Top 100 Orrin Woodward Quotes

#1. Successful people achieve because they think beforehand when it works & think afterwards when it doesn't work.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #15585
#2. Everyone has the spark of greatness; a leader's role is to pour oxygen onto it forming the fire within.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #20525
#3. To live more for God and others one must die more to self and sin.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #50908
#4. Few lack talent, but most people lack the vision & perseverance to develop their talents.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #207153
#5. Leaders respond & change; the rest quit and blame.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #210046
#6. You won't find your dream until you lose your excuses.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #251535
#7. Knowledge is understanding universals; wisdom is the ability to recognize universal from the presented particulars.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #263135
#8. The challenge for a mentee is not only to learn what he doesn't know, but also to unlearn what he thinks he knows.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #270968
#9. I would rather suffer with truth than celebrate with lies.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #294359
#10. A leader must inspire or his team will expire.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #296596
#11. Never let what you don't know stop you from doing what you do know.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #328110
#12. Most complain about dried up lawns; others envy a neighbor's green lawn, but winners learn from all lawns while cultivating their own.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #351320
#13. The candle inside will eventually burn out; the question is: did it light the path for those following us?

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #353067
#14. Thinking is the toughest kind of work which is why so many people avoid it.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #364109
#15. Without courage, it doesn't matter how good the leader's intentions are.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #364350
#16. In life, most people surrender what is possible for what is comfortable.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #372277
#17. Leaders respond & change; the rest quit and blame.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #377724
#18. If you aren't loyal to the few you won't be blessed with the many.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #388284
#19. Leaders who won't own failures become failures.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #391629
#20. Sadly, when a person's possessions distract him from his purpose, he usually ends up losing both.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #430917
#21. You cannot expect others to believe in you until you believe in yourself.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #435672
#22. Quality of work is directly related to the quality of a person's character.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #439009
#23. Losers sulk; posers talk; winners walk - choose wisely.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #470410
#24. Those who do not study their businesses do not stay in business.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #500404
#25. The gap between intentions and actions is character.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #503654
#26. Debt on anything that depreciates is disastrous. #financialfitness

