Top 15 Oisif Quotes

#1. Success is measured by the memories you create.

Thomas Keller

Oisif Quotes #68377
#2. But in that moment, I felt it happen. My heart slowed, took a deep breath, and let out a giant sigh. Just like that, it gave in, unable to fight it anymore. I had no idea how long we had or how things were going to play out, but I knew without a doubt that I was in love with Carter. ***

Penelope Ward

Oisif Quotes #101550
#3. As much as I liked and admired the various members of the Kennedy family, my first loyalty was to Jackie.

Pierre Salinger

Oisif Quotes #279718
#4. The market has no morality

Michael Heseltine

Oisif Quotes #304545
#5. I'm delighted the world is becoming more mentally literate. A few decades ago, if you mentioned the word 'brain,' no one was interested. Now, nearly every magazine on the planet is featuring the brain. One of my original goals, on one level, was to make myself unnecessary.

Tony Buzan

Oisif Quotes #378192
#6. For longer than I've been involved in the political process, the Republican establishment has claimed to want to provide an alternative for the black community, yet party elite refuse to show up for the game.

J. C. Watts

Oisif Quotes #530842
#7. Don't be impatient with me. Bear in mind that I hop around among all of you big beasts like a harmless and helpless frog who is afraid of being squashed.

Paul Ehrenfest

Oisif Quotes #541109
#8. What I do for a living means that people look at me. As an actress, you are scrutinized. You are not just dealing with your looks privately, you are on display. I have never been 100 percent comfortable in my own skin. I go through different phases. But I don't feel beautiful all the time, no.

Sophia Myles

Oisif Quotes #889569
#9. It is a theory of mine that one always gets what one wants. My

Agatha Christie

Oisif Quotes #1146762
#10. I'm not the world's best philosopher. But I am one of the world's best strategists. I will put my strategic abilities against anybody on Earth.

Nick Hanauer

Oisif Quotes #1308585
#11. Science promised man power. But, as so often happens when people are seduced by promises of power, the price is servitude and impotence. Power is nothing if it is not the power to choose.

Joseph Weizenbaum

Oisif Quotes #1324409
#12. A choice made having devastating consequences for another is really not a choice. It is an act.

Beem Weeks

Oisif Quotes #1400288
#13. No one is you and that is your biggest power.

Dave Grohl

Oisif Quotes #1499834
#14. Only last week I went out among the thorns and said
to the wild roses:
deny me not,
but suffer my devotion.
Then, all afternoon, I sat among them.

Mary Oliver

Oisif Quotes #1799534
#15. Fortunes are made by buying low and selling too soon.

Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild

Oisif Quotes #1828426

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