Top 36 Pretense Love Quotes

#1. Or perhaps this hostility of yours is the pretense. Love does make liars out of your kind.

Cassandra Clare

Pretense Love Quotes #673336
#2. Pretension, dear love, does not buy truth into lies, nor alter its course.

Sreesha Divakaran

Pretense Love Quotes #1083604
#3. The natural impulses of every thoroughbred include his sense of honor; his love of fair play and courage; his dislike of pretense and of cheapness.

Emily Post

Pretense Love Quotes #851767
#4. Have you ever considered making at least a pretense of humility, Mr. Hunt? Just for the sake of politeness?
"I don't believe in false modesty."
"People might like you more if you did."
"Would you?

Lisa Kleypas

Pretense Love Quotes #874115
#5. In the war room, love? What if someone comes in?"
I stood and removed his shirt. "Then they'll have a good story to tell."
"Good?" He adopted the pretense of being offended.
"Prove me wrong.

Maria V. Snyder

Pretense Love Quotes #884948
#6. I'm still a political revolutionary. The fire never went out of me, but perceptions and realizations change.

Bobby Seale

Pretense Love Quotes #971657
#7. My thing is you're only as good as the people you work with. I've been blessed to work with the Wayanses and Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler and Chris Rock, and it makes you better.

Terry Crews

Pretense Love Quotes #1004047
#8. The shriek that erupted from Melinda was loud enough to wake the dead. "Get it off me, get it off me!" She bolted from the crumpled side of the tent in hysterics, ripping at her bodice.

Merry Farmer

Pretense Love Quotes #1018127
#9. Let's live a lie for today.
You'll spin tales
and pretend to love me.
And I'll smile; you'll not realize it's fake
Then I'll pretend
your pretensions don't cause me pain.

Sreesha Divakaran

Pretense Love Quotes #1033857
#10. Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, I thought maybe I could write a mystery series about a midwife in Elizabethan England. I had an elaborately convoluted title and an elaborately convoluted plotline, and at that point I got stupendously bored.

Deborah Harkness

Pretense Love Quotes #1077219
#11. He ran the back of his hand up her cheek, with the pretense of wiping away sweat. Do you think you could ever love me?
I don't think so.
Because I'm not good enough.
It's not like that.
Because I'm not smart.
Because you couldn't love me.
Because I couldn't love you.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Pretense Love Quotes #647260
#12. Many times Christians state their love for the Lord and their willingness to die for Him. I will make no pretense of knowing the Lord's will in your life, but I do feel that in most cases the Lord is far more interested in our living for Him than He is in our dying for Him.

Zig Ziglar

Pretense Love Quotes #1129000
#13. The bully mind is not capable of loving or respecting others nor can it love or respect itself. Life's subtleties and the means of survival require its pretense of both these qualities.

Rick Stein

Pretense Love Quotes #1357009
#14. How can one be pleasing to God when one is inflated with pride and self-love under the pretense of striving for Gods glory, while in fact one is seeking ones own glory?

Mary Faustina Kowalska

Pretense Love Quotes #1458298
#15. Look as long as you can at the friend you love,
no matter whether that friend is moving away from you
or coming back toward you.


Pretense Love Quotes #1513553
#16. There are two kinds of love: the love that is and the love that isn't.

Marty Rubin

Pretense Love Quotes #1690804
#17. I threw it away feeling sorry to have vainly destroyed a flower that looked beautiful in its proper place. How many different plant lives man destroys to support his own existence.

Leo Tolstoy

Pretense Love Quotes #1731253
#18. No ... " said Professor Quirrell. "That is not why I am here. You have made no effort to hide your dislike for me, Miss Granger. I thank you for that lack of pretense, for I much prefer true hate to false love.

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Pretense Love Quotes #1739246
#19. In fact, some people who rate very high marks on the ego-based indexes of success are the ones I find most difficult to be around - and totally uninspiring

Wayne W. Dyer

Pretense Love Quotes #1811061
#20. How much self-love comes in the guise of selfless devotion!

Susan Sontag

Pretense Love Quotes #441899
#21. For WordPress to be world class, it needs to have a sustainable model.

Matt Mullenweg

Pretense Love Quotes #58654
#22. A bizarre sensation pervades a relationship of pretense. No truth seems true. A simple morning's greeting and response appear loaded with innuendo and fraught with implications. Each nicety becomes more sterile and each withdrawal more permanent.

Maya Angelou

Pretense Love Quotes #65377
#23. Love of another is merely empty flattery and self-deception for one who cannot accept himself without pretense.

L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Pretense Love Quotes #109111
#24. I do miss competing, being out there - the atmosphere, I do miss it.

Pedro Martinez

Pretense Love Quotes #134449
#25. For me, the existence of nonexistence of God is a nonissue.

Greg Graffin

Pretense Love Quotes #197314
#26. If only they were truly ants, wee could step on them and crush them.

George R R Martin

Pretense Love Quotes #344315
#27. How wide is all this long pretense!
There is in love a sweetness ready penned,
Copy out only that, and save expense.

George Herbert

Pretense Love Quotes #418668
#28. Your marriage moves toward a state of isolation. Unless you lovingly and energetically nurture your marriage, you will begin to drift away from your mate.

Dennis Rainey

Pretense Love Quotes #434045
#29. A Grace connected creating the World of life, and the world of the dead in pathways of magic.

Terry Goodkind

Pretense Love Quotes #616500
#30. When someone loves you for who you are (completely) without judgment, impossible conditions or pretense...your heart awakens, your soul comes alive, your senses are stimulated and you know true happiness.

Carlos Wallace

Pretense Love Quotes #487725
#31. For this was a kiss of definition. A kiss of understanding. For a marriage absent pretense. And a love without design.

Renee Ahdieh

Pretense Love Quotes #508080
#32. What if, despite all our pretense and disguise, it was necessary to appear in public with the person we loved most of all? Imagine this a prerequisite for social discourse on Earth.

Carl Sagan

Pretense Love Quotes #524702
#33. We violated each other's boundaries with verbal missiles of anger disguised in the pretense of "just kidding.

David W. Earle

Pretense Love Quotes #568277
#34. As one anthropologist pointed out to me, trauma is usually a group experience, so trauma recovery should be a group experience as well. But in our society it's not.

Jonathan Franzen

Pretense Love Quotes #605862
#35. The whip degrades; a severe father teaches his children to dissemble; their love is pretense, and their obedience a species of self-defense. Fear is the father of lies.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Pretense Love Quotes #606063
#36. Why? Why is there a crisis in literature? Because of lies and rottenness. Simplicity and sincerity have been replaced by obsfucation and pretense. Men, of course. They love to create mystery where none exists. It's the way they think.

Alexander McCall Smith

Pretense Love Quotes #611090

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