Top 6 Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes

#1. The financial crisis should not become an excuse to raise taxes, which would only undermine the economic growth required to regain our strength.

George W. Bush

Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes #32124
#2. The woman had the IQ of a squash.

Gemma Halliday

Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes #493114
#3. Cassie," Sam said in my ear. "Your nose is really big."
"That's because it's broken." Like my heart, kid. It's a set.

Rick Yancey

Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes #700176
#4. I've never been more normal than I am now.


Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes #1534597
#5. I swear it's true. If I lie to you, may I be changed into a sofa belonging to a fat family addicted to daytime TV and baked beans." (Fred to Jess)

Sue Limb

Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes #1655958
#6. There are two things at which most men are grieved: when their faults are exposed, and when their virtues are concealed.

Norm MacDonald

Procrastinators Anonymous Quotes #1798858

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