Top 18 Orthogonal Quotes

#1. The orthogonal features, when combined, can explode into complexity.

Yukihiro Matsumoto

Orthogonal Quotes #434618
#2. I run a business and go all over the world doing things for that business, things that are fairly orthogonal. But my job is to run my company, not to be the best Instagrammer. I'll let other people be awesome at it.

Kevin Systrom

Orthogonal Quotes #976976
#3. General intelligence and practical intelligence are "orthogonal": the presence of one doesn't imply the presence of the other.

Malcolm Gladwell

Orthogonal Quotes #1084279
#4. The random quantum fluctuations of my brain are historical accidents that happen to have decided that the concepts of dynamic scoping and lexical scoping are orthogonal and should remain that way.

Larry Wall

Orthogonal Quotes #1119848
#5. It's always good to take an orthogonal view of something. It develops ideas.

Ken Thompson

Orthogonal Quotes #1267023
#6. How do you know? Maybe you're just out of the loop, maybe those orthogonal stealthnets are running you the way you think you're running Rakshi. You think everyone on the planet's a puppet except for Colonel Jim Moore?

Peter Watts

Orthogonal Quotes #1778211
#7. Most people who end up being successful have good grades, but it's orthogonal - there's no extra information than if they put together a website and have bunch of fans who love coming and seeing what they're doing.

Gabe Newell

Orthogonal Quotes #322946
#8. I wouldn't trade those 10 years for anything. The Navy taught me a lot of things. It molded me as a man, and I made a lot of wonderful friends.

Ernest Borgnine

Orthogonal Quotes #1566866
#9. I see something new in 'Gosford Park' every time I watch it.

Nina Arianda

Orthogonal Quotes #1509308
#10. I resented you for inserting yourself so fully into my life, and then one day I realized I couldn't imagine my life without you ...

Maya Banks

Orthogonal Quotes #1404754
#11. I do write long, long character notes - family background, history, details of appearance - much more than will ever appear in the novel. I think this is what lifts a book from that early calculated, artificial stage.

Anne Tyler

Orthogonal Quotes #1388949
#12. I learned not to care ... and to write for an imaginary reader whose tastes were similar to my own.

Terry Southern

Orthogonal Quotes #1369516
#13. I love writing, but I would be able to love it more if that love wasn't motivated by fear of homelessness.

Jenny Trout

Orthogonal Quotes #1289046
#14. If the alpha tried to separate him from Brenna, he'd have a fight on his hands. A bloody one.

Nalini Singh

Orthogonal Quotes #1140494
#15. Take the time to smell the roses. Sooner or later, you'll inhale a bee and die.

Christopher Titus

Orthogonal Quotes #1088203
#16. I burn a hole through everything I stare, and it happens when I stand in front of the mirror too.

Akshay Vasu

Orthogonal Quotes #1078764
#17. When we take no responsibility for any aspect of our past, we limit our ability to respond in the present and the future.

Bill Crawford

Orthogonal Quotes #327345
#18. Deep down inside we're all the same. We all have the same emotions.

Michael Jackson

Orthogonal Quotes #163378

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