Top 100 Plan Like Quotes

#1. I do love to shop. But I'm a social shopper. I like to do it while hanging out with my friends. Some of them hate shopping because they treat it like something you have to plan, like a grocery list. But if I'm out and I pass a store, I just pop in.

Nicole Richie

Plan Like Quotes #69238
#2. The audience may not have felt it was right, and the author may have felt a little upset, but every part I've played I've twisted around in my mind until I've made it into something of my own. Looking back over it, I didn't deliberately sit down and plan like that, but it does read like it.

Katharine Cornell

Plan Like Quotes #183907
#3. Sometimes things don't work out like we plan. Like, maybe life has other things in mind.

Autumn Doughton

Plan Like Quotes #264069
#4. Think like a prophet, serve like a priest, and plan like a king.

Timothy Keller

Plan Like Quotes #359106
#5. Why would we want to keep a tax cut that's failed? Why would we not want to go back to the Clinton tax code? And why would we not want to help every family more with a health-care plan like mine? Let's help average people. Let's be Democrats.

Dick Gephardt

Plan Like Quotes #1021232
#6. Read over your existing business plan like you read the menu at your favorite restaurant.

Darren L Johnson

Plan Like Quotes #1602543
#7. I am hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan, like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand.

Bob Dylan

Plan Like Quotes #1831550
#8. It's ideal really. They will come up with a plan. No one will like it. Everyone will feel they have been treated unfairly, but will be happy that their neighbors feel the same. And that is the nature of compromise. Now let's go eat an awful lot.

Suzanne Collins

Plan Like Quotes #2576
#9. I feel like I have to do the best job I can to basically say, "OK, I understand - you have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. Here's what I want to do, and that's why I hope you will support me, because I think it will actually improve the lives of Americans."

Hillary Clinton

Plan Like Quotes #2893
#10. God's will for you is to make you more like Jesus. Christlikeness is your target, your goal, your vision, and the reason you were created. You are set apart to be like Jesus. That goal will take the rest of your life to accomplish." (Life Hacks, p.61)

Jon Morrison

Plan Like Quotes #3199
#11. Well, software doesn't quite work that way. Rather than construction, software is more like gardening - it is more organic than concrete. You plant many things in a garden according to an initial plan and conditions. Some thrive, others are destined to end up as compost.

Andrew Hunt

Plan Like Quotes #3381
#12. How do you know if an angel has crossed your path? Sometimes you don't, because angels often appear as coincidences. That is, they seem like chance events, but they are really part of God's carefully orchestrated plan for your life ...

Gary Kinnaman

Plan Like Quotes #15754
#13. If I had planned my life, it never would have ended up like this. So maybe it's kind of fun not to plan. Maybe it's more fun just to see where life takes you.

Joanna Gaines

Plan Like Quotes #20707
#14. I like the concept of the penny plan - not for the military because the military we have to build up. But we can save probably in many case more than a penny if you look at it. I mean, the penny plan is a pretty good plan, and it's a pretty simple plan.

Donald Trump

Plan Like Quotes #24181
#15. This plan looks like foolishness to earthbound philosophers. How can man comprehend a plan so based on love and servitude that his own deliverance and restoration is achieved by the death of the very "Lord of glory" (2:8)?

Albert H. Baylis

Plan Like Quotes #26367
#16. No wonder there are so many people with eating disorders.It's like this diet plan is being administered by the Gestapo.

Helen Argiro

Plan Like Quotes #28134
#17. The balance when you're catching people up, and the craft of what we do as actors, is to try to make sure that the exposition sounds like thought and dialogue, and a plan or a problem or something that is motivationally induced, rather than just telling the audience information.

Jack Coleman

Plan Like Quotes #29644
#18. I really do like surprises. I'm not so talented at planning things out or having schedules before or sticking to the plan per se, but yeah I'm very much a spontaneous guy and it's sort of hard for me to multi-task and to have all these things going on at once.

Adam Young

Plan Like Quotes #46652
#19. And you plan to do this alone? You think a lot of yourself, don't you animal? (Stone)
Oh, punk, please. Believe me, when dealing with wusses like you who have to gang up on a kid to feel powerful, I don't need any help. (Fang)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Plan Like Quotes #47549
#20. Sometimes I imagine a surveyor 100 years from now reading my plan, retracing my boundaries, and finding the monuments that I set. It's an honor to make a mark in history like that.

