Top 35 Openly Love Yourself Quotes

#1. At the core of your being, you are spiritual, limitless, and beautiful. To enjoy this you be mindful and openly love yourself.

Debasish Mridha

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #962849
#2. Only TR openly declared his love for the job. "Nobody ever enjoyed the presidency as I did," he boasted, and by all evidence that was so. "While president I have been president emphatically," he said. It

David McCullough

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1314756
#3. Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly.

Miguel Angel Ruiz

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1109951
#4. Father, you are asking me to sacrifice the only girl I love so you can openly have the woman you love.

Ray Anyasi

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1122750
#5. My judges preach against free love openly, practice it secretly.

Victoria Woodhull

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1177415
#6. If you feel joy when you do something unselfish for him, and would just as soon do it in secret as openly, then that rings of the true metal

Susan Vreeland

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1196260
#7. Sometimes, to protect a secret we will say it so openly that most will not suspect the truth of what we are saying.

Donna Goddard

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1217537
#8. Love is a four-letter word, but you don't hear in nearly as often as you hear some other four-letter words. It may be a sign of our times that everyone talks openly about sex, but we seem to be embarrassed to talk about love.

Thomas Sowell

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1230493
#9. Allow yourself to have a completely undefended experience of life, and allow the light of God to flow through your life freely, openly, and with renewed purpose. This is the essence of unconditional love.

Catherine Carrigan

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1313411
#10. The Larks are the sort of people who trot out their relationships with "good Indians," whom they secretly despise and openly patronize, in order to prove their general love for Indians, whom they are engaged in cheating.

Louise Erdrich

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1018566
#11. God's will isn't hidden away like the myths and philosophies and knowledge of the world. Jesus told us openly and daily what his will for us is. Love one another.

Francine Rivers

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1417977
#12. I mean a racist, hate-filled host who is openly trying to get people to be violent would have zero viewers in the America I know and love.

Glenn Beck

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1419910
#13. When we are loving, we openly and honestly express care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust.

Bell Hooks

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1537114
#14. I know divers, and divers men know me, which love me as I do them: yet if I should pray them, when I meet them in the street openly, they would abhor me; but if I pray them where they be appointed to meet me secretly, they will hear me and accept my request.

William Tyndale

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1567534
#15. To see a shadow and think it is a tree that is a pity; but to see a tree and to think it a shadow can be fatal.

Phyllis Bottome

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1597281
#16. I'd crossed a border -

Speaking openly, exposing the weak girl I'd been, I was no longer her.

Aspen Matis

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1659964
#17. So many men treat their wives badly, or indifferently, or with barely contained impatience. Josh doesn't mind
no that's not right
he insists on openly showing his love and respect for me.

Lynn Morris

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1793036
#18. Moses loved his relatives quite openly and even helplessly . . . It was childish of him; he knew that. He could only sigh at himself, that he should be so undeveloped on that significant side of his nature.

Saul Bellow

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1806191
#19. She would love him so hard, so completely, so openly and without fear that the universe would shudder at her recklessness.

Lexi George

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #456393
#20. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast withers as rapidly; and that which grows slow endures.

Josiah Gilbert Holland

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #32419
#21. To be romantic is quite simply to allow yourself to fall in love with life - all of life - and experience it fully, openly, passionately, and purposefully

Thomas Kinkade

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #97407
#22. Is my mother my friend? I would have to say, first of all she is my Mother, with a capital 'M'; she's something sacred to me. I love her dearly ... yes, she is also a good friend, someone I can talk openly with if I want to.

Sophia Loren

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #135653
#23. I think that some people from other regions expect us to be like that so I think they overcompensate for that sometimes and they're victims to their own insecurity.

Immortal Technique

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #175513
#24. For decades, this great leader, often at Dr. King's side, was denied his rightful place in history because he was openly gay. No medal can change that, but today, we honor Bayard Rustin's memory by taking our place in his march towards true equality, no matter who we are or who we love.

Barack Obama

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #208876
#25. First, love one another very deeply, and don't be ashamed to express your love openly and often. Also, enjoy one another, and guard zealously your time together so as to enjoy it to the fullest extent.

Laura Greenwald

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #266271
#26. My father might not have held my hand or expressed his love openly, but he taught Callie and me that we had inherent values, that we were fully formed human beings without a boy by our side.

Amy Engel

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #355210
#27. My mom, we had a relationship. I knew she loved me. I always knew she loved me. But she didn't, openly or overtly, express, you know, affection and love. But I - I knew. I knew she did.

Nadya Suleman

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #410936
#28. Surely it is important that people who love each other should be able to speak openly and truly about matters which touch them.

P.D. James

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #1046947
Find yourself and express yourself in your own particular way. Express your love openly. Life is nothing but a dream, and if you create your life with love, your dream becomes a masterpiece of art.

Miguel Ruiz

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #478728
#30. I love people who are openly gay in theatre, because they have license to do what they like, and there's a kind of artistic liberal tolerance thing that goes on.

Steve Coogan

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #503314
#31. Love can be sent to others in a thousand ways. Even thoughts of love can change things. They can be felt. By you, and by the person you are thinking of, too. Yes, they can. Help others by by loving them, simply, plainly, openly, without condition.

Neale Donald Walsch

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #580578
#32. The real question is "Why should we make an exception for billionaire politicians?". We should not.

Tulip Siddiq

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #676102
#33. We are not born innocent, simply unmeasured ... Until the outside is inflicted on the inside, then the brutal war begins. We are not born to compassion either - large wide eyes and sweet demeanor notwithstanding.

Steven Erikson

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #873888
#34. It's not that hard to climb a pole. All you need are powerful thighs and an empty soul.

Daniel Tosh

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #906843
#35. People who are obsessed with Jesus give freely and openly without censure. Obsessed people love those who hate them and who can never love them back.

Francis Chan

Openly Love Yourself Quotes #962434

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