Top 15 Nyhc Logo Quotes

#1. If you ever get really dressed up for a party, you get a feeling from the reactions of people that you don't need to be that loud. It's the same when you act. You have to always consider what's around you and the texture of things and try to meld in with what's going on.

Franka Potente

Nyhc Logo Quotes #374182
#2. I've always believed that the range or depth of emotion can be great, whether you're play a three-minute piece, or a half-hour work.

Anne Akiko Meyers

Nyhc Logo Quotes #377004
#3. Running is still running. It doesn't matter if it's a physical move from one place to another or if it's to within yourself.

Katie McGarry

Nyhc Logo Quotes #526066
#4. If you fear that defending your boundaries is being controlling, don't worry. There is a difference between being controlling and having boundaries. Controlling people is about telling them what to do. Setting boundaries is about saying what you do or do not want to happen to you.

Adelyn Birch

Nyhc Logo Quotes #727293
#5. Riches are not only measure with monetary value.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1240463
#6. I'm not happy. And it doesn't matter that I should be, because emotions never listen to reason.

Tori Centanni

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1369533
#7. But imagine you're a tapeworm, and then suddenly you're Goethe. It's like that.

John Scalzi

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1458282
#8. The good news is that every morning we have the choice; not to be controlled by circumstances nor our past but by purposely designing our day, hence our lives better. Not to react to life but to respond with love.

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1485413
#9. As president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, I have seen private equity firms plunder company after company, taking rich fees for themselves and cutting costs until there's nothing left to cut. Time and again I've seen their reckless behavior drive companies to declare bankruptcy.

James P. Hoffa

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1547866
#10. I don't remember having a crush on a boy when I was a girl. I don't even remember my first kiss.

Maureen O'Hara

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1659367
#11. His golden locks Time hath to silver turned,
O time too swift! O swiftness never ceasing!
His youth 'gainst Time and Age hath ever spurned,
But spurned in vain! Youth waneth by increasing.

George Peele

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1674873
#12. I don't recruit players who are nasty to their parents. I look for players who realize the world doesn't revolve around them.

Pete Carril

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1676730
#13. I've never had an acting lesson. I've never been given techniques. Everything I've done is invented. I just sort of found out [how to do it].

Elizabeth Taylor

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1768209
#14. If you can't read a simple goddam sign and follow one simple goddam instruction then get your fat butt the hell out of here.

Garrison Keillor

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1803303
#15. Alone at last. Oh, the pleasure of the pain. (Zarek)
You really do suffer from insanity, don't you? (Thanatos)
Hardly. I have to say I enjoy every minute of it. (Zarek)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Nyhc Logo Quotes #1853832

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