Top 15 Plasticized Quotes

#1. Pornography is to sex what McDonalds is to food. A plasticized, generic version of the real thing.

Gail Dines

Plasticized Quotes #1853433
#2. I am growing to hate the vague declarations of psychiatric treatment, the airy cross-your-fingers pronouncements. The treatment of mental health is an inexact science. But, as I am slowly coming to understand, depression is an inexact illness.

Sally Brampton

Plasticized Quotes #63793
#3. Honor, justice, and humanity, call upon us to hold, and to transmit to our posterity, that liberty which we received from our ancestors. It is not our duty to leave wealth to our children, but it is our duty to leave liberty to them.

John Dickinson

Plasticized Quotes #148572
#4. today, our social media experiences are designed in a way that favors broadcasting over engagements, posts over discussions, shallow comments over deep conversations.

Thomas L. Friedman

Plasticized Quotes #293235
#5. You always have time for the things you put first.


Plasticized Quotes #355344
#6. I can't say that the college-bred woman is the most contented woman. The broader her mind the more she understands the unequal conditions between men and women, the more she chafes under a government that tolerates it.

Susan B. Anthony

Plasticized Quotes #370415
#7. Fly in the sky of imagination to find the true solution.

Debasish Mridha

Plasticized Quotes #446405
#8. Only the French, I guess, really use tenor and alto to any great extent in the orchestra.

Gerry Mulligan

Plasticized Quotes #683007
#9. So you want to know all about me, Who
I am
What chance meeting of brush and canvas painted
the face
you see? what made me despise the girl
in the mirror
enough to transform her, turn her into a stranger,
only not.

Ellen Hopkins

Plasticized Quotes #879043
#10. If you devote yourself entirely to a pursuit, there is no way you cannot find beauty and fulfillment.

Daniel Gillies

Plasticized Quotes #1008287
#11. What if they gave a test and nobody came? What would happen if, on the day teachers hand out the No. 2 pencils, parents decide that no child of theirs will be left behind to fill in the bubbles?

Marc Fisher

Plasticized Quotes #1099285
#12. He found, as the new century gathered headway, that his thirst for gayety grew stronger.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Plasticized Quotes #1126552
#13. Good taste is always bad.

Poul Henningsen

Plasticized Quotes #1324447
#14. It's interesting with my blog, because it feels to me less like a blog and more like a forum, because my readers are so funny and leave hysterical comments. And I'm not being humble when I say that very often, the comments are so much better than the post originally was.

Jenny Lawson

Plasticized Quotes #1417680
#15. Yes, I know this narrative is crowded with beautiful women - Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. Maycott, Mrs. Lavien, Mrs. Bingham. We might form a cricket team of beautiful women. I cannot help it if they are the ones who excite my notice and so trouble myself to describe.

David Liss

Plasticized Quotes #1726121

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