Top 10 Persnickety Quotes

#1. Those two are dangerously persnickety.

Shelly Crane

Persnickety Quotes #76154
#2. Mathematicians can be persnickety about logical niceties. We're the kind of people who think it's funny, when asked, "Do you want soup or salad with that?" to reply, "Yes.

Jordan Ellenberg

Persnickety Quotes #1000366
#3. At ten minutes before eleven, Lanie slipped into her usual pew at Christ Episcopal Church. At least she hoped it was her pew. People could get pretty persnickety if you took their seat, and she usually came to early service.

Alicia Hunter Pace

Persnickety Quotes #1414376
#4. I wish I was one of those persnickety types who buys guidebooks and studies them, but I don't have the inclination or time. I'm more of a 'get on the plane, arrive at the destination and see what happens' kind of traveler.

Candace Bushnell

Persnickety Quotes #1753028
#5. As the early church fathers delighted in saying, Christ took what was ours so that we might receive what was His.

Sinclair B. Ferguson

Persnickety Quotes #161046
#6. Spectacular sporting events are bread & circuses. The Superbowl, for instance, is anything but "super". It is a Petri dish under the lens of mediaocrity, where surveillance of the spectators is just as mind numbing as the incomprehensible homo-erotic beefcake ballet being enacted on the pitch

Dean Cavanagh

Persnickety Quotes #287292
#7. I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.

John G. Diefenbaker

Persnickety Quotes #548937
#8. Self importance is self pride.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Persnickety Quotes #1039120
#9. his son in Paris and left a message with

Louise Penny

Persnickety Quotes #1102509
#10. Chase punched a code into the keypad above the elevator call button, and the doors to the service elevator slid open. "The code is 6969."
"How will I ever remember that?" I teased.

Vi Keeland

Persnickety Quotes #1444147

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