Mark Mason

Plan Like Quotes #50524
#21. Maybe one day it would happen. Maybe one day her life would start going according to plan instead of spluttering and stalling like some clapped-out old banger. As

Jill Mansell

Plan Like Quotes #55524
#22. Like any small business owner, I experienced the pressures of building a company from the ground up - developing a business plan, balancing the books, meeting payroll and building a customer base.

Gavin Newsom

Plan Like Quotes #56831
#23. I've learned that you can't predict [love] or plan for it. For someone like me who is obsessed with organization and planning, I love the idea that love is the one exception to that. Love is the one wild card.

Taylor Swift

Plan Like Quotes #62836
#24. When I came in this morning, I'd had a plan. I was going to walk in there, throw that receipt in his pretty little face, and tell him to shove it. But then he'd looked so goddamn sexy in that charcoal Prada suit, and his hair stuck up like a neon sign screaming, Do Me.

Christina Lauren

Plan Like Quotes #66425
#25. I have no particular plan in life - and that's something I rather like. Most things that people do seem to me to be rather dull and silly. In my ideal life I'd be left alone to read

Elizabeth Knox

Plan Like Quotes #89022
#26. Self-compassion is like a muscle. The more we practice flexing it, especially when life doesn't go exactly according to plan (a frequent scenario for most of us), the stronger and more resilient our compassion muscle becomes.

Sharon Salzberg

Plan Like Quotes #93305
#27. We would like to ease the life of the Palestinians. I prepared a new plan that we call a positive agenda.

Silvan Shalom

Plan Like Quotes #98043
#28. I'll take my alkaloid diuretics wherever I can get them. If there isn't a 7-11 in the vicinity, a Winchell's donut shop is Plan B. The joe at both places is almost indistinguishable, like the difference between Johnny Walker and Cutty Sark, but only cab drivers and hobos draw such fine distinctions.

Gary Reilly

Plan Like Quotes #106499
#29. For most Builders, the journey is like shooting for the moon and instead hitting Mars-perhaps a better, but different outcome than envisioned. Builders are the first to admit (at least, in private) that planning works, but as the adage goes, the plan itself, rarely does.

Jerry I. Porras

Plan Like Quotes #114810
#30. I can wait. I am in love with you, Marie. You don't have to say it yet. I know you like to think things through. Make plans. But plan on this. I want to marry you.

Michelle Moran

Plan Like Quotes #120416
#31. God, you have a beautiful laugh, and your smile. Jesus, it knocks the breath out of me."
"You can't talk to me like that, nobody says things like that to a woman he just met. It's insane."
"I just did. And I plan to keep saying them until you believe every word.

Maya Banks

Plan Like Quotes #122248
#32. If you want to create wealth (in the narrow technical sense of not starving), then you should be especially skeptical about any plan that centers on things you like doing.

Paul Graham

Plan Like Quotes #123306
#33. The meal plan was hard at first because I am a snack eater, but the most challenging part is trying to change my pallet to like healthy food.

Ruby Gettinger

Plan Like Quotes #124323
#34. Just like my straight friends, I am repeatedly asked when I plan to have kids, and have been told many times, by various branches of my bloodline, that 'even lesbians can have babies these days.'

Beth Ditto

Plan Like Quotes #124644
#35. The genome was once thought to be just the blueprint for a living organism, like a combination of the architect's plan for a building and the builder's list of supplies. It specified the parts, the building blocks, and, somehow, the design of the whole, the way in which they are to be put together.

Iain McGilchrist

Plan Like Quotes #126360
#36. I like to go full bore into something. If you have a backup plan, then you've already admitted defeat.

Henry Cavill

Plan Like Quotes #129133
#37. If you have a plan and you don't even SHOW IT, you are just like someone born to be great and don't even KNOW IT.

Israelmore Ayivor

Plan Like Quotes #130151
#38. I've never had a plan - it was just to try and get with the people you like to play with, and try to do the best you can.

Mick Ralphs

Plan Like Quotes #143139
#39. I feel like my message is to let people know that God is a good God, that He's on their side, and no matter what happens, He has a great plan for them.

Joel Osteen

Plan Like Quotes #148238
#40. Panic is more like protection from the danger, stuff when they don't go on plan it's a code on "how much humans we are"...

Deyth Banger

Plan Like Quotes #148257
#41. Stem cells are like toenail clippings with a better career plan.

Scott Adams

Plan Like Quotes #155023
#42. I wanted so badly to have a backup plan for when I'm not performing anymore. Let's be realistic: it's not going to be like this forever.

Gwen Stefani

Plan Like Quotes #155319
#43. You may not win the Super Bowl. Your kids may not go on to be doctors and lawyers and everything may not go perfectly. That doesn't mean it was a bad plan or the wrong thing. It's just like a football season. Everything's not going to go perfect.

Tony Dungy

Plan Like Quotes #157959
#44. What I have learned from studying counterfactual history is that the law of unintended consequences always kicks in no matter how secure you are in your plan. We have to live with the historical record as it is, like it or not.

Gavriel David Rosenfeld

Plan Like Quotes #176796
#45. It seemed like a good plan, or at least, like the best of several bad ones. But

V.E Schwab

Plan Like Quotes #178570
#46. I plan less and less. It's a great benefit of writing lots, that you get good at holding long narratives in your head like a virtual space.

Jonathan Lethem

Plan Like Quotes #183779
#47. What I really hoped for, no doubt, was to come upon one of those lives which begin nowhere, which lead us through marshes and salt flats, trickling away, seemingly without plan, purpose or goal, and suddenly emerge, gushing like geysers, and never cease gushing, even in death.

Henry Miller

Plan Like Quotes #185278
#48. My best game plan is to sit on the bench and call out specific instructions like 'C'mon Boog,' 'Get a hold of one, Frank,' or 'Let's go, Brooks.'

Earl Weaver

Plan Like Quotes #185441
#49. I see you inherited your father's temper," Darrow sneered. "Is this how you plan to rule? When you don't like someone, you'll threaten them?

Sarah J. Maas

Plan Like Quotes #186240
#50. I was on a starvation diet to look like I was near death in a film ... but I went at it with a plan, and I had a guide; a nutritionist kind of helped me with it.

Anne Hathaway

Plan Like Quotes #186596
#51. I like to think that we've got a plan, so let's stick to it. That said, once we've stuck to it, we're allowed as much improvisation as anyone cares to indulge themselves in.

Guy Ritchie

Plan Like Quotes #187621
#52. I plan years in advance, but I like to leave enough space in the narrative scheme to change things, because I always get my best ideas the closer I come to the end of a project, after I've lived with it for a while.

Grant Morrison

Plan Like Quotes #190836
#53. I just like to take it as it comes, go where the wind blows me. I'm not going to plan.

Matthew McGrory

Plan Like Quotes #191475
#54. We were secret sisters with a plan for world domination, potential bubbling around us like champagne.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Plan Like Quotes #194343
#55. I never plan ahead, with the exception of the Amber books which had to proceed in sequence. But I don't really like to know what I'm going to be working on a year in advance. So I just sign blank contracts for books and whatever strikes me as a good idea is what I write about.

Roger Zelazny

Plan Like Quotes #197091
#56. I've done drives through Budapest and Oslo and used to drive to Sardinia, too, which is quite a journey. Drives are an adventure because I don't plan them too carefully. I take detours depending on how I feel and usually stop and stay at places I like the look of.

Rick Astley

Plan Like Quotes #207626
#57. I like guys who have a plan or a dream. A good sense of humor is also a must. I can be weird with my humor and say things that are random. You need to understand that I'm really goofy and go with it.

Edy Ganem

Plan Like Quotes #222603
#58. Whenever someone asks me craft questions like that I feel like I can give one of two answers. I can give the academy answer and say that it was very deliberate and I had a plan in mind and I executed that plan exactly to the letter. But this isn't the case.

Ron Currie Jr.

Plan Like Quotes #222847
#59. I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment.

Jill Hennessy

Plan Like Quotes #236395
#60. I think you're like one of your own lumps of clay, Andy. God has a plan for you, and He's trying to get you into the center of it, and you keep dodging and slithering away.

Brother Andrew

Plan Like Quotes #236787
#61. No, it's just, if everything happens for a reason," Elizabeth persists, "as personally, I believe that it does, then when I hear a story of how two people came together, it's like a piece of the plan is being revealed.

Emily St. John Mandel

Plan Like Quotes #239112
#62. I was living in a loft with Dave Sitek - this loft full of people just working on their stuff. Some were painting, some were writing. Any plans you had were kind of like a plan for the next two months.

Babatunde Adebimpe

Plan Like Quotes #241265
#63. I like the backup plan better," Amos said. "Backup plan?" Prax asked. "The backup plan is I grab the first guy we see, and beat him until he tells us where the kids are." Prax

James S.A. Corey

Plan Like Quotes #243882
#64. Like I said earlier, it sounds like I'll need a plan B, said Porter. Because I can't see them going for any of that bollocks. They've had more peace plans than I've had bottles of vodka, and if they wanted money, they would have asked for it by now.

Chris Ryan

Plan Like Quotes #244810
#65. But, if you don't like your current Rx coverage or don't have any coverage to begin with, you'll now have the choice to add this new affordable option to your current Medicare plan.

Dennis Hastert

Plan Like Quotes #244893
#66. Values are like a pilot's flight plan . . . without them you're flying blind.

Frank Sonnenberg

Plan Like Quotes #250032
#67. There should be a new, more honest euphemism. Like, I'm leaving office because I plan to solicit more anonymous sex in bathrooms.

Tina Fey

Plan Like Quotes #251550
#68. As a mental exercise I like to plan the murder of friends and colleges.


Plan Like Quotes #257351
#69. As they helped Max clear the few dishes they used, he told them the plan for tomorrow. "It's our custom to bury our dead at sunrise," he said. "We believe that dawn is the time of renewal. Endings and beginnings are inseparable, like the moment before dawn and the moment after." "That's

Kass Morgan

Plan Like Quotes #257658
#70. Like physical events with their causal and teleological interpretations, every linguistic event had two possible interpretations: as a transmission of information and as the realization of a plan.

Ted Chiang

Plan Like Quotes #262223
#71. My career is very important and I'm pretty ambitious. Marriage is not a priority, not the focus of my existence. Of course, you don't plan something like that, do you? It always catches you by surprise.

Megan Gallagher

Plan Like Quotes #262549
#72. There's a plan the school ... So many things happen, you're never given any explanation. We are going to study it scientifically, like in a laboratory.

Peter Hoeg

Plan Like Quotes #267768
#73. Denzel Washington: I like the collaboration, I like seeing people do well, so I really plan to direct the rest of my days.

Denzel Washington

Plan Like Quotes #268289
#74. I don't really know exactly what the plan is ... I'm not a person that's just pursuing acting or just pursuing singing or just pursuing dancing. You know, I would love to do reality television, I would like to go back to Broadway.

Todrick Hall

Plan Like Quotes #269188
#75. One of the biggest things I used to struggle with was about things like going on holiday. Whereas all your friends can talk about something and plan something all year long, I know that I'm probably going to be away and I'm going to miss all of it. If a job comes up, you just can't be there.

Douglas Booth

Plan Like Quotes #276780
#76. God's will is like a jigsaw puzzle until you put all the pieces together, you won't be able to see the whole picture.

Danny L. Deaube

Plan Like Quotes #278669
#77. We are all in Christ's energy. We are all in the divine plan. We are all on the sacred journey, if you want to put it into some very spiritual words. And I like to sing about it, so that's what I do.

Jon Anderson

Plan Like Quotes #279221
#78. Nervy little Shades' Hill purse-clutcher, thinking you can keep me in the dark. What plan?"
"The plan to steal a corpse."
"Ahem. Anything else you'd like to tell me about it?"
"It's brilliant.

Scott Lynch

Plan Like Quotes #281877
#79. I'm just looking as always for something that's stimulating and I hope to find a good story that's a challenge, whether it's big or small. Or that it finds me. I don't have like a career plan. Maybe I should, but I don't.

Viggo Mortensen

Plan Like Quotes #283602
#80. Some actors - myself included - like to know where your character's going: you like to know what the arc is for the character so that you can plan where you're going to give beats for this, that, and the other and give the audience what they want. But on 'Homeland,' you do the opposite.

Raza Jaffrey

Plan Like Quotes #287351
#81. Many of us believe that we need health care reform. That being said - Americans felt like they weren't being listened to. There were a lot of people across the political spectrum who said we don't want a one-size-fits-all healthcare plan.

Timothy Griffin

Plan Like Quotes #288378
#82. I've never had a good game plan. At a certain point, making independent films became more and more appealing to me because I like freshness and originality.

Jonathan Demme

Plan Like Quotes #288925
#83. I always like to plan ahead of time and follow up.

Michael Jackson

Plan Like Quotes #290702
#84. Sadie got up and kissed Amos on the forehead. "Leave it to us, Uncle. I've got a plan."
"That," I said, "sounds like very bad news.

Rick Riordan

Plan Like Quotes #291739
#85. We waste our lives when we do not pray and think and dream and plan and work toward magnifying God in all spheres of life. God created us for this: to live our lives in a way that makes him look more like the greatness and the beauty and the infinite worth that he really is.

John Piper

Plan Like Quotes #296440
#86. As journalism dies, I kind of feel like I want some skills besides writing. I'd like to be able to write movies or host TV shows or whatever. Things that I might actually not inherently like quite as much, but are interesting and fun things to do. A good backup plan.

Joel Stein

Plan Like Quotes #299332
#87. Realized that at a level I'd never been conscious we'd been engaged in a game of wits for years. I suppose most writer-subject pairings are like that. Of course, I'd set aside my plan to write about him [Clark Rockfeller] as soon as I'd gotten to know him some, but now I'd resumed that intention.

Walter Kirn

Plan Like Quotes #301792
#88. Acting is like music and you improvise. It's like jazz, there's no rhyme or reason to it. It's not a plan. You practice to music and you just play it.

Denzel Washington

Plan Like Quotes #306657
#89. The problem is that the worldview I've chosen has melted like butter. I had a plan, and the plan is gone.

Shauna Niequist

Plan Like Quotes #315388
#90. I never plan a structure. I like surprises. I'm quite disciplined and sit at my desk every day and just write.

Jenny Downham

Plan Like Quotes #319866
#91. like so many other things in teaching - if you don't plan it, it doesn't happen.

Mark Barnes

Plan Like Quotes #320186
#92. He who lets the world, or his own portion of it, choose his plan of life for him, has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation. He who chooses his plan for himself, employs all his faculties.

John Stuart Mill

Plan Like Quotes #323862
#93. I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be 'protectors' of creation, protectors of God's plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.

Pope Francis

Plan Like Quotes #326996
#94. Baz arched an elegant brow. Are you going to snog the Humdrum-is that your plan? Because he's eleven. And he looks just like you. That's both vain and deviant, Snow, even for you.

Rainbow Rowell

Plan Like Quotes #328320
#95. Everybody thinks some times that science is done as a master plan and that somebody like me came from Mars and figured out everything and so on, but that's really not the way it worked.

Ahmed H. Zewail

Plan Like Quotes #329936
#96. It wasn't like I had a plan, but it wasn't a mistake.

Eileen Cook

Plan Like Quotes #335832
#97. Does it ever occur to women that maybe a guy might like to have a plan, you know, because he's nervous? He's not sure that he could just walk up to you and you'd respond if he said "I like you." "I like you." "I like you!

Will Smith

Plan Like Quotes #337941
#98. I want to set people up for success, like a good diet plan. If I pick just one, it may not be the right one for you. That's why there are 500 shifts, so you can literally flip it open and have an easy starting point.

Elizabeth Rogers

Plan Like Quotes #338355
#99. Hope is like a dream with plan and purpose.

Debasish Mridha

Plan Like Quotes #351620
#100. My plan was to go on my run, grab Ms. Fancy, drive like a cocaine-attled hell bat to the airport and hurl her and her bags out as I slowed down in the drop off lane.

Joshilyn Jackson

Plan Like Quotes #355187

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