Top 10 Pinkoski Letters Quotes

#1. You believe that all humanity came from Adam and Eve, and humans have not evolved at all since. So tell me; between the two of them, which was black, which was white, and which was Asian?

Richard Dawkins

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #221458
#2. Darwin has done more to change human thought than all the priests who have existed.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #271873
#3. What made pigs different? Why were they bred for food and held in captivity, while dogs and cats were welcomed into our homes and treated like family? Aside from physicality, we could see no difference between her and our dogs.

Caprice Crane

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #393415
#4. I discovered even before I went to jail that apartheid was not run by people who were monolithic in their approach. Some of them didn't even believe in apartheid.

Nelson Mandela

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #420801
#5. If history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilization

Ludwig Von Mises

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #521940
#6. God strikes not with both hands, for to the sea he made heavens, and to rivers foords.

George Herbert

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #629990
#7. She's awake!
By which I mean, of course, 'She's miraculously not dead, again,' since by all rights, you should be. Oberon must really love your dumb ass.

Seanan McGuire

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #630731
#8. Women! He thought, who could ever figure them out? No matter what a man said, he was always in the wrong. There was no logic in them.

Louis L'Amour

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #756287
#9. Veganism is about nonviolence:
nonviolence to other sentient beings;
nonviolence to yourself;
nonviolence to the earth.

Gary L. Francione

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #1067955
#10. Words can never really help you say, what you want them to anyway. And words can never really help you see, what you really want to be.

Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Pinkoski Letters Quotes #1507553

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