Top 20 Press Charges Quotes

#1. Recently, I was in Africa monitoring elections when right on the street, this guy started beating a woman. I got out of my car, pulled her inside and drove her to the hospital. But after the doctors treated her, she was too afraid to press charges. I've seen this over and over in America, too.

Barbara Lee

Press Charges Quotes #173629
#2. The laws of physics have already been violated. What happens if they decide to press charges?

Seanan McGuire

Press Charges Quotes #511466
#3. A neoconservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality. A neoliberal is a liberal who's been mugged by reality but has refused to press charges.

Irving Kristol

Press Charges Quotes #717071
#4. Give me the fucking camera, and I won't press charges for harassment. I just want the photos. He's

Kristen Proby

Press Charges Quotes #1683161
#5. You don't even know these people in your blurbs. Most of them are dead and Stephen King is probably going to press charges. We're really going to need to increase your visits. - MY CURRENT SHRINK

Jenny Lawson

Press Charges Quotes #1763874
#6. The officer asks me if I want to press charges against Trent and I glare at him like he's grown an arm out of his ass.

K.A. Tucker

Press Charges Quotes #157747
#7. Anger tells us we've disconnected from life. The purpose in anger is to use it to come back to life.

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Press Charges Quotes #1791758
#8. In time, we shall be in a position to bestow on South Africa the greatest possible gift - a more human face.

Steven Biko

Press Charges Quotes #1221423
#9. Don't do drugs, kids. Stay in school.

Jamie Zawinski

Press Charges Quotes #1139006
#10. The job of the press is to speak truth to power. And yet, for doing our job, we are persecuted. I say that these aggressive and illegal tactics to silence us - inventing arbitrary legal interpretations, over-zealous charges and disproportionate sentences - must not be permitted to succeed.

Sara Harrison

Press Charges Quotes #1092728
#11. I think when you add a layer of competition, I think that adds something to it as well. It's also fun to see people who have talent given a platform and an opportunity to shine and an opportunity to become recognized for what they do.

Dan Cutforth

Press Charges Quotes #1090223
#12. I tell kids to pursue their basketball dreams, but I tell them to not let that be their only dream.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Press Charges Quotes #814910
#13. There ain't no such thing as the devil that's just god when he's drunk.

Tom Waits

Press Charges Quotes #813118
#14. It is the press that has taken these charges and accusations and blown them up without any kind of skepticism whatsoever - blown them into realities and treated them as if they were true.

Dixie Lee Ray

Press Charges Quotes #784533
#15. Humanity does not pass through phases as a train passes through stations: being alive, it has the privilege of always moving yet never leaving anything behind. Whatever we have been, in some sort we are still.

C.S. Lewis

Press Charges Quotes #691929
#16. I reject all evidence that my fabulous beloved is an ordinary person who worries, watches TV, and has bouts of indigestion.

Mason Cooley

Press Charges Quotes #567384
#17. Not every gift must you stretch your hands to take! Sometimes, just put your hands by your side and humbly and courageously say thank you!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Press Charges Quotes #312767
#18. Five Minute Marketing is entertaining and thought provoking marketing advice by a Canadian for Canadians.

Dan Poynter

Press Charges Quotes #121079
#19. Was there any meaning to life or to war, that two men should sit together and jump within seconds of each other and yet never meet on the ground below?

David Kenyon Webster

Press Charges Quotes #112290
#20. Nothing so enchants attorneys general, their eyes generally fixed on higher public office, as slinging accusations against successful financial executives. Preening press conferences and fawning media coverage are virtually guaranteed, whether or not the charges have substance.

Kenneth Langone

Press Charges Quotes #69719

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