Top 100 Oriented Quotes

#1. I think I'm in a business where you have to look good, and it's totally youth-oriented.

Joan Rivers

Oriented Quotes #1149974
#2. Strive to be value oriented rather than success oriented.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1417982
#3. My view on politics is much more grassroots oriented; it's not old boy network oriented, so I tend to, you know, come at it a little bit stronger, a little bit more street-wise, if you will. That's rubbed some feathers the wrong way.

Michael Steele

Oriented Quotes #1413233
#4. Medical training is relentlessly future-oriented, all about delayed gratification; you're always thinking about what you'll be doing five years down the line.

Paul Kalanithi

Oriented Quotes #1412644
#5. I came up in a family oriented towards the sick, so I always felt an obligation for doing something.

Eddie Bernice Johnson

Oriented Quotes #1406741
#6. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.

Albert Einstein

Oriented Quotes #1404662
#7. There are probably no more market-oriented individuals on the planet, than low income people.

Jacqueline Novogratz

Oriented Quotes #1403466
#8. I'm not really a goal-oriented guy. I started doing the Mountain Goats just for the sheer hell of it.

John Darnielle

Oriented Quotes #1391669
#9. The most prevalent way of working in photography right now is project oriented: you go after an idea. I like the old way, the intuitive approach. You follow your nose and take pictures and see what emerges. It happens after the fact.

Mark Klett

Oriented Quotes #1391302
#10. Juilliard definitely emphasizes the theater. They don't train - at all really - for film acting. It's mostly process-oriented, pretty much for the stage.

Adam Driver

Oriented Quotes #1390722
#11. A weakness of many of the self-oriented play theories is that they often sound too much like vain consumerism instead of being about the more passionate and willful character of human play, which involves a willingness, even if a fantasy, to believe in the play venture itself.

Brian Sutton-Smith

Oriented Quotes #1385454
#12. Success is never an accident; it is always a result of goal-oriented, diligent actions.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1372906
#13. The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.

Jakob Nielsen

Oriented Quotes #1370256
#14. Ultimately, I am very filmmaker oriented, as a producer.

Nina Jacobson

Oriented Quotes #1366039
#15. Attempting to write vocal oriented songs to me felt like going through the motions and if you are going to go through the motions you might as well just do any gig that caused you to do repetitive motions like banging a hammer or serving fries.

Ronnie Montrose

Oriented Quotes #1356148
#16. Despite a history of policy reversals and failed efforts, the foundation continues to be upheld as an exemplary and uniquely results-oriented organization.

Linsey McGoey

Oriented Quotes #1355083
#17. I play a complicated position in an intensely team-oriented game.

Tom Brady

Oriented Quotes #1344444
#18. If you're constantly being reminded of the ways in which your history and your narrative as a people were rooted in loss and decay, then you're in deep trouble. Once you make a certain kind of peace with the past, then you should be completely oriented towards speculation about the future.

Kerry James Marshall

Oriented Quotes #1342242
#19. People want results. I call it 'results oriented conservatism,' R.O.C. because that's what people want out of government.

Bob McDonnell

Oriented Quotes #1341839
#20. The more we do "together," the less individualistic we'll be. The more we become "one" with Christ, the less consumer oriented we'll be. The more we do for "others," the less materialistic we'll be.

Hugh Halter

Oriented Quotes #1331811
#21. This one says they'll place your 'little blessing in disguise' with a local 'Christ-oriented family.' What about the non-Christ-oriented families? Don't they deserve the right to adopt kids?

Megan Hart

Oriented Quotes #1331396
#22. Left-leaning policies - I'm 52 years old, I've been to Cuba, I've been to dysfunctional state oriented places - left-leaning policies fail the lower and middle classes.

Anthony Scaramucci

Oriented Quotes #1330625
#23. When life tends to get too complex, too fast, too cluttered, too deadline oriented, or too type A for you, stop and remember your own spirit. You're headed for inspiration, a simple, peaceful place where you're in harmony with the perfect timing of all creation.

Wayne Dyer

Oriented Quotes #1326278
#24. A leader is solution oriented and a philosopher is problem oriented.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1320074
#25. Linebacker is a lot more detail oriented and you have to know a lot more than a defensive end necessarily would on any given play.

Justin Cole

Oriented Quotes #1318281
#26. I think I am very goal oriented. I'd like to win the America's cup. I'd like Oracle to be the No 1 software company in the world. I still think it is possible to beat Microsoft.

Larry Ellison

Oriented Quotes #1314959
#27. I was among one of the first entrepreneurs to start building their own private enterprise when Perestroika began in Russia and the state initiated its first market-oriented reforms.

Yelena Baturina

Oriented Quotes #1313770
#28. I'm very homework-oriented - I'm a little Tracy Flick-ish.

