Top 6 Persnickety Crossword Quotes

#1. Impressing people is utterly different from being truly impressive.

Ryan Holiday

Persnickety Crossword Quotes #198522
#2. The U.S. - the idea that the U.S. has introduced and imposed principles of international law, that's hardly even a joke. The United States has even gone so far as to veto Security Council resolutions calling on all states to observe international law. That was in the 1980s under Reagan.

Noam Chomsky

Persnickety Crossword Quotes #854219
#3. Sometimes the truth has to hit us over the head before we can see it.

Liz Fenton

Persnickety Crossword Quotes #877559
#4. I was the kid at six who was like, 'I want to be in a jazz club.' I was never the pop kid, ever. I mean that's not true, I had a couple years where I wanted to be Tiffany and Debbie Gibson, but aside from that, no.

Rachael MacFarlane

Persnickety Crossword Quotes #1074605
#5. The lights of some people precede their dhikr, while the dhikr of some people precede their lights. There is the one who does (loud) dhikr so that his heart be illumined; and there is the one whose heart has been illumined and he does (silent) dhikr.

Ibn Ata Allah

Persnickety Crossword Quotes #1293981
#6. The more people who are dependent on government handouts, the more votes the left can depend on for an ever-expanding welfare state.

Thomas Sowell

Persnickety Crossword Quotes #1545013

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