Top 6 Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes

#1. Wait." I looked around. "How did you get here?"
"I ran."
I reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Scrolling through his menu, I said, "You called a cab."
"But I ran to the cab when it got to the cemetery.

Darynda Jones

Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes #469117
#2. I DECLARE God's dream for my life is coming to pass. It will not be stopped by people, disappointments, or adversities. God has solutions to every problem I will ever face already lined up. The right people and the right breaks are in my future. I will fulfill my destiny. This is my declaration.

Joel Osteen

Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes #763150
#3. I just dreamed about living in Paris and being French. I always loved the visual arts, film and theatre, and I hoped to be involved in creating beautiful products and images.

Maureen Chiquet

Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes #834902
#4. As with the acquisition, so with the use of money; they way in which a man spends it is often one of the surest tests of character.

William Mathews

Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes #1386736
#5. Feelings harden into beliefs when we allow emotions to become bearers of truth.

Ginger Harrington

Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes #1486597
#6. Did she really believe that love, once gained, couldn't be torn asunder by doubts and fears, and could never, never be put back together again?

V.C. Andrews

Posibilidades Ilimitadas Quotes #1509266

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