Top 50 Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes

#1. So you have been paying attention."
"I'm not as stupid as you think I am."
"You have no idea how stupid I think you are, and honestly, we don't have time for that conversation."
Hadrian scowled.

Michael J. Sullivan

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #909130
#2. Damn. That was stupid, wasn't it? We nearly got killed over ice cream.

Rachel Caine

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #12759
#3. I'm out to change people's attitudes about them. Wolves are a whole lot more than just predators who feast on a rancher's herd. They're smart and clever and loyal and courageours, and sometimes they do really stupid, silly things, just like people.

R.C. Ryan

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #8700
#4. By the time you are in your thirties, most of the time, you've got a job, you can pay for your rent, you can create this nice world around you. And still, you're only in your thirties - you're not that far away from your twenties, which is when you're making all of your stupid mistakes.

Katie Aselton

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #8953
#5. Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives.

Oscar Wilde

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #9085
#6. Emotions generally led to irrational and stupid actions. In this game, they were likely to be fatal. He regained his composure and became logical, rational, disconnected.

Roger Weston

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #10033
#7. But in any case, I did poorly on the tests and so, in the first three years of school, I had teachers who thought I was stupid and when people think you're stupid, they have low expectations for you.

Robert Sternberg

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #10813
#8. That's stupid. That's like going to someone who's just won the lottery, taking their money, and saying, 'Look, let's just go back to how things should be. It's better that way.

Stephenie Meyer

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #11108
#9. Sometimes I feel so stupid and dull and uncreative that I am amazed when people tell me differently.

Sylvia Plath

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #11382
#10. Again, if I was going to call Romney and the Republicans stupid, I'm certainly not going to call the Democrats and President Obama stupid.

Antonio Villaraigosa

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #11681
#11. I'm before him on my knees, and he kisses me He assumes I lose my reason and I do. Men are stupid, men are vain, Love's disgusting, love's insane, A humiliating business-oh how true.

Stephen Sondheim

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #11704
#12. When I was younger I knew I could do anything - I could be the president if I wanted to, but that was a stupid idea - I'd rather be a rock star.

Kurt Cobain

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #11894
#13. Sitting here now today, I can forgive a lot of the English people because it only takes a hand full of bad people to do something stupid like that and it can make the whole country look bad.

Marvin Hagler

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #12207
#14. I know this sounds stupid, but in some ways, the way I look is a drawback.

Tim Daly

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #8523
#15. I'm afraid Pierre finds me lacking. (Gabrielle)
If he's stupid enough to let me know, he'll find his face lacking a nose. (Carlos)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #13083
#16. Fine. Such a stupid word really. It feels empty and weightless. It's the kind of word you use to hide the truth.

Krista Ritchie

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #13241
#17. Unhappiness does make people look stupid.

Anatole France

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #13260
#18. Your family is real, but mine isn't? Real people with real feelings, but my family isn't real to you. You think. I'm a character. A story. Those women you talk about. Not real people to you. Stupid women. I'm real. I'm as real as you are. My family is real like your family.

Bryn Greenwood

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #30944
#19. Do the elevators work?" I ask Uriah, as quietly as I can. "Sure they do." says Zeke, rolling his eyes, "You think I'm stupid enough not to come here early and turn on the emergency generator?" "Yeah," says Uriah. "I kinda do.

Veronica Roth

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #148152
#20. People think I'm being stupid or false humble. It's not. I don't think I always fit in. Maybe it's a complex you get as someone who has always been fighting on the outside.

Jeremy Scott

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #696978
#21. Ripred sighed. 'I suppose so. You and I seem to end up doing everything. Shall we say four members for each delegation?'
'Why not?' Luxa said. 'Four can be as stupid as ten. No need to crowd the room.'
Ripred laughed. 'You know, I think you an I are going to get on famously.

Suzanne Collins

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #890101
#22. On My Trip to Europe I know you think you're going to get all kinds of laid. It's not a magic place, it's the same as here. Don't be stupid.

Justin Halpern

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #907707
#23. I'm not so stupid as to believe that you've completely forgotten about your former boyfriend. I know you think there are others here more suited for me and this life, and I wouldn't want you to rush into trying to be happy with any of this. I just ... I just want to know if it's possible ...

Kiera Cass

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #1286341
#24. How can people be so stupid? I marvel at that. See, I think you have to work as being ignorant - and if you're gonna work at being ignorant, why not work at being informed?