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #505430
#27. Every leader has the courage to make decisions. No decision is usually the worst decision.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #511089
#28. Success is assured when a person fears the pain of regret more than the pain of the process.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #511231
#29. Never wrestle with pigs for the pigs remain clueless and you end up muddy.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #517281
#30. Most people live with pleasant illusions, but leaders must deal with hard realities.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #610720
#31. Defeats are merely repeats with better information.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #613572
#32. Leaders always choose the harder right rather than the easier wrong.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #703937
#33. The ability to focus is the key separation point between those who move ahead and those who fall behind.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #705736
#34. Everyone carries a bucket of water and a bucket of gas in life. A leader has learned to throw the right one at the right time.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #710090
#35. Belief is the magic key that unlocks your dreams.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #716020
#36. Liberty was paid for by past sacrifices and given to us as a present gift.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #730899
#37. The first business asset you should invest in is yourself.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #744785
#38. If you get your spirit and heart right, everything else flows from there.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #751882
#39. Death is only a tragedy when life's purpose was left unfulfilled.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #780648
#40. Success is not as easy as winners make it look nor as hard as losers make it sound.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #795725
#41. The problem with incompetence is its inability to recognize itself.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #845849
#42. Truth is an acquired taste.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #852236
#43. A fool is someone whose arrogance is only surpassed by his ignorance.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #859308
#44. Dollar bill: people spend their whole life seeking to earn it, but won't spend 10 minutes seeking to learn it.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #897016
#45. But is the word used before you rationalize why the situation is not your fault nor responsibility.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #905263
#46. The only place where compensation comes before service is in the dictionary or anywhere the government meddles.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #913738
#47. Pressure squeezes effort out of winners and excuses out of losers.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #936693
#48. Change is a given; growth, however, is optional.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #949035
#49. Many lose through never starting. A job well begun is half done.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #952027
#50. More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #979447
#51. Don't waste tomorrow on yesterday.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #980483
#52. Winners see the dream and develop plans while the rest see the obstacles and develop justifications.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #983605
#53. Success is the exponential effect of little things done consistently over time.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #988835
#54. Wealthy people attract critics like wealthy ships attract pirates.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1040947
#55. The two major ways people fail financially: 1) Spend when they should save. 2) Save when they should invest.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1067911
#56. Absorption in ease and entertainment is a sure sign of dissipation and decline.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1101364
#57. Our culture says Status is more important than Wealth, but we teach the opposite.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1113181
#58. Successful people do not have a part-time mindset nor a full-time mindset, but a lifetime mindset.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1114793
#59. When the urgent crowds out the important, people urgently accomplish nothing of value.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1132988
#60. A person that does not value your time will not value your advice.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1137402
#61. Vision and persistence will take you to the top of the leadership mountain, but only humility will keep you there.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1173338
#62. Sight is seeing with the eyes; vision is seeing with the mind.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1208300
#63. Power in society is achieved through control of the purse, pen, and politics.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1218148
#64. Big mouths and small brains make the strangest noises.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1243538
#65. In a world that loves lies, truth is subject to the greatest libels.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1248937
#66. Self-denial in the pursuit of purpose generates true pleasure while self-indulgence in the pursuit of pleasure generates true misery.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1250753
#67. A person doesn't feel, then act; rather, he acts, then feels. Change actions to change feelings.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1251806
#68. Don't mortgage tomorrow's possibilities by settling for today's reality.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1266688
#69. Many times in life, those who do the most correcting, need the most correcting.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1295595
#70. Never complain about what you permit to be.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1301215
#71. The greatest leaders are reluctant ones who lead because they realize that no one else seems willing to step up.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1359714
#72. What kills leadership growth isn't ignorance, but rather the illusion of knowledge.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1373160
#73. A society that has no wrongs will soon have no rights.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1379450
#74. A bitter heart is never thankful & a thankful heart is never bitter.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1423459
#75. There are no dead ends in life, only dead end thinking.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1436957
#76. The only people capable of handling success are those who have learned to handle failures w/o taking their eyes off the prize.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1476736
#77. The art side of leadership involves orchestrating another performer's science to produce the desired result.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1504628
#78. Old: Give me liberty or give me death. - New: Give me liberty or give me debt.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1505260
#79. Don't mistake thinking for action & don't mistake action for results.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1517346
#80. You will never realize success on the outside until you can see it clearly o the inside. Success is inside out.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1522211
#81. Most people overestimate others' talents and underestimate their own.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1531974
#82. Never confuse truth and the latest public opinion poll.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1556717
#83. Life is a dream made real through the power of our imaginations.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1563713
#84. Happiness comes from serving others.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1594687
#85. Something for nothing given to one group is nothing for something taken from another.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1609863
#86. Every right that we enjoy has a corresponding duty to not interfere with the enjoyment of the same right by others.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1617151
#87. Business leaders cultivate vision to unify teams; the teams cultivate business to fulfill the vision.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1643482
#88. You must be willing to give up what you are, to become what you want to be.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1652606
#89. You can either hold onto your dream by letting go of your excuses or hold onto your excuses by letting go of your dream.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1654672
#90. A limited state with free economic systems is the soil where the liberty tree blossoms.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1665405
#91. If the only thing that you are good at is convincing others that you are good, then being in biz with you is bad experience.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1690740
#92. Compromised commitments today lead to creative excuses tomorrow.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1691459
#93. Your words have the power of life and death. Choose them wisely.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1714535
#94. Don't mistake thinking for action & don't mistake action for results.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1727036
#95. You must believe to see, see to do, do to improve, and improve consistently to win; therefore, believing is the key to winning.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1771282
#96. Do you have the talent?' is rarely the question. 'Do you have the guts to finish?' is the real question.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1799025
#97. Winners never suffer defeat, but rather just many setbacks on their way to victory.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1814701
#98. A big secret to life is when you learn that learning is just as entertaining as entertainment, but with long term benefits.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1817740
#99. Modern society drinks in streams of information while dying of wisdom thirst.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1830935
#100. The best friend of truth is time while the best friend of a leader is results.

Orrin Woodward

Orrin Woodward Quotes #1861765

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