Top 68 Only Frustration Quotes

#1. Focusing on what we ought to do for God creates only frustration and exhaustion; focusing on what Jesus has done for us produces abundant fruit. Resting in what Jesus has done for us releases the revolutionary power of the gospel.

J.D. Greear

Only Frustration Quotes #1858523
#2. Motivation without mobilization means only frustration.

Nido R. Qubein

Only Frustration Quotes #324831
#3. Nothing good ever comes out of hurry and frustration, only misery.

Auliq Ice

Only Frustration Quotes #1448946
#4. Sorrow and frustration have their power. The world is moved by people with great discontents. Happiness is a drug. It can make men blind and deaf and insensible to reality. There are times when only sorrow can give to sorrow.

Winifred Holtby

Only Frustration Quotes #1017454
#5. People let their frustrations out on me. I love Kanye West. They say the opposite of that. But I'm not going to say that. I'm only going to say what I'm want to put into the universe.

Kanye West

Only Frustration Quotes #1364512
#6. It was frustrating to still be in the dark about something and be given only so little light.

Lauren Lola

Only Frustration Quotes #1343112
#7. Am I ever angry or frustrated? I only feel angry sometimes when I see waste, when things that we waste are what people need, things that would save them from dying. Frustrated? No, never.

Mother Teresa

Only Frustration Quotes #1304782
#8. It must be frustrating to survive the gauntlet that is our western medical schooling system only to one day come to the realization that you have been taught only to manage illness and disease instead of curing it.

Gary Hopkins

Only Frustration Quotes #1264003
#9. Stop waiting for what you want, and start working what you have. This can turn your greatest frustration into your greatest potential innovation. If you'll do your part, God will begin to do what only He can do: He'll make your box bigger.

Steven Furtick

Only Frustration Quotes #1249209
#10. A frustrated person was born by frustration.
Petra Hermans

Petra Hermans

Only Frustration Quotes #1248776
#11. Guys always think tears are a sign of weakness. They're a sign of FRUSTRATION. She's only crying so she won't cut your throat in your sleep. So make nice and be grateful.

Donna Barr

Only Frustration Quotes #1241812
#12. No phone. She shook her head with frustration at how utterly and completely reliant she was on the thing. Her train left in seven minutes, and running - in heels - was the only way she'd make it. If she didn't fall and break any bones on the way. "The charger!" she cried,

Brenda Rothert

Only Frustration Quotes #1235105
#13. You must be compelled by an inner force to read books, listen to music, and view films which serve only to send you spiraling deeper into the bottomless pit of frustration.

Gary Reilly

Only Frustration Quotes #1222651
#14. Not knowing who God made us to be, trying to be who we are not, or even just desiring to be someone else, can only lead to a life of misery, frustration, and unfulfillment.

Stormie O'martian

Only Frustration Quotes #1168698
#15. People need trouble - a little frustration to sharpen the spirit on, toughen it. Artists do; I don't mean you need to live in a rat hole or gutter, but you have to learn fortitude, endurance. Only vegetables are happy.

William Faulkner

Only Frustration Quotes #1140951
#16. The facade is the ego. It is motivated by our seeking love. The only reward is frustration, as it is only by loving that one finds love.

Lester Levenson

Only Frustration Quotes #1126249
#17. Grouses that go unheard only grow louder, till they reach a level of frustration where they become silent but permanent disappointments.

Amit Pandey

Only Frustration Quotes #1041212
#18. If a goal is only success oriented and not happiness oriented, then it will fill your life with stress, anxiety, and frustration.

Debasish Mridha

Only Frustration Quotes #1028565
#19. She was only six inches over five feet, and he stood almost a foot above her. Normally, she was used to being somewhat taller than most of the girls she knew, but now she felt like a small child standing in front of him, and it only increased her frustration.

Shellie Nicholson

Only Frustration Quotes #1788155
#20. A gull on an invisible wire attached through space dragged. You carry the symbol of your frustration into eternity. Then the wings are bigger Father said only who can play a harp.

William Faulkner

Only Frustration Quotes #1449155
#21. Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on TV.

Stephenie Meyer

Only Frustration Quotes #1452351
#22. The way of the warrior is the way of knowing. If that knowledge requires you to use anger, then you use anger, but you cannot wrest forth knowledge by losing your temper. Pain and frustration will be your only reward if you try.

Christopher Paolini

Only Frustration Quotes #1460256
#23. Treating living creatures possessing complex emotional worlds as if they were machines is likely to cause them not only physical discomfort, but also much social stress and psychological frustration.

Yuval Noah Harari

Only Frustration Quotes #1461147
#24. It seems that we have been born only to consume and to consume, and when we can no longer consume, we have a feeling of frustration, and we suffer from poverty, and we are auto-marginalized.