Rush Limbaugh

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #1403732
#25. It is in just such stupid things clever people are most easily caught. The more cunning a man is, the less he suspects that he will be caught in a simple thing. The more cunning a man is, the simpler the trap he must be caught in. Porfiry is not such a fool as you think....

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #1493752
#26. Give Bush 10 minutes before you hammer him. I think he's going to surprise people. He sounds simple and uncomplicated, but maybe that's what we need now. He's not as stupid as everyone thinks. I like the guy.

James Woods

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #1812678
#27. The thing about interviews is that if someone interviews you, and they're an idiot, then they make you sound like an idiot, too. They ask you stupid questions, and they bring you down to their level. It's tempting to not ever want to talk to anybody, but you can't do that.

Dean Wareham

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #5117
#28. But that's the wrong question. Ask why everyone else is so pathetically stupid and why they're always whining about detention, I should get a medal for not slapping people in the face every day.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #1428
#29. The 'fear of change' excuse is something you see trotted out by organizations or management that believe customers are old, stupid, ignorant, and stubborn.

Ian Lamont

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #1869
#30. Any politician or scientist who tells you these [GMO] products are safe is either very stupid or lying.

David Suzuki

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #2011
#31. Is not all the stupid chatter of most of our newspapers the babble of fools who suffer from the fixed idea of morality, legality, christianity and so forth, and only seem to go about free because the madhouse in which they walk takes in so broad a space?

Max Stirner

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #2863
#32. I guess I was the most unbohemian of all bohemians. My bohemianism consisted of not wanting to get involved with the stupid stuff that I thought people wanted you to get involved with - ... namely America ... Dwight Eisenhower, McCarthyism and all those great things.

Amiri Baraka

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #3103
#33. He began to view writing as a petty ambition, a frivolous and indulgent whim, creativity itself as the pathology of the very young or very stupid.

Galt Niederhoffer

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #3340
#34. When things get so absurd and so stupid and so ridiculous that you just can't bear it, you cannot help but turn everything into a joke.

David Byrne

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #3554
#35. The evil queen was stupid to play Snow White's game. There's an age where a woman has to move on to another kind of power. Money, for example. Or a gun.

Chuck Palahniuk

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #4128
#36. You think that because I want to do what's right, because I want to make things better, I'm weak," Claire said. "Or that I'm stupid. But I'm not. It takes a lot more strength to know how bad the world is and not want to be part of that, give in to it. And I do know, Kim. Believe me.

Rachel Caine

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #4460
#37. It's been a long time since anybody caught me saying something stupid.

Ted Turner

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #4820
#38. Wanting to be happy is not stupid.

Lauren DeStefano

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #4938
#39. It is stupid on my part to think of banning the media.

Shah Rukh Khan

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #8522
#40. When people did stupid things around him, that was usually the last thing they did.

Hunter Shea

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #5185
#41. Any stupid remark, quoted often enough, becomes gospel.

Leslie Charteris

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #5274
#42. When you convert a good book to a film. stupid things happen

Jesse Andrews

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #5384
#43. Countries who don't have brave prosecutors and fearless judges will instead have plenty of thieves, many killers and even stupid dictators!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #6966
#44. Naked guy think Hulk stupid?

Mark Millar

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #6992
#45. If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one.


Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #7143
#46. Your breasts are alabaster orbs.' "What?" Rufus objected. "That's stupid. I'm not saying that."
"Do you have some better suggestion?"
"Why can't you just say she's got a fair set of titties?

Tessa Dare

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #7307
#47. Even though sugar was very expensive, people consumed it till their teeth turned black, and if their teeth didn't turn black naturally, they blackened them artificially to show how wealthy and marvelously self-indulgent they were.

Bill Bryson

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #7413
#48. What's life without a little risk? Sometimes you have to gamble to achieve greatness, and it's stupid to let fear of the unknown stop you from achieving your maximum potential.

Jaycee DeLorenzo

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #7821
#49. In modern life the world belongs to the stupid, the insensitive and the disturbed. The right to live and triumph is today earned with the same qualifications one requires to be interned in a madhouse: amorality, hypomania and an incapacity for thought.

Fernando Pessoa

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #7858
#50. Do not be disingenuous with me, Colonel Graff. Americans are quite apt at playing stupid when they choose to, but I am not to be deceived.

Orson Scott Card

Not As Stupid As You Think Quotes #8055

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