Top 100 Not Always Easy Quotes

#1. The wonderful 17th Century poet, Robert Herrick, wrote a poem entitled, 'To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses.' Easy to say, Robert Herrick; not always easy to do. But it's a good slogan, I think.

Robert Pinsky

Not Always Easy Quotes #850
#2. It's not always easy to identify your own voice. It comes with time.

Dick Cavett

Not Always Easy Quotes #1515
#3. It's not always easy, but it's always possible.

Kelly G. Wilson

Not Always Easy Quotes #6083
#4. You would be surprised at the healing power of a simple "I love you" from a dying parent to a child or vice versa. This is not always easy, of course, yet a lifetime of mistakes can be undone through forgiveness even at the end of a life.

Alberto Villoldo

Not Always Easy Quotes #65823
#5. It's not always easy being her daughter.'
I think,' she said, 'sometimes it's hard no matter whose daughter you are.

Sarah Dessen

Not Always Easy Quotes #68481
#6. It is not always easy for a young player to come through at the club level, because all the clubs are able to buy for 20 million or 30 million and it is hard for young English talent to come through and to get recognition and be able to be part of the squad or start playing.

Edwin Van Der Sar

Not Always Easy Quotes #71806
#7. It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it ... In our hands..

Faraz Jaka

Not Always Easy Quotes #82314
#8. It's not always easy to do what's not popular, but that's where you make your money. Buy stocks that look bad to less careful investors and hang on until their real value is recognized.

John Neff

Not Always Easy Quotes #103744
#9. Doing the right thing irl (in real life) or online is good netiquette, but it is not always easy.

David Chiles

Not Always Easy Quotes #106131
#10. You're going to make mistakes. The key is to learn from them as fast as possible and make changes as soon as you can. That's not always easy to do because ego and pride get in the way, but you have to put all that aside and look at the big picture.

Tiger Woods

Not Always Easy Quotes #108681
#11. Living the gospel and standing in holy places is not always easy, but I testify that it is worth it.

Bonnie L. Oscarson

Not Always Easy Quotes #112482
#12. Mkhaya's herd is a good-sized group - sixteen in all, counting the calves - and even though they are the largest land mammals on earth, they are not always easy to find. Elephants, it runs out, are surprisingly stealthy.

Thomas French

Not Always Easy Quotes #115554
#13. Eva, I recognize your confusion. It is not always easy to understand another's spirit, especially if you do not know where to look -Rovender

Tony DiTerlizzi

Not Always Easy Quotes #141450
#14. Recovery is not only fun, it is simple. It is not always easy, but it is simple. It is based on a premise many of us have forgotten or never learned: Each person is responsible for him- or herself. It involves learning one new behavior that we will devote ourselves to: taking care of ourselves.

Melody Beattie

Not Always Easy Quotes #156971
#15. It's not always easy being a full-time feminist - especially as a young woman - when you're constantly being told that what you do is irrelevant. I'm on the defense all the time.

Jessica Valenti

Not Always Easy Quotes #181424
#16. In Washington, of course, evading responsibility is an art form,
so it is not always easy to tell who's responsible for which mess.

David Horowitz

Not Always Easy Quotes #196305
#17. I have a house, I try to spend as little time in it as possible. Not always easy on the mind and body, but it's how I got myself to 80-plus countries. This kind of routine forces one to reinvent and improvise. The older I get, the more important this is to me.

Henry Rollins

Not Always Easy Quotes #204351
#18. Science suggests that intuition or whole-body learning is a real form of intelligence, and it works on a far larger scale than most of us have ever realized. It may be difficult to describe and is not always easy to get in touch with, but it can process information on a more sophisticated level.

Marcia Conner

Not Always Easy Quotes #256589
#19. It's not always easy to explain your discovery to others.

Clare Cherikoff

Not Always Easy Quotes #281346
#20. Still, Roosevelt noted, it was "not always easy to strike the just middle," and he inevitably made mistakes.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Not Always Easy Quotes #307760
#21. By the age of 18, the average child has witnessed 200,000 acts of violence, including 18,000 simulated murders, on television. It is not always easy to provide clear, consistent structure for children, but providing it often helps keep children safe and helps them grow to be responsible adults.

Jean Illsley Clarke

Not Always Easy Quotes #341099
#22. MADDIE: Change is good. It's not always easy, but it's good. And it's time I made a few changes.

Ruby Dixon

Not Always Easy Quotes #352320
#23. The truth of war is not always easy. The truth is always more heroic than the hype.

Jon Krakauer

Not Always Easy Quotes #366120
#24. Because it's not always easy to know how to live.

Paula McLain

Not Always Easy Quotes #421762
#25. It's not always easy, but it's usually simple.

Faydra D. Fields

Not Always Easy Quotes #430856
#26. I don't want to be boring. But that's not always easy.

John Malkovich

Not Always Easy Quotes #433203
#27. It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.

Mother Teresa

Not Always Easy Quotes #501205
#28. Serving the Lord is not always easy or popular. Folks may laugh at you on your job, mocking and making fun of your faith. But once you decide that there's no turning back, something in your heart rises up and says "no" to the devil and "yes" to the Lord.

T.D. Jakes

Not Always Easy Quotes #505666
#29. Change is not always easy when patterns in our lives have existed so long.

Lolly Daskal

Not Always Easy Quotes #521409
#30. Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.

Marianne Williamson

Not Always Easy Quotes #530552
#31. It's not always easy to tell the difference between thinking and looking out of the window.

Wallace Stevens

Not Always Easy Quotes #579398
#32. It was not always easy because I was always an individual and found it difficult to be one of a group. One person who was very supportive was my father. My mother was great but my father really recognised my individuality and supported me in that.

Sharon Stone

Not Always Easy Quotes #588519
#33. I think I learned most from editing, both editing myself and having someone else edit me. It's not always easy to have someone criticize your work, your baby. But if you can swallow your ego, you can really learn from the editing.

Christopher Paolini

Not Always Easy Quotes #628491
#34. Life is not always easy to live, but the opportunity to do so is a blessing beyond comprehension. In the process of living, we will face struggles, many of which will cause us to suffer and to experience pain.

L. Lionel Kendrick

Not Always Easy Quotes #648266
#35. It's not always easy to stand aside and be unable to do anything except record the sufferings around one.

Robert Capa

Not Always Easy Quotes #674401
#36. It is not always easy for us to distinguish between a moment of dying and a moment of new birth.

Alan Jones

Not Always Easy Quotes #697787
#37. I must warn you that the books I like are not necessarily the ones I think are the best. I like them for various reasons not always easy to explain.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Not Always Easy Quotes #831024
#38. I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen, the actions that we took were not always easy. The actions that we took were not always popular. But when you get yourself in public office, you must lead, you must do what's necessary.

John Kasich

Not Always Easy Quotes #837520
#39. It's not always easy growing up in an inner-city area, but in my music I want to show people that you can turn it into something positive.

Tinchy Stryder

Not Always Easy Quotes #845384
#40. Managing in-home nursing is not always easy. It can be terribly frustrating sometimes, and it can take a while to feel like everything is under control, but success is possible.

Charisse Montgomery

Not Always Easy Quotes #847282
#41. For me, it's good fortune to be between two cultures. Growing up in Germany taught me a lot. I am a world citizen. Today I can adapt well no matter where I am. Even when it's not always easy.


Not Always Easy Quotes #850281
#42. The problem with heroes and villains is that it's not always easy to tell which is which. Particularly when you are one.

Jessica Meats

Not Always Easy Quotes #853162
#43. You are to do the choosing here and now during this exciting and wonderful time on earth. Moral agency, the freedom to choose, is certainly one of God's greatest gifts next to life itself. We have the honorable right to choose; therefore, we need to choose the right. This is not always easy.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Not Always Easy Quotes #861210
#44. Human life is a series of compromises, and it is not always easy to achieve in practice what one has found to be true in theory.

Mahatma Gandhi

Not Always Easy Quotes #863220
#45. Change is not always easy, but with patience and perseverance, we can find the good in change.

Kim Yannayon

Not Always Easy Quotes #892444
#46. It's not always easy to keep going when faced with indifference or to watch values being defined by a mass infatuation with mediocrity.

Nick Bantock

Not Always Easy Quotes #904102
#47. Doing what is right in the face of adversity is not always easy or popular. Critics may assail you, but the critics don't always realize what they don't know or don't understand, because they don't have access to all the information.

John Ashcroft

Not Always Easy Quotes #935158
#48. There is a very well-defined procedure that allows the Vatican to raise issues with a particular theologian about something that does not appear in conformity with the Catholic faith. It is not always easy to make this determination.

Godfried Danneels

Not Always Easy Quotes #986832
#49. We have to have the money to do the work we want to do, as well as to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Fat commissions are good, but not always easy to come by, and each new painting takes its time. So we need to find every way possible to earn extra income from our work.

Elizabeth Aston

Not Always Easy Quotes #996581
#50. I need some-" Cork thought a moment. "I was going to say advice, but the truth is, I need some guidance, Tom."
"We all do sometimes. It's not always easy to admit.

William Kent Krueger

Not Always Easy Quotes #1008545
#51. I think a lot of our problems are because people don't listen to our children. It is not always easy. They're not always so brilliant that you want to spend hours with them. But it is very important to listen to them.

Barbara Bush

Not Always Easy Quotes #1010156
#52. I think it's just natural when you're governing, that it's not always easy to remain as pure in principle as you'd like to be.

Rona Ambrose

Not Always Easy Quotes #1016377
#53. It's not always easy to distinguish between existentialism and a bad mood.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Not Always Easy Quotes #1026173
#54. For things at a common destination there is a common path. Not always easy to see. But there.

Cormac McCarthy

Not Always Easy Quotes #1061740
#55. I would hope that my readers feel a sense of awe at the quality of human endurance, at the endurance of love in the face of a variety of difficulties; that the quotidian life is not always easy, and is something worthy of respect.

Elizabeth Strout

Not Always Easy Quotes #1072377
#56. I just wanted to defend football, which is not always easy to do. Those of us who have been in the sport so many years now realise we must protect it and look after it. I was speaking about football, what it means. It is our profession, it has been our lives, and we must take care of it a little.

Vicente Del Bosque

Not Always Easy Quotes #1120019
#57. Listen to your life. Listen to what happens to you because it is through what happens to you that God speaks ... It's in language that's not always easy to decipher, but it's there, powerfully, memorably, unforgettably.

Frederick Buechner

Not Always Easy Quotes #1131245
#58. Support is not always easy to come by if you wait for the world to see your worth. Discover your own worth and the world will indeed follow your lead. Its the law of cause and effect! It has to happen. Support yourself.

Sereda Aleta Dailey

Not Always Easy Quotes #1160008
#59. I know how long it took me to lose my weight, and people have got to understand it?s not always easy. If all this can help one child, we are doing our job.

Jared Fogle

Not Always Easy Quotes #1160788
#60. Being a Celtic supporter is not always easy, but it is always worthwhile.

Fergus McCann

Not Always Easy Quotes #1170433
#61. Sometimes it comes out in what I call tricksy behavior. That's not always easy to deal with, but it's fascinating. The key thing is to make sure that somebody's tricks don't trip up somebody else.

Kenneth Branagh

Not Always Easy Quotes #1171104
#62. Being vegan is not always easy and accessible. But it's a way of life and makes me as a person feel really good and physically look better.

Olivia Wilde

Not Always Easy Quotes #1180435
#63. Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious. Many of life's best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.

Ralph Marston

Not Always Easy Quotes #1188861
#64. It is not always easy, for a woman alone.

Jude Morgan

Not Always Easy Quotes #1263346
#65. I think it's important for each of us to examine the reasons why we have survived our individual challenges, obstacles, and trials. It's not always easy to come to terms with the fact that God always has a greater purpose for us than we can have for ourselves.

Stu Jones

Not Always Easy Quotes #1266657
#66. My views on equality are pretty obvious. I mean, I did play a highly complex lesbian techno DJ on TV, but I know it's not always easy to come out and tell the world where you stand.

Sarah Shahi

Not Always Easy Quotes #1275965
#67. We should realize that our deadliest enemies are anger and other delusions. Since these delusions are deeply ingrained mental habits, working to overcome them is not always easy.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Not Always Easy Quotes #1283301
#68. It's not always easy for a father to understand the interests and ways of his son. It seems the songs of our children may be in keys we've never tried. The melody of each generation emerges from all that's gone before. Each one of us contributes in some unique way to the composition of life.

Fred Rogers

Not Always Easy Quotes #1316224
#69. Humor and profundity are not mutually exclusive, and life can be, and mostly is, serious and funny simultaneously. It's not always easy to capture that in words, but when T.M. Shine manages to do so, it's a sign of a master at work.

Tom Shroder

Not Always Easy Quotes #1327308
#70. The journey towards success is not always easy or upwards.

Eugenie Bouchard

Not Always Easy Quotes #1401987
#71. We are looking for highly technical, enthusiastic and capable entrepreneurs who have a healthy disregard for the impossible, and that's not always easy to find.

Bill Maris

Not Always Easy Quotes #1420800
#72. My mind contains many good ideas, but it's not always easy to squeeze one out.

Ashleigh Brilliant

Not Always Easy Quotes #1437535
#73. It is not always easy. Your successes are unheralded
your failures are trumpeted. I sometimes have that feeling myself.
[Speech at CIA Headquarters, November 28, 1961]

John F. Kennedy

Not Always Easy Quotes #1464060
#74. Throughout the day, I'll make a lot of green smoothies or salads, and then when I travel, I try my hardest to just keep up the regime. It's not always easy, but I do my best.

Valentina Zelyaeva

Not Always Easy Quotes #1489055
#75. The needs are too great, and there are too few of us. We have a duty, a responsibility to help others. It's not all about fun. It's not always easy.

Leland Dirks

Not Always Easy Quotes #1497568
#76. I got a lot happening, a whole lot, and it's not always easy being me.

Flavor Flav

Not Always Easy Quotes #1499019
#77. I always try to find the positives in losing a match, but it's not always easy.

Stanislas Wawrinka

Not Always Easy Quotes #1518247
#78. Blowing up isn't always external. It's not always easy to hear or see. Synapses fire every day in my brain. Thinking is just like exploding until it eventually scars you and you can't interact with people anymore. It's like one big, final detonation.

A.S. King

Not Always Easy Quotes #1525018
#79. I find it is not always easy to be sure whether your deeds are good or bad.

L.M. Montgomery

Not Always Easy Quotes #1570362
#80. In the Lord's service the path is not always easy ... But in serving Him, we discover that His hand is truly over us.

Robert D. Hales

Not Always Easy Quotes #1584980
#81. I believe that the way we choose to live significantly affects the health of our bodies and the health of our planet. I do my best to eat and live as naturally as possible, but it's not always easy. At the same time, I want to live fashionably and surrounded by the highest quality.

Misty Hyman

Not Always Easy Quotes #1595654
#82. Love overlooks a person's faults. That's not always easy, but love believes the best in every person. Anybody can return evil for evil, but God wants His people to help heal wounded hearts.

Joel Osteen

Not Always Easy Quotes #1605730
#83. When love is our guiding light, we can break through barriers to be of loving service to the world. Gaining the courage and confidence to stand up for what you believe in is not always easy, but it's fully within your reach.

Marianne Williamson

Not Always Easy Quotes #1608199
#84. The truth about your own life is not always easy to accept, and sometimes hasn't even occurred to you.

Anna Quindlen

Not Always Easy Quotes #1622585
#85. I try to do everything from the viewpoint of what's best for my kids. I have three kids and two great dads and it's not always easy, but you have to try to be a little selfless and we manage just fine.

Kimora Lee Simmons

Not Always Easy Quotes #1645305
#86. Sometimes you have to steer away from the crowd in order to be a better person. It's not always easy, that's for sure. But it's right. And sometimes doing the right thing feels good, even if it does end up in a trip to the principal's office.

Simone Elkeles

Not Always Easy Quotes #1674385
#87. Look for joy in your life; it's not always easy to find.

Charles Kuralt

Not Always Easy Quotes #1683076
#88. Love is hard Phoenix. It's not always easy like you see in fairy tales. You have to take the good with the bad; the scary with the excitement. If you love him, trust him. If not than you need to set him free, but don't leave him if you can't let him go. Think about that one.

Victoria Ashley

Not Always Easy Quotes #1694357
#89. My house is basically a trailer. I live a circus lifestyle. I'm always moving. It's not always easy for people that live with me, but that's the path I chose.

Nicolas Cage

Not Always Easy Quotes #1722667
#90. He was developing a sneaking feeling he had found his way onto the wrong side. Again. But it's not always easy to tell when you're picking. Perhaps, as Kahdia once told him, you are on the wrong side as soon as you pick one.

Joe Abercrombie

Not Always Easy Quotes #1743134
#91. Writing songs has always been hard and easy. It's not always easy when you want it to be, and then sometimes it's just like turning on the faucet. That's just the nature of it.

Jeff Tweedy

Not Always Easy Quotes #1756217
#92. I know how to deal with jet lag, and I know just how much rest I need and when I need to take naps. When you walk on stage, you need your brain working at its highest and most fully-functioning, so it's not always easy, but I sort of figure it out.

Joshua Bell

Not Always Easy Quotes #1789160
#93. The ideal course of life is not always easy.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Not Always Easy Quotes #1828483
#94. I'm an actor who believes we all have triggers to any stage of emotion. It's not always easy to find but it's still there.

Hugh Jackman

Not Always Easy Quotes #1849648
#95. Marx and Engels are arguably history's most famous couple. Such was the closeness of their collaboration that it is not always easy to recall which works bore both names, which just that of Marx, and which just Engels.

Martin Jacques

Not Always Easy Quotes #1869309
#96. I always say that life is not easy for anybody. People hear about the young actors who have a rough life, but there are plenty of other kids who aren't actors who have a rough time, too, and I don't know if the ratio is any different.

Johnny Crawford

Not Always Easy Quotes #6320
#97. Future generations may or may not judge Wittgenstein to be one of the great philosophers. Even if they do not, however, he is sure always to count as one of the great personalities of philosophy. From our perspective it is easy to mistake one for the other; which he is time will tell.

A.C. Grayling

Not Always Easy Quotes #30309
#98. A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head. That it is not easy becoming successful.

Steve Harvey

Not Always Easy Quotes #36426
#99. It's not easy working with your husband, I'll be straight up about that. But when we work together, we always get great product. It's not easy in the process and as we go along it gets easier, but yeah, it gets a little sticky.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Not Always Easy Quotes #37674
#100. There are all kinds of things we have to deal with in life," Eri finally said. "And one thing always seems to connect with another. You try to solve one problem, only to find that another one you hadn't anticipated arises instead. It's not that easy to get free of them.

Haruki Murakami

Not Always Easy Quotes #43545

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