Jose Mujica

Only Frustration Quotes #1464176
#25. Oh, my only - if I had one frustration in being on 'West Wing' is I wasn't on it enough, because I was in and out.

Stockard Channing

Only Frustration Quotes #1492994
#26. Their pitiless ideology only survives because it is maintained by force. But the day comes when the anger and frustration of the people is so great that force cannot contain it. Then the edifice cracks: the mortar crumbles.

Margaret Thatcher

Only Frustration Quotes #1535953
#27. By approaching my problems with "What might make things a little better?" rather than "What is the solution?" I avoid setting myself up for certain frustration. My experience has shown me that I am not going to solve anything in one stroke; at best I am only going to chip away at it.

Hugh Prather

Only Frustration Quotes #1539679
#28. Everyone has love, but it can only come out when he is convinced of the impossibility and the frustration of trying to love himself.

Alan Watts

Only Frustration Quotes #1545750
#29. What are you wrapped up in?' Roan whispered. Her anger and frustration had shifted to a sympathy that grated Vhalla.'I'm simply learning where I'm meant to be.' It was the only response because it was the truth.

Elise Kova

Only Frustration Quotes #1558406
#30. The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.

Criss Jami

Only Frustration Quotes #1579644
#31. To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them.

Hugh Prather

Only Frustration Quotes #1584608
#32. Ach, but she was stubborn. He was only trying to protect her. But once again, in spite of his frustration, he admired her bravery and determination. And he surprised himself by realizing ... he even liked arguing with her.

Melanie Dickerson

Only Frustration Quotes #1595034
#33. Service, it seems, is the only antidote to existential frustration.

Chris Matakas

Only Frustration Quotes #1642367
#34. Persons who insist to themselves that under one set of conditions only can they lead interesting and satisfying lives lay themselves open to bitter disappointments and frustrations.

Hortense Odlum

Only Frustration Quotes #1712306
#35. Sexual frustration' - it always sounds like the only frustrated ones are the ones who don't do it. What a laugh. The frustrated ones are the ones who do do it! The ones who don't can at least preserve some illusions.

Eva Heller

Only Frustration Quotes #1748297
#36. Evaluation eliminates frustration.
We should also evaluate unrealistic expectations.
Unrealistic expectations become unmet expectations. And unmet expectations are like kindling wood-it only takes but a spark of frustration to set them ablaze and burn those involved.

Lysa TerKeurst

Only Frustration Quotes #253702
#37. There are moments when you feel that the desire to work is fading, and the only way to bring it back is to get away from it, to put yourself in a state of frustration so you feel the need again.

Emmanuelle Beart

Only Frustration Quotes #483399
#38. We've only been living in these ghettos for seventy-five years or so, but the other three hundred years -- I think this is worth writing about. I think we've made tremendous sacrifices, we've shown tremendous strength. In the ghetto you see a lot of frustration; you see very little strength.

Ernest J. Gaines

Only Frustration Quotes #436880
#39. There's a lot of frustration in trying to get music out when you're the only one who hears it, especially if you have something in your head that's not normal.

Neil Young

Only Frustration Quotes #422932
#40. Despair and frustration will not shake our belief that the resistance is the only way of liberation.

Emile Lahoud

Only Frustration Quotes #412513
#41. Advertising tries to stimulate our sensuous desires, converting luxuries into necessities, but it only intensifies man's inner misery. The business world is bent on creating hungers which its wares never satisfy, and thus it adds to the frustrations and broken minds of our times.

Fulton J. Sheen

Only Frustration Quotes #407759
#42. Faith, courage, optimism, looking forward, bring us new life and more life. Futility, frustration, living in the past are not only characteristic of 'old age'; they contribute to it.

Maxwell Maltz

Only Frustration Quotes #402360
#43. I don't like my shoes,' said Rose.
'I'm wearing my shoes and you don't see me complain.'
'You only hear a person complain,' said Rose. 'Not see.'
How has Rose lived for seventeen years and no one has killed her, not once?

Franny Billingsley

Only Frustration Quotes #295001
#44. These words were small and they only meant what they said, not how they felt before he said them. He nearly wept with the frustration of it.

Catherynne M Valente

Only Frustration Quotes #268542
#45. If you have life, smile and pursue life! Don't keep your smile; keep smiling! We only need just one great thing in life, and that is life! All else are mere wants to gratify and beautify life. The real beauty of life is in having life and knowing what real life is all about!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Only Frustration Quotes #514141
#46. we love the way Jesus loves, good things will happen all in good time; if we try to force God's hand, we will only wind up with a lot of frustration and disappointment.

Bill Searcey

Only Frustration Quotes #202851
#47. Oh, go ahead and giggle," Lady Danbury sighed. "I've found that the only way to avoid parental frustration is to view him as a source of amusement.

Julia Quinn

Only Frustration Quotes #177286
#48. After 25 the only thing you'll be precocious at is death.

Patricia L. Steffy

Only Frustration Quotes #157265
#49. All desiring is desiring for the futile. It leads only into frustration.


Only Frustration Quotes #146026
#50. A jostling scrum of office buildings so mediocre that the only way you ever remember them is by the frustration they induce - like a basketball team standing shoulder to shoulder between you and the Mona Lisa.

Prince Charles

Only Frustration Quotes #101900
#51. The concept of the psychopath is, in fact, an admission of failure to solve the mystery of evil - it is merely a restatement of the mystery - and only offers an escape valve for the frustration felt by psychiatrists, social workers, and police officers, who daily encounter its force.

Janet Malcolm

Only Frustration Quotes #49008
#52. Frustration is the first step towards improvement. I have no incentive to improve if I'm content with what I can do and if I'm completely satisfied with my pace, distance and form as a runner. It's only when I face frustration and use it to fuel my dedication that I feel myself moving forwards.

John Bingham

Only Frustration Quotes #10470
#53. Hope is only an extension of time granted to us until we decide to give up.

Michael Mintz

Only Frustration Quotes #978169
#54. 'Illustrado' is not an autobiography. Only the ideas are autobiographical; the ideas of bitterness, frustration, unchanging society, an individual lost, social awkwardness ... The book satirises archetypes from across Filipino society, and I felt that the least I could do was offer myself up, too.

Miguel Syjuco

Only Frustration Quotes #517652
#55. I understood somehow my mother's frustration. And that it was no good not only for her, but for her children or her husband, that she didn't have a real use of her ability.

Betty Friedan

Only Frustration Quotes #520895
#56. My thoughts are messy, my emotions are messy, my body goes in and out at will. The raised white scars on my arms and legs are the only aspect of my being that comes close to minimalism. They came from chaos, but it is hard to carve frustration and unease into the flesh. Only straight lines.

Emma Forrest

Only Frustration Quotes #598807
#57. Communion was born out of shared frustration in 2006. We felt that although the likes of MySpace and YouTube opened up the playing field for songwriters online, people's discovery of these new artists was only skin deep.

Ben Lovett

Only Frustration Quotes #619601
#58. He wondered why he wasn't as in love with her as he was with ... Hector had only shared enjoyment with (her) ... he shared everything, enjoyment and sorrow ... but for some time now they'd shared too much frustration, boredom and fatigue.

Francois Lelord

Only Frustration Quotes #656816
#59. Eyes can shed tears to reduce its pain while blubbering but what about my hearts, it does not have such capability ... it only wept into frustration and frustration

Prakhar Srivastav

Only Frustration Quotes #698796
#60. The frustration for a parent is that you might be available all the time, but the kid may approach you only about 10% of the time.

Chris Crutcher

Only Frustration Quotes #710276
#61. In looking back we remember only the triumphant consummations of each season. Failures and frustrations are forgotten; garden-memories are as perfect as garden-hopes.

Patience Strong

Only Frustration Quotes #717768
#62. Sometimes I had to force the overpainting of three corners almost without any feeling for shape, almost without inspiration, only to find my way back, to get out of this hell ...

Arnulf Rainer

Only Frustration Quotes #720036
#63. The only real impediment to this is yourself and your emotions - boredom, panic, frustration, insecurity. You cannot suppress such emotions - they are normal to the process and are experienced by everyone, including Masters. What you can do is have faith in the process.

Robert Greene

Only Frustration Quotes #744608
#64. If the only time a child looks as if he has bipolar disorder is when he's frustrated, that's not bipolar disorder; that's a learning disability in the domains of flexibility and frustration tolerance.

Ross W. Greene

Only Frustration Quotes #853303
#65. Mind can only desire, and each desire is going to be frustrated. Instead of bringing more meditation, it will bring you more frustration. Instead of bringing you more love, it will bring to you more anger. Instead of silence and peace, it will bring more traffic of thoughts.


Only Frustration Quotes #863617
#66. After digging a thousand wells of my own and stumbling upon a thousand others dug by the hands of thirsty men, I have yet to realize that the only well that can satiate every thirst is the one that men will never dig.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Only Frustration Quotes #863897
#67. Current nationalism is merely the affirmation of the right of colonial elites to repeat historyand follow the road travelled by the rich toward the universal consumption of internationally marketed packages, a road which can ultimately lead only to universal pollution and universal frustration.

Ivan Illich

Only Frustration Quotes #908513
#68. Don't repress your needs and feelings. They fester, becoming corrosive and destructive in your relationships. In a calm, loving way, tell the people in your life what you need. Don't expect people to read your mind. It only leads to disappointment and frustration. Empower them to empower you!

Jillian Michaels

Only Frustration Quotes #936965

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