Drew Barrymore

Oriented Quotes #1304184
#29. You think of stars as ambitious or aggressive or self-oriented.

John Turturro

Oriented Quotes #1302913
#30. Not only can consumers handle their personal genetic information, but they are getting genomically oriented and anchored about such data.

Eric Topol

Oriented Quotes #1302480
#31. I definitely acknowledge that 'The Matrix' and Trinity had an influence on female action-oriented characters in television and in film. I think it's awesome.

Carrie-Anne Moss

Oriented Quotes #1300038
#32. Gradually I began to intellectually reject some of the delusionally influenced lines of thinking which had been characteristic of my orientation. This began, most recognizably, with the rejection of politically-oriented thinking as essentially a hopeless waste of intellectual effort.

John Forbes Nash

Oriented Quotes #1299218
#33. I don't have a wife, I don't have any kids, I don't have any addictions that keep me drooling on the couch, and I'm kind of target oriented.

Henry Rollins

Oriented Quotes #1292173
#34. I'm a regular Canadian girl. I enjoy staying home. In the summer I've got a garden. I'm very much a homebody, a normal, family-oriented girl. But I do have this other incredible side of my life that involves acting and traveling.

Elisha Cuthbert

Oriented Quotes #1280976
#35. Don't waste time. Avoid the company of wasteful people who lack the desire to achieve. Become assertive and action-oriented.

Archibald Marwizi

Oriented Quotes #1280803
#36. Values-oriented foreign policy of the free world would be much better, supported by the self-awareness of being on the right side of history.

Garry Kasparov

Oriented Quotes #1280743
#37. Success is the byproduct of desires, purpose-oriented actions, and persistence.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1274268
#38. The Japanese tend to be far more co-operative and docile and group-oriented. It would be easier to get the entire population of Tokyo to wear matching outfits than to get any two randomly selected Americans to agree on pizza toppings.

Dave Barry

Oriented Quotes #1267951
#39. A successful trader is rational, analytical, able to control emotions, practical, and profit oriented.

Monroe Trout

Oriented Quotes #1263058
#40. We don't intend to always keep this necessarily African oriented. Originally I had hoped to have African American Indian of this area, and the Appalachian of this area, but at the same time, just as we have the Haitian room, we will always have room for another exhibit.

Katherine Dunham

Oriented Quotes #1262931
#41. Design must be an innovative, highly creative, cross-disciplinary tool responsive to the needs of men. It must be more research-oriented, and we must stop defiling the earth itself with poorly-designed objects and structures.

Victor Papanek

Oriented Quotes #1255604
#42. There is visual illiteracy with text-oriented films like bloody 'Harry Potter' and 'Lord of the Rings.' ...

Peter Greenaway

Oriented Quotes #1254539
#43. I think a lot of drama, nowadays, is character-based and development-based, but 'True Blood' is very plot-oriented.

Deborah Ann Woll

Oriented Quotes #1253982
#44. When you confront, you are more result oriented.

Sunday Adelaja

Oriented Quotes #1246167
#45. All research in the cultural sciences in an age of specialization, once it is oriented towards a given subject matter through particular settings of problems and has established its methodological principles, will consider the analysis of the data as an end in itself.

Max Weber

Oriented Quotes #1240164
#46. As a tither you automatically become solution-oriented rather than problem-oriented.

Mark Victor Hansen

Oriented Quotes #1238464
#47. Beginning with adolescence, my political formation was oriented in the ideological direction of Marxism. It was natural, being that my thinking was influenced by an atmosphere of active critical resistance. That was the way it was during all of the dictatorship and up to the Revolution of 1974.

Jose Saramago

Oriented Quotes #1230065
#48. Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am extremely action-oriented. I'm all about making things happen.

Cindy Gallop

Oriented Quotes #1224444
#49. Women are just more oriented toward feelings - and I don't mean that in a negative way. But with a male actor and a male director, the emotional exploration can only go so far. With a female director, you can end up exploring so many more depths.

Nick Nolte

Oriented Quotes #1220120
#50. I think the must-have power qualities for a female or male power leader are really the ability to focus, to work hard, to be extremely goal oriented and to not let the noise and the nonsense interfere with your mission - what you really feel you want to do with your career and your life.

Anne Sweeney

Oriented Quotes #1219291
#51. All around the world, there are many great schools, wonderful teachers, and inspiring leaders who are working creatively to provide students with the kinds of personalized, compassionate, and community-oriented education they need.

Ken Robinson

Oriented Quotes #1209742
#52. It's nice that psychedelic music is kind of a buzzword. When I started with Vincent Black Shadow, stoner-rock was getting big, but it was more of a riff-oriented thing. Now people are starting to get into the 60's-Pink Floyd-acid-pop viewpoint.

Mike Romano

Oriented Quotes #1198176
#53. Toronto was a great place to work, a fun place to work. People were so hockey-oriented, hockey-minded, without being too critical. In Montreal, they got downright nasty sometimes.

Pat Burns

Oriented Quotes #1196783
#54. I had a great family. My father was in the Air Force, so we were always disciplined, goal oriented.

Thomas Jones

Oriented Quotes #1187912
#55. Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code. It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches.

Paul Graham

Oriented Quotes #1185603
#56. I'm an ER doctor, period. I look at a problem with a certain lens: very action-oriented, very results-oriented.

Raul Ruiz

Oriented Quotes #1184308
#57. I appreciate the idea that anybody would think of me as a star. But I'm really not career oriented in the sense that I want to be a star. It's not in me. It's not what I do. In fact, I'm amazed that I've even gotten this far.

Lance Henriksen

Oriented Quotes #1184050
#58. Early economic theory was rooted in the Italian, French, and Spanish traditions, which were subjectivist oriented. Then it shifted onto the terrible path by Smith and Ricardo and the British classical tradition, which is 'objectivist' - values are in inherent in production.

Murray Rothbard

Oriented Quotes #1183525
#59. I'm pretty much a movie-to-movie guy. It's hard for me to multitask so I feel very one-thing-at-a-time oriented and I usually just wait until a movie's done and it's premiered, then just kind of reflect on what I'm interested in my own life and let the movies come to me rather than force them.

Drake Doremus

Oriented Quotes #1173947
#60. The foundation of all long-term success lies in building a Resilient and Growth oriented MINDSET.

Tony Dovale

Oriented Quotes #1167320
#61. Have an intrinsic sense of direction of life. Have a goal-oriented conviction and trust.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1163446
#62. New or more information is not what you need - a new plan of action is. It's time to create new behaviors and habits that are oriented away from sabotage and toward success.

Darren Hardy

Oriented Quotes #1160334
#63. Democratically-oriented Jeffersonian inspiration has prevailed throughout history and certainly been more admired than capitalistic Hamiltonian-style motivations of greed and power.

Patrick Mendis

Oriented Quotes #1042396
#64. The way I design generally is very much travel-oriented because that is my life. That's why I make clothes that are so light and so easy to pack and a little bit seasonless.

Diane Von Furstenberg

Oriented Quotes #949784
#65. PHP as an object oriented programming language should be judged by how well it does the job, not on a preconceived notion of what a scripting language should or shouldn't do.

Peter Lavin

Oriented Quotes #953191
#66. Since man is a moral being, his culture cannot be a-moral. Because man is a religious being, his culture, too, must be religiously oriented.

Henry R. Van Til

Oriented Quotes #956956
#67. Everything that David Chase does has a tremendous amount of specificity. He is very detail oriented.

John Magaro

Oriented Quotes #965990
#68. I'm pursuing soundtrack work in the southern California area and down the line I plan to make a moody, intense acoustic album. Not all acoustic, but an acoustic - oriented guitar record that I've already written most of the material for.

Ronnie Montrose

Oriented Quotes #966495
#69. I did one sci-fi movie. I did 'Gattaca.' I liked 'Gattaca' because that was always the kind of science fiction I really dug, the non-action oriented sci-fi.

Ethan Hawke

Oriented Quotes #972433
#70. I'm interested in pitches that have compelling people and ideas at the core - and a good news peg certainly doesn't hurt. We look for stories that are solutions-oriented, but not irrationally upbeat, from writers with a strong voice. For LadyJournos, where I'm curating not editing.

Ann Friedman

Oriented Quotes #979678
#71. If you're long-term oriented, customer interests and shareholder interests are aligned.

Jeff Bezos

Oriented Quotes #985077
#72. The conservative Republican governors tend to be more oriented toward trying to work with Democrats and getting things done.

William J. Clinton

Oriented Quotes #989480
#73. I don't really use YouTube that much. I am a very Internet-oriented person, but I'm more of a Twitter freak - I'm always on Twitter. Or chatting with friends.

Rebecca Black

Oriented Quotes #989628
#74. Elizabeth Warren is, I think, a great demonstration of the kind of movement-oriented model-wielding power from within the Senate. Over and over, she's rallied tons of people to battles that they don't normally get involved in.

Ben Wikler

Oriented Quotes #990495
#75. My entire career stands on the strong pillars of women-oriented films. This stems from the fact that I am sensitive to the entire aura and mystique of a woman and womanhood.

Madhur Bhandarkar

Oriented Quotes #992159
#76. But while you can always write 'spaghetti code' in a procedural language, object-oriented languages used poorly can add meatballs to your spaghetti.

