Top 14 Positive Manager Quotes

#1. For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager, they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.

Ken Blanchard

Positive Manager Quotes #1506941
#2. Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want, and do.

Emanuel Swedenborg

Positive Manager Quotes #2497
#3. He (life) got to his feet with a sudden jerk,
collected his blanket
and then darted away in such a great haste
that till this date, I've not seen him again.

Suman Pokhrel

Positive Manager Quotes #14424
#4. It's easy to laugh at etiquette, but in a hundred years, our children's grandchildren will almost certainly be laughing at us.

Sara Sheridan

Positive Manager Quotes #69042
#5. I have always felt a connection between daily life and art ... my reality has been my key.

Mirella Freni

Positive Manager Quotes #249788
#6. There's that process of writing it - then you come out of your room into the sunlight, and you now have to complete the circuit and make the connection finally with the audience.

Aaron Sorkin

Positive Manager Quotes #460750
#7. I feel I'm falling once again
But now there's no one left to catch me

Steven Wilson

Positive Manager Quotes #524156
#8. I had some connections from the newspapers that I did work with up there, so there was a newspaper publisher in Hollywood, and they promised me work and so on.

Marc Davis

Positive Manager Quotes #980080
#9. But the manager's bought wisely - the players who've come in have taken us on to a different level and the players who won promotion have also performed at the top level, so long may it continue.

Teddy Sheringham

Positive Manager Quotes #1627103
#10. You definitely meet a lot of extremely powerful, successful, wealthy people in Hollywood who are extremely miserable.

Diablo Cody

Positive Manager Quotes #1634009
#11. My husband believed that all women who want to should be free, equal, independent, creative, well informed, and lead stimulating, interesting lives. Except me.

Lucille Kallen

Positive Manager Quotes #1712495
#12. Even Obama's staunchest supporters are starting to leave him. Last week Michelle Obama demanded to see a copy of his birth certificate.

Ann Coulter

Positive Manager Quotes #1715496
#13. I don't understand boys - just ask my husband.

Arabella Weir

Positive Manager Quotes #1718233
#14. I believe one of the best things about managing people is that we can influence lives in a positive way. That's basically what a manager is about. When I can do that, I am very happy.

Arsene Wenger

Positive Manager Quotes #1779020

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