Top 17 Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes

#1. The more comprehensive and convincing a debt reduction program is, the less likely it is to fail. And remember, just as Germany is grateful to America for the Marshall Plan, Italy would be grateful to Germany for helping it lower its refinancing costs.

George Soros

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #971426
#2. Why pour shampoo into a rabbit's eyes to see how much shampoo you can put in an adult's eyes before they go blind? I'll put them in my hair, in my eyes before I would give them to anyone else.

John Paul DeJoria

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1859396
#3. Many books have been written to show that Christianity has emasculated the world, that it shoved aside the enlightenment and wisdom of Hellas for a doctrine of superstition and ignorance.

Edgar Lee Masters

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1816627
#4. No visiting angel, or explorer from another planet could have guessed that this bland orb teemed with vermin, with world-mastering, self-torturing, incipiently angelic beasts.

Olaf Stapledon

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1806030
#5. Her body looked to be only a healthy diet and some regular exercise away from greatness,

Jonathan Franzen

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1648602
#6. I don't have to write to South West buddy. In an hour South West gonna come looking for me!

Kevin Smith

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1612785
#7. Me? All the crappiness of the day, of the last few weeks, zeroed in on this high and mighty B with an itch, and the scared-rabbit feeling faded.

C.C. Hunter

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1564252
#8. A Company should be viewed as an unfolding movie, not as a still photograph

Warren Buffett

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1255629
#9. Sometimes I'm dragging my ass out to the airport at 8 a.m. on a Saturday and I'm wondering why I'm doing this, but once I walk on stage I know why ... because I'm addicted.

Bill Maher

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #1148880
#10. She saw hopelessness as an old enemy, as persistent and inevitable as death.

Grace Metalious

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #3548
#11. A stand-up comedian will never be the life of a party. Instead, he will be the guy who is standing at a corner and observing people.

Vir Das

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #785492
#12. At the age of 41, I'm glad I still have hair.

Tony Stewart

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #655583
#13. Politicians always over-promise, while God always over-delivers.

Jayce O'Neal

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #585526
#14. In that instant when I had seen ... the Star Maker, I had glimpsed, in the very eye of that splendor, strange vistas of being; as though in the depths of the hypercosmical past and the hypercosmical future also, yet coexistent in eternity, lay cosmos beyond cosmos ...

Olaf Stapledon

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #576579
#15. There's always tomorrow."
"Exactly," she said, finishing off her first doughnut, selecting a second. Maybe she wouldn't starve to death, she decided. Maybe she'd eat herself into obesity and explode. Death by doughnut.

Janet Evanovich

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #256254
#16. You give too much, they take too much, they want too much, or not enough, and suddenly you find yourselves emptied out and open-handed, grabbing for some more. She

Kate Tempest

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #128329
#17. Had God,then,peopled the whole universe with our kind?Did he perhaps in very truth make us in his image?It was incredible.To ask such questions proved that I had lost mental balance.

Olaf Stapledon

Olaf Stapledon Star Maker Quotes #70834

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