Top 15 Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes

#1. Vaccination is a public health issue because influenza is a highly contagious disease. If you don't vaccinate your child, his or her schoolmates are much more likely to become ill. That is why some places (New York, for example) are making the vaccine mandatory for school children.

Michael Specter

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #129805
#2. Herd immunity is, it turns out, not incredibly easy to understand. It took me quite a bit of reading before I fully grasped it. But understanding herd immunity is essential to understanding why we vaccinate the way we do.

Eula Biss

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #189274
#3. We're lying ourselves into believing things are untrue, like organic food will solve all our problems, or vitamins will make us healthy, or we don't need to vaccinate our children.

Michael Specter

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #285669
#4. Among all of the topics I cover in this book, the choice to vaccinate on schedule is backed by the strongest, clearest, biggest pile of evidence.

Alice Callahan

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #442828
#5. If a vaccine works, then the vaccinators might conceivably set up what's known as ring vaccinations around Ebola hot spots. In this technique, medical workers simply vaccinate everybody in a ring, miles deep, around a focus of a virus.

Richard Preston

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #540594
#6. They ought to find out how to vaccinate for love, like smallpox.

Leo Tolstoy

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #652095
#7. I've never seen this level of anger at parents who've chosen not to vaccinate their children.

Paul A. Offit

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #896585
#8. You no more have the right to risk others by failing to vaccinate than you do by sending your child to school with a hunting knife. Vaccination isn't a private choice but a civic obligation.

Nicholas Kristof

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #953796
#9. You don't have to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the country if you have a couple of cases of smallpox cropping up.

Anthony Fauci

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #968420
#10. If you have autism in the family history, you still vaccinate. Delay it a bit, space them out.

Temple Grandin

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #1145930
#11. Thank you! It's really cool to have a boyfriend who's a medical student."
Gideon grinned. "I swear that's the last time I ever vaccinate anyone. Patients are so ungrateful.

Kerstin Gier

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #1198473
#12. I think there's a temptation to try to think of people who don't vaccinate as a homogenous community, but I'm not convinced that's true. I'm not even sure that the word 'community' is totally accurate there, you know.

Eula Biss

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #1245103
#13. Why do people refuse to vaccinate their children against measles or whooping cough? In many cases, because they have never seen measles and have no idea what it might do.

Michael Specter

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #1327818
#14. Throughout the United States, at the dawn of the Progressive era, dozens of laws and regulations were established to empower police officers, public-health officials, and even the armed forces to vaccinate at will, and, if necessary, at gunpoint.

Michael Specter

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #1659757
#15. Knowing that all things happen in perfect order does not vaccinate us against pain and suffering. It simply makes us fully responsible for it.

Noah James Hittner

Please Vaccinate Yourself Quotes #1684194

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