Top 38 Over Estimation Quotes

#1. In chess, there is only one mistake: over-estimation of your opponent. All else is either bad luck or weakness.

Savielly Tartakower

Over Estimation Quotes #725150
#2. Pride is over-estimation of oneself by reason of self-love.

Baruch Spinoza

Over Estimation Quotes #1688031
#3. The [chief] characteristic of Hitler's leadership [was] his over-estimation of the power of the will. [To win the war] this will had only to be translated into faith down to the youngest private soldier.

Erich Von Manstein

Over Estimation Quotes #249318
#4. You are the one who knows yourself - which is to say, you know how much you are worth in your own estimation, and therefore at what price you will sell yourself; because people sell themselves at different rates.


Over Estimation Quotes #344231
#5. Great men, great events, great epochs, it has been said, grow as we recede from them; and the rate at which they grow in the estimation of men is in some sort a measure of their greatness.

John Campbell Shairp

Over Estimation Quotes #1874404
#6. One very gratifying compliment I sometimes hear is that women want to be my best friend. This endlessly amuses my actual best friend, Jocelyn, because in her estimation I'm 'a good friend, but not that great.

Mindy Kaling

Over Estimation Quotes #350745
#7. It is the laugh of a man in the grip of fond recall- the sight of a sunset, the firm feel of a woman's breast through a thin silk shirt (not that Barry has, in Henry's estimation, ever felt such a thing), or the packed warmth of beach sand.

Stephen King

Over Estimation Quotes #351781
#8. In responding to a terrorist attack, there are only two choices - take the fight to the enemy or wait until they hit you again. In my estimation, America chose the first.

Kay Granger

Over Estimation Quotes #358743
#9. A person who doesn't learn from the past is an idiot, in my estimation.

Stephen King

Over Estimation Quotes #359204
#10. The only reason someone would be calling this early the morning after the Grammys is to tell me I did something wrong."

The phone goes silent.

"Well, I'm going to have to disagree with that," I tell him. "In my estimation, you definitely did everything right last night.

Katie Delahanty

Over Estimation Quotes #386225
#11. I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation.

Jane Austen

Over Estimation Quotes #398711
#12. People tend to take other people at their own estimation: declare yourself a genius and acolytes will follow; call yourself a hero and soldiers will assemble; make anxiety a theme and people will assume you're anxious.


Over Estimation Quotes #407056
#13. The Must be worthless by our estimation or keep us enslaved by an intemperate love of it.

John Calvin

Over Estimation Quotes #429797
#14. The goal of the Christian life is the pursuit of an intimate knowledge of God that leads to a greater estimation of His worth, a greater satisfaction and joy in His person, and a greater giving of oneself for His glory. As

Paul David Washer

Over Estimation Quotes #442400
#15. Your values are your current estimations of truth. They represent your answer to the question of how to live.

Steve Pavlina

Over Estimation Quotes #443292
#16. THE BEST WAY TO FOOL SOMEONE, in Vin's estimation, was to give them what they wanted. Or, at the very least, what they expected. As long as they assumed that they were one step ahead, they wouldn't look back to see if there were any steps that they'd completely missed.

Brandon Sanderson

Over Estimation Quotes #473518
#17. Evolving increases our value, and when we know our value, we navigate toward those with whom we share a genuine interest and appreciation. The rest, in my estimation, is bondage.

Kyrian Lyndon

Over Estimation Quotes #474238
#18. And because he felt like he might burst open and because he lacked the dexterity in English to say all that he was thinking
how in his estimation, the more you lived the more regret and longing you suffered, that life was a glorious catastrophe
Pasquale Tursi said, only, Yes.

Jess Walter

Over Estimation Quotes #478672
#19. I did not myself set a high estimation on wealth, and had the affectation of most young men of lively imagination, who suppose that they can better dispense with the possession of money, than resign their time and faculties to the labour necessary to acquire it.

Walter Scott

Over Estimation Quotes #481500
#20. In hate feeling there is a more or less subtle estimation component.
You do not hate those who take advantage or prevails over someone who is incapable or weak (albeit temporarily), you can at most despise them.

Luigina Sgarro

Over Estimation Quotes #1763887
#21. In replacing religion as the final source of knowledge in popular estimation, science begins to look a bit like another religion itself.

Dalai Lama XIV

Over Estimation Quotes #91754
#22. People keep saying, How'd you get power? Nobody gives you power. I'll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That's it.

David Miscavige

Over Estimation Quotes #10634
#23. And this," cried Darcy, as he walked with quick steps across the room, "is your opinion of me! This is the estimation in which you hold me! I thank you for explaining it so fully.

Jane Austen

Over Estimation Quotes #20358
#24. The serial bully, who in my estimation accounts for about one person in thirty in society, is the single most important threat to the effectiveness of organisations, the profitability of industry, the performance of the economy, and the prosperity of society.

Tim Field

Over Estimation Quotes #41802
#25. In my estimation, more misery has been created by reformers than by any other force in human history.

Frank Herbert

Over Estimation Quotes #42589
#26. He did not enjoy speaking about women with other men, a practice which, in his estimation, was always clownish and braying.

Eleanor Catton

Over Estimation Quotes #44848
#27. And if you don't underestimate me, I won't underestimate you.

Bob Dylan

Over Estimation Quotes #47858
#28. But the habit patterns, inevitably, had survived. To the air, with a wry grin, he murmured, "How long, O Lord? How long?" In his private estimation: not long now.

John Brunner

Over Estimation Quotes #69530
#29. Emotions. A waste of energy in Zacharel's estimation. You lived, you warred and one day you died. Anything else was unnecessary.

Gena Showalter

Over Estimation Quotes #83703
#30. If we would serve science, we must extend her limits, not only as far as our own knowledge is concerned, but in the estimation of others.

Rudolf Virchow

Over Estimation Quotes #326224
#31. The primary purpose of software estimation is not to predict a project's outcome; it is to determine whether a project's targets are realistic enough to allow the project to be controlled to meet them.

Steve McConnell

Over Estimation Quotes #110247
#32. All the extraordinary men I have known were extraordinary in their own estimation.

Woodrow Wilson

Over Estimation Quotes #120378
#33. Great learning and superior abilities ... will be of little value and small estimation unless virtue, honor, truth, and integrity are added to them.

Abigail Adams

Over Estimation Quotes #158211
#34. In proportion as I discover the worthlessness of other pursuits, the value of my Eliza and of domestic happiness rises in my estimation.

Alexander Hamilton

Over Estimation Quotes #173643
#35. Poor fool! in whose petty estimation all things are little.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Over Estimation Quotes #230843
#36. We are now becoming, by Blackmore's estimation, teme machines - servants to the evolution of our own technologies.

Michael Harris

Over Estimation Quotes #231419
#37. No man ever stood the lower in my estimation for having a patch in his clothes: yet I am sure that there is greater anxiety, commonly, to have fashionable, or at least clean and unpatched clothes, than to have a sound conscience.

Henry David Thoreau

Over Estimation Quotes #242106
#38. Few men are raised in our estimation by being too closely examined.

Honore De Balzac

Over Estimation Quotes #298786

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