Andrew Hunt

Oriented Quotes #999865
#77. Many conservatives see higher education as a threat to their reactionary and corporate oriented interests and would like to defund higher education, privatize it, eliminate tenure, and define the working conditions of faculty to something resembling the labor practices of Walmart workers.

Henry Giroux

Oriented Quotes #1002144
#78. I should also point out that there is a secret code in each chapter and if you figure it out it unlocks the next level and you get better weapons to fight the zombie quarterbacks on the Pegasus Bridge. So get cracking, you task-oriented monkey brains.

Amy Poehler

Oriented Quotes #1002860
#79. I had decided after 'Hollow Man' to stay away from science fiction. I felt I had done so much science fiction. Four of the six movies I made in Hollywood are science-fiction oriented, and even 'Basic Instinct' is kind of science fiction.

Paul Verhoeven

Oriented Quotes #1003243
#80. I'm a language-oriented writer who proceeds sentence by sentence.

Jayne Anne Phillips

Oriented Quotes #1006174
#81. Web A to Z one of the best seo company in Delhi and provide result oriented seo in given time frame. Get more information visit at our official website.


Oriented Quotes #1008027
#82. My mother was very family-oriented. And I do love being with my children.

Richard Rogers

Oriented Quotes #1009572
#83. [DMT] raises all the questions in a hurry. It's so intense and so oriented toward the other and the visual and the hallucinogenic that it isn't really like a drug. It's more like an event that you ran into. You just came around a corner and there was the unspeakable.

Terence McKenna

Oriented Quotes #1011530
#84. Five rules to follow to be a great leader:
1. Be curious.
2. Serve others.
3. Be purpose oriented.
4. Be adaptive.
5. Be positive.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1012397
#85. I really only respect the Arab culture. I ain't really trying to pay no attention to, ya know, these little people in political positions and executive positions that ain't Arab culture oriented people because a lot of the times, what are you really showing all of this concern for?

Busta Rhymes

Oriented Quotes #1015232
#86. Even though probably the majority of homosexuals are not oriented towards young people, there is a significant number that are, especially the men ... male homosexuality has historically been not adult to adult it has been adult to teenager

Scott Lively

Oriented Quotes #1016382
#87. Our actions let us walk and live. Our imaginations let us fly. So be action oriented and never forget to dream.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1028146
#88. If a goal is only success oriented and not happiness oriented, then it will fill your life with stress, anxiety, and frustration.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1028565
#89. For success, be focused, be goal oriented, and be persistent.

Debasish Mridha

Oriented Quotes #1028774
#90. When I was young, I was an academically oriented guy like most academically oriented guys. I graduated in science, did an MBA. My dreams as a young boy were I wanted to be an industrialist, or I wanted to be a scientist.

Amish Tripathi

Oriented Quotes #1034984
#91. I am a Muslim Arab, in my actions oriented very to the left, in my convictions.

Ahmed Ben Bella

Oriented Quotes #1036879
#92. I'm a very message-oriented artist, and each song has a totally different meaning.

Claudia Lee

Oriented Quotes #1038591
#93. I'm not really gadget oriented. I'm not into technology or computers. I'm not good at interfacing with that sort of gear.

Nicolas Cage

Oriented Quotes #1042354
#94. When I look at how the banking world has changed and at the role Chinese banks, for example, play today, Germany, as an export-oriented economy, should be pleased to have a major global player in its camp.

Peer Steinbruck

Oriented Quotes #1114361
#95. Flip's a player's coach, and I do know one thing, he motivates better than anybody I know. His system is very oriented around the point guard. He and Steph (Marbury) had a great relationship when Steph was in Minnesota.

Kevin Garnett

Oriented Quotes #1125624
#96. Natural farming is just farming, nothing more. You don't have to be a spiritually oriented person to practice my methods.

Masanobu Fukuoka

Oriented Quotes #1121123
#97. Thank you, World Screen, for regularly providing me with excellent articles on international media topics. For me, World Screen is an important means of information-well-structured and reader-oriented.

Gerhard Zeiler

Oriented Quotes #1116991
#98. You should be living your life surrounded by people who are like-minded, service-oriented, and grateful, people who are trying to accomplish things, and who bring something to the table.

Steve Harvey

Oriented Quotes #1100306
#99. A commercial civilization is money-oriented, profit-oriented. Commercial values always tend to wrench a society free of tradition.Economics from education to public service is being reorganized on the self-destructive basis of self-interest.

John Ralston Saul

Oriented Quotes #1099778
#100. To be honest, I'm not as goal oriented and ambitious as I once was.

Chantal Kreviazuk

Oriented Quotes #1138569

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