Top 14 Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes

#1. You smell so good. They should bottle you up and sell you. Make millions.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #11522
#2. Everything here is alive thanks to the living of everything else.

Lewis Thomas

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #145943
#3. A man who truly knows himself realizes his own worthlessness, and takes no pleasure in the praises of men.

Thomas A Kempis

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #179043
#4. Men who are orthodox when they are young are in danger of being middle-aged all their lives.

Walter Lippmann

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #182674
#5. The cauliflower soup sounds so good. And the broccoli-melt sandwich. I've never heard of such a thing.

Chris O'Dowd

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #194420
#6. As a kid I loved John McEnroe. They called me Mac because, while everyone else liked Borg, I was crazy about McEnroe. I tried wearing headbands and sweatbands, and whooping at people. It didn't quite work.

Sachin Tendulkar

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #199579
#7. It's time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become.


Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #328026
#8. 'Confessions of a Video Vixen' is not a book about my encounters with celebrities, or anyone else for that matter. It is my life story, thus far, which just so happens to include some people you may have heard of.

Karrine Steffans

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #355831
#9. In short, chronological connectivity puts us in touch with the holy. It is at once humbling and exhilarating. I say this as someone who has never followed any formal religious practice. Connection with the past and the future is a pathway that charms us in the direction of sanity and grace.

James Howard Kunstler

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #757663
#10. If the height of the heel is the same as the length of your foot, it starts to look wrong. And if the heel is positioned badly on the sole, you get into ballerina territory, where the body is pushed into a very strange posture. You can exaggerate the arch only so much.

Christian Louboutin

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #1244526
#11. Remember that a healthy body is built or destroyed one decision at a time. It's up to you.

Tosca Reno

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #1262712
#12. It's really hard to not get put in a box when you're acting and get typecast.

Andrew-Lee Potts

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #1318408
#13. The more a person knows of himself, the more he will hesitate to define his nature and to assert what he must necessarily feel, and the more he will be astounded at his capacity to feel in unsuspected and unpredictable ways.

Alan W. Watts

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #1346423
#14. I don't want to sound like Catherine Cookson but I've worked since I was eight, with a paper round and in a fruit and veg shop. Taking a pay cut won't demotivate me, not at all. It's not about money in the first place. It's about the job.

Paul O'Grady

Oluwatomi Adetunji Quotes #1674625

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