Top 11 Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes

#1. My father died when I was really young, on Christmas Day.

David Ayer

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #106505
#2. Once again, I arrived at my usual conclusion: one must educate oneself.

Marjane Satrapi

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #151946
#3. Time is a kind of river, an irresistible flood sweeping up men and events and carrying them headlong, one after the other, to the great sea of being.

Marcus Aurelius

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #400958
#4. Love is often nothing but a favorable exchange between two people who get the most of what they can expect, considering their value on the personality market.

Erich Fromm

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #410755
#5. Have you ever seen a donkey smelling a beautiful rose? Donkeys aren't interested in roses, they like thorn bushes or watermelon rinds!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #663593
#6. Julia and Sallie and I all had new dresses. Do you want to hear about them? Julia's was cream satin and gold embroidery and she wore purple orchids. It was a DREAM and came from Paris, and cost a million dollars. Sallie's

Jean Webster

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #851935
#7. I felt weary of the responsibility of owning houses and was glad enough to pass mine on to others.

Lillie Langtry

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #982003
#8. Discord or jealousy inhibits the ability of the Holy Ghost to teach us and inhibits our ability to receive light and truth. And the feelings of disappointment that invariably follow are the seeds of greater discord and faultfinding among those who expected a learning experience that did not come.

Henry B. Eyring

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #1038244
#9. To really love another person, you have to know them - their quirks, their dreams, what pisses them off and makes them smile, their strengths, weaknesses, and flaws.

Emma Chase

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #1666127
#10. Oh any sentimental person can cry at night, but when you begin to cry in the morning - to lie awake and cry in the morning - ...

Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #1812994
#11. DON'T DIE FOR ANYONE!!! You should rather live to love someone than die to prove it.

Olaotan Fawehinmi

Olessia Dmitrenko Quotes #1824875

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