Top 40 No More Distractions Quotes

#1. No more distractions. The elation of finally being alone was total. We walked straight west. I had everything I needed in the world resting comfortably on my shoulders, and the entire country waiting to be discovered.

Peter Jenkins

No More Distractions Quotes #673663
#2. My job is my sport so I have to make sure that I stay focussed on it. I train almost every day so it takes up a lot of my life and you don't want to bring any new distractions into your life.

Sally Pearson

No More Distractions Quotes #165101
#3. A superficial freedom to wander aimlessly here or there, to taste this or that, to make a choice of distractions, is simply a sham. It claims to be a freedom of "choice" when it has evaded the basic task of discovering who it is that chooses.

Thomas Merton

No More Distractions Quotes #113317
#4. I imagine that one of the biggest troubles with colleges is there are too many distractions, too much panty-raiding, fraternities, and boola-boola and all of that.

Malcolm X

No More Distractions Quotes #116604
#5. I've trained all my life not to be distracted by distractions.

Nik Wallenda

No More Distractions Quotes #118662
#6. Climb upon the hates, and build upon the loves.

Anthony Liccione

No More Distractions Quotes #123258
#7. Awarness of potential distractions is helpful untill it limits your ability to focus on the task at hand

Kirsten Beyer

No More Distractions Quotes #129709
#8. Don't be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one chance at life, full of regret because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams.

Derek Sivers

No More Distractions Quotes #132670
#9. Real life is inefficient, disorganized, and sometimes haffling. It's also messy and cluttered with distractions that obscure the trajectory of story.

Ellen Hopkins

No More Distractions Quotes #133225
#10. Behind their eyes the hope was sickening and in many, dead. They lived from event to event with a subtle terror of the gap between, filling up their lives with distractions to avoid the emptiness where curiosity should have been.

Clive Barker

No More Distractions Quotes #148718
#11. When we free ourselves from physical disabilities, emotional disturbances, and mental distractions, we open the gates to our soul.

B.K.S. Iyengar

No More Distractions Quotes #159276
#12. A writer writes alone in a room with no distractions. The minute he's distracted he loses the cathedral in which he must perform, which is himself.

Shane Solerno

No More Distractions Quotes #103582
#13. When we clutter our lives with imagined obligations, unnecessary activities, and distractions that only kill time, we dilute the power of our lives.

Anne Katherine

No More Distractions Quotes #165162
#14. Luxuries and indulgences were distractions from true greatness, tawdry and ephemeral baubles that dissipated energy that could be directed toward more meaningful and durable accomplishments in the world around him.

Ramez Naam

No More Distractions Quotes #173194
#15. If you have never had any distractions you don't know how to pray.

Thomas Merton

No More Distractions Quotes #175645
#16. Millions of people, in all walks of life and in every endeavor, create distractions and excuses for themselves by focusing on tools rather than on character. They'd rather, as Socrates warned, focus on what they have than on what they are.

Eric Greitens

No More Distractions Quotes #181065
#17. I always have on my headphones to block out all of the other distractions and I'm just focused on doing the best that I can ... There a few of them ... DMX Party Up ... Mack 10 BC and Ice Cube Connected for Life. I also listen to the Eminem CD ... whichever song really gets me going that night

Michael Phelps

No More Distractions Quotes #189527
#18. I work out for my head as much as I do for my body. I'm a thinker. A lot of my ideas come to me more easily when I am running. That is why I like to run in the morning, when there are no distractions ... Now some of my best ideas are born on the run.

Grete Waitz

No More Distractions Quotes #1419967
#19. Something happens when you are alone most of the time, when there are no distractions. Your mind grows more powerful--muscular, even. It takes over and starts to carry you.

Amanda Lindhout

No More Distractions Quotes #1553516
#20. And all this, I said, just as today was the case with the beginnings of wireless, would be of no more service to man than as an escape from himself and his true aims, and a means of surrounding himself with an ever closer mesh of distractions and useless activities.

Hermann Hesse

No More Distractions Quotes #1690142
#21. I find that when I come out of the library I'm in what I call the library bliss of being totally taken away from the distractions of life.
[Woman's Day magazine, March 12, 2002]

Tracy Chevalier

No More Distractions Quotes #1874203
#22. Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. It wears us out by multiplying distractions and beats us down by destroying our solitude, where otherwise we might drink and renew our strength before going out to face the world again.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

No More Distractions Quotes #58667
#23. So many wants distract man from his divine purpose.

Lailah Gifty Akita

No More Distractions Quotes #11553
#24. I need distractions. Good distractions, not bad ones. A good distraction for me is a great play.

Danny Aiello

No More Distractions Quotes #13763
#25. I know what it's like to be distracted. To seek out distractