Top 100 Orrin Woodward Quotes

#1. A dream that you don't fight for can haunt you for the rest of your life." - Orrin Woodward

Delaine Christine

Orrin Woodward Quotes #901795
#2. Leaders speak truth into people who believe lies about themselves.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1845
#3. A person either hates losing enough to change or he hates changing enough to lose.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #11255
#4. You either hate losing enough to change, or you hate changing enough to lose.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #14162
#5. Men's Leadership Success Formula: Get up, Show up, Man up, Mentor up, and Move up!

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #15119
#6. Successful people achieve because they think beforehand when it works & think afterwards when it doesn't work.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #15585
#7. Everyone has the spark of greatness; a leader's role is to pour oxygen onto it forming the fire within.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #20525
#8. Learn to use the criticism as fuel and you will never run out of energy.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #25281
#9. You can not become who you want to be until you have changed who you used to be

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #29587
#10. Leadership Principle: As hunger increases, excuses decrease.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #31977
#11. It's not about what you're capable of, it's about what you are willing to endure.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #34733
#12. God is not against you owning things, but he is against the things owning you.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #36692
#13. People love being around those who serve them.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #40190
#14. Every uncomfortable experience in life gives you the choice of growing bitter or better.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #41925
#15. To ensure longterm failure is not an option, one must learn from many short-term failures.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #46153
#16. To live more for God and others one must die more to self and sin.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #50908
#17. I fear insignificance more than I fear failure.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #52137
#18. You can tell the size of a person by the way he treats people who cannot help him.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #56977
#19. When a leader buys his own excuses, he also, unfortunately, sells them to his team.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #61245
#20. Ingratitude produces pride while gratitude produces humility.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #84559
#21. Absolute money (gold) makes limited-states and localized-wars (Pre-1913); Substitute money (fiat) makes Absolute States & Wars (Post-1913)

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #89572
#22. Victims blame, managers maintain, and leaders change.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #153426
#23. The only thing tougher than developing leadership skills is attempting to be successful without them.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #174165
#24. Those focused on the future don't complain about their past; those complaining about their past aren't focused on their futures.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #183136
#25. True leadership is the orchestration of truth into action to shine Light into darkness.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #194173
#26. Few lack talent, but most people lack the vision & perseverance to develop their talents.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #207153
#27. You can't lose in sales if you remember that you're not selling; you're solving problems.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #207987
#28. Leaders respond & change; the rest quit and blame.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #210046
#29. A leader who accepts his own excuses cannot help others overcome theirs.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #219380
#30. You won't find your dream until you lose your excuses.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #251535
#31. Knowledge is understanding universals; wisdom is the ability to recognize universal from the presented particulars.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #263135
#32. Success is on the other side of your comfort zone.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #266796
#33. Success, for most people, requires unlearning as much as learning.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #267611
#34. The challenge for a mentee is not only to learn what he doesn't know, but also to unlearn what he thinks he knows.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #270968
#35. I would rather suffer with truth than celebrate with lies.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #294359
#36. A leader must inspire or his team will expire.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #296596
#37. A low self-image is usually not based upon facts; it's mismanaged memory.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #306959
#38. Winners make every setback a floor to launch higher. Non-winners make every setback a ceiling to launch lower.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #312835
#39. It's not the gifts you don't have that hold you back as much as the gifts you do have that you don't use.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #326961
#40. Never let what you don't know stop you from doing what you do know.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #328110
#41. The character to follow thru on commitments made to others is built by following thru on commitments made to self.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #333340
#42. You cannot hear opportunities knocking if you are busy knocking opportunities.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #346910
#43. Most complain about dried up lawns; others envy a neighbor's green lawn, but winners learn from all lawns while cultivating their own.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #351320
#44. The candle inside will eventually burn out; the question is: did it light the path for those following us?

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #353067
#45. Thinking is the toughest kind of work which is why so many people avoid it.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #364109
#46. Without courage, it doesn't matter how good the leader's intentions are.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #364350
#47. A passive mindset "manages" to live with mediocre, but an active mindset "leads" to change until excellence results.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #367864
#48. In life, most people surrender what is possible for what is comfortable.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #372277
#49. Leaders respond & change; the rest quit and blame.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #377724
#50. You cannot live your dreams and fears simultaneously. One must die.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #380935
#51. Everyone deals with the problems of life, but remember the goal is to solve them to get new ones.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #386180
#52. If you aren't loyal to the few you won't be blessed with the many.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #388284
#53. Don't confuse one leader's bluster for muster or another leader's meekness for weakness.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #391025
#54. Leaders who won't own failures become failures.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #391629
#55. A bitter heart is never thankful & a thankful heart is never bitter.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #422527
#56. Sadly, when a person's possessions distract him from his purpose, he usually ends up losing both.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #430917
#57. You cannot expect others to believe in you until you believe in yourself.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #435672
#58. Quality of work is directly related to the quality of a person's character.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #439009
#59. Until you accept responsibility for your life, someone else runs your life.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #442015
#60. Your business will only get as big as the shadow of your character.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #442324
#61. Conventional Wisdom is certainly not wisdom, and only is conventional because foolishness is so common today.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #443902
#62. Do not mistake a leader's meekness for weakness.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #446177
#63. Losers sulk; posers talk; winners walk - choose wisely.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #470410
#64. When your reasons rise above your excuses, so will you.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #492803
#65. Imagine if we applied as much grace to others as we give ourselves & as much law to ourselves as we apply to others.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #494153
#66. Leaders do what ought to be done whether their deeds are known by thousands or known by no one.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #498355
#67. Those who do not study their businesses do not stay in business.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #500404
#68. The gap between intentions and actions is character.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #503654
#69. Debt on anything that depreciates is disastrous. #financialfitness

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #505430
#70. Every leader has the courage to make decisions. No decision is usually the worst decision.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #511089
#71. Success is assured when a person fears the pain of regret more than the pain of the process.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #511231
#72. Never wrestle with pigs for the pigs remain clueless and you end up muddy.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #517281
#73. The limiting factor on your success is not the size of the obstacles, but the size of your dream.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #517495
#74. I stopped paying the price for success and started enjoying the price for success.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #532932
#75. Success never goes on sale, but most spend their whole life dickering over the cost, never making the purchase.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #545876
#76. Managers maintain the present while leaders create the future.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #546904
#77. Success is simple, but isn't easy because it demands execution, not intentions.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #552720
#78. Find a victory in every defeat to remain hopeful and find a defeat in every victory to remain humble.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #585456
#79. If we're going to make mistakes anyway, we might as well learn from them
"teachable moments".

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #603541
#80. Most people live with pleasant illusions, but leaders must deal with hard realities.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #610720
#81. People are more likely to listen to sermons you preach if they are also sermons you practice.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #611467
#82. Defeats are merely repeats with better information.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #613572
#83. If you fill your head with positive thoughts, there won't be any room left for negative ones.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #618556
#84. Most people fail in leadership b/c they think when they should be working and work when they should be thinking.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #623230
#85. Success corrupts character when a person loses the spirit of thankfulness.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #625202
#86. Winners gather together to fuel hope; losers gossip together to fuel hate.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #627340
#87. A wealthy mindset minimizes expenses in self-entertainment and maximizes investments in self-education.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #634908
#88. If life is like a canoe in a raging river then wisdom is the paddle to successfully navigate.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #636088
#89. Those who row the boat don't have time to rock it while those who rock it don't have time to row it.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #640985
#90. Those who serve deserve.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #667482
#91. If you accept excuses from others, it's usually because you have accepted your own excuse.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #674384
#92. Licking your wounds will not stop the bleeding, but applying pressure will.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #675450
#93. Winning requires reaching inside of yourself for that extra gear to accelerate challenges.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #678382
#94. He who controls the fools gold, controls the fools.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #681062
#95. One person with commitment accomplishes more than a thousand with an opinion.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #688451
#96. Leaders always choose the harder right rather than the easier wrong.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #703937
#97. The ability to focus is the key separation point between those who move ahead and those who fall behind.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #705736
#98. Your dominant thoughts from your past have produced your today. Your dominant thoughts today will produce your future.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #709518
#99. Everyone carries a bucket of water and a bucket of gas in life. A leader has learned to throw the right one at the right time.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #710090
#100. Belief is the magic key that unlocks your dreams.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #716020

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