.

J. Jack Halberstam

Project Goal Quotes #496650
#30. I do not belong to any school, I simply want to do something that is personal to my self.

Edouard Vuillard

Project Goal Quotes #482303
#31. In life, nothing happens by accident. Set a goal, believe in it and go all-in to achieve it.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Project Goal Quotes #383562
#32. It would drive me crazy if I picked roles with the goal of being a leading man. You never know what you're getting into when you sign onto a project, and more times than not, the characters that are close to the leading man are more interesting and more fun to play.

Jesse Plemons

Project Goal Quotes #267467
#33. If you can beat New Zealand, then you're probably going to win the World Cup.

Brian O'Driscoll

Project Goal Quotes #33596

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