Top 12 Postmistress Characters Quotes

#1. Every advance [in Science] will most likely tell us as much about ourselves as it will about the universe we inhabit. We are all collections of chemicals made in the cataclysmic explosions of stars; we are stardust, or nuclear waste, depending on your perspective.

Michael Brooks

Postmistress Characters Quotes #3404
#2. Then a hundred sad voices lifted a wail,
And a hundred glad voices piped on the gale:
'Time is short, life is short,' they took up the tale:
'Life is sweet, love is sweet, use to-day while you may;
Love is sweet, and to-morrow may fail;
Love is sweet, use to-day.

Christina Rossetti

Postmistress Characters Quotes #186441
#3. Today the only thing left of the life of those days is what one needs to suffer hunger and cold; I am not even alive enough to know how to kill myself.

Primo Levi

Postmistress Characters Quotes #489715
#4. We're affected by other peoples' lovelessness only to the extent to which we judge them for it. Otherwise we are invulnerable to the ego, as the Son of God is meant to be.

Marianne Williamson

Postmistress Characters Quotes #528638
#5. What I realized was how difficult an hour show is and how miserable you can be if you're not happy doing it.

Victor Garber

Postmistress Characters Quotes #820879
#6. Everybody else needs mirrors to remind themselves who they are. You're no different.

Jonathan Nolan

Postmistress Characters Quotes #830452
#7. Reading in bed can be heaven, assuming you can get just the right amount of light on the page and aren't prone to spilling your coffee or cognac on the sheets.

Stephen King

Postmistress Characters Quotes #937942
#8. Women are made to be led, and counseled, and directed ... And if I am not a good man, I have no just right in this Church to a wife or wives, or the power to propagate my species. What then should be done with me? Make a eunuch of me, and stop my propagation.

Heber C. Kimball

Postmistress Characters Quotes #1327348
#9. He who does not enjoy his own company is usually right.

Coco Chanel

Postmistress Characters Quotes #1372803
#10. I began to realize that thinking itself is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions.

Tony Robbins

Postmistress Characters Quotes #1592148
#11. Warriors are never appreciated in peacetime except by those they saved during the war.

Evan Currie

Postmistress Characters Quotes #1689656
#12. Evil person causes harm even if treated will.


Postmistress Characters Quotes #1855610

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