Top 8 Overcoming Trauma Quotes

#1. 'Looper' is about what your 55-year-old self would tell your 25-year-old self over a cup of coffee. It's about finding love in the third act of your life. It's about overcoming trauma and the idea of true sacrifice.

Jason Reitman

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #1119706
#2. You see, in America, it's quite standard for an actor to sign, at the beginning of a series, for five or seven years. The maximum any British agent will allow you to have over an actor is three years.

Julian Fellowes

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #16282
#3. Claude Jade is a brave nice young lady. But I don't give any guarantee what she will do on a taxi's back seat.

Alfred Hitchcock

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #491592
#4. When you hold onto a script that doesn't serve you, you leave no space to write a new one that does.

Jennifer Ho-Dougatz

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #1249423
#5. Deception to a noble end, though regrettable, was sometimes necessary for a greater good. Lying for selfish reasons was the fertile dirt of immorality, from which sprouted the tendrils of evil.

Terry Goodkind

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #1512805
#6. I rode all around Hollywood listening to Donna Summer, looking out the window - all by myself - just going, 'I'm number one!' It's a pretty extraordinary feeling.

Jimmy Webb

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #1755665
#7. Success is as dangerous as failure. Hope is as hollow as fear.


Overcoming Trauma Quotes #1777025
#8. Time heals nothing. It only brings other issues and tissues, and takes what is incurable or unacceptable out of the center of our attention.

Ana Claudia Antunes

Overcoming Trauma Quotes #1777467

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