Top 19 Positive Connection Quotes

#1. My father ... gave me a positive connection with men because he is a gentleman.


Positive Connection Quotes #810002
#2. Flowers reconnect us to our own beautiful and unique essence as human beings. They wake up our positive qualities so that we feel them and they begin to emanate from us, just as each flower radiates its own unique quality.

Katie Hess

Positive Connection Quotes #875088
#3. - Some day, we will all die, Snoopy.
- True, but on all the other days, we will not.

Charles M. Schulz

Positive Connection Quotes #1738639
#4. I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand.

Kamal Ravikant

Positive Connection Quotes #1680099
#5. Politicians - well, first of all, they should get rid of nuclear weapons, I think.

Abdus Salam

Positive Connection Quotes #1504814
#6. We cannot discern what is truly good for our lives without first having our minds renewed.

John Bevere

Positive Connection Quotes #1467619
#7. It's about really having a God connection: a connection with the divine behind the world and flowing forth out of that in a positive way with love and moving toward making a contribution that pushes forth the evolution of the world.

James Redfield

Positive Connection Quotes #1436696
#8. I won't lie to you - it's better to have someone to help you. I need it.

Gael Monfils

Positive Connection Quotes #1144600
#9. In joy and sorrow all are equal,
Thus be guardian of all, as of yourself.


Positive Connection Quotes #1112627
#10. My lips are zipped. He is pretty. All that blond hair and those eyes. I'd do him."
"Line is closed. Go back to your own ride.

Mercy Celeste

Positive Connection Quotes #1076010
#11. Being a physician, you can either treat the symptoms or cure the disease. This Congress has been treating the symptoms. It's time we cure the disease and take care of the problems that are underlying our poor economy.

Joe Heck

Positive Connection Quotes #1024260
#12. Sometimes the heart of a weary soul needs a simple moment of love and light shined upon it, or reflected back to it. That momentary connection might be the one thing that inspires a person to take one more step and move in a positive new direction.

Molly Friedenfeld

Positive Connection Quotes #865918
#13. Last year's wishes, are this year's apologies, every last time I come home. I take my last chance to burn a bridge or two,I only keep myself this sick in the head
cause I know how the words get you

Fall Out Boy

Positive Connection Quotes #822599
#14. I think that when in doubt about the truth of an issue, it's safer and in better taste to select the least numerous of the adversaries.

Ayn Rand

Positive Connection Quotes #720909
#15. Love is truly eternal and lasts forever. It is the core of our connection and expression of life.

Kristine Carlson

Positive Connection Quotes #596737
#16. I've always had a very binge and then cleanse approach to casual sex for that very reason. We long for an intimate connection, but that longing makes us feel vulnerable. Therefore, we guard our hearts for self-preservation, which barricades that intimacy we are longing for.

Maggie Young

Positive Connection Quotes #360451
#17. All elements of reality provide positive or negative emotions, according to the connection we develop with them, directly or indirectly.

Daniel Marques

Positive Connection Quotes #268594
#18. So far Unitarian realism claiming to possess positive knowledge about Ultimate Reality has succeeded only by excluding large areas of phenomena or by declaring, without proof, that they could be reduced to basic theory, which, in this connection, means elementary particle physics.

Paul Feyerabend

Positive Connection Quotes #239589
#19. I believe it's our loss of connection with our instinctual side that prevents us from being effective pack leaders for our dogs. Perhaps it's also why we also seem to be failing at being positive guardians of our planet.

Cesar Millan

Positive Connection Quotes #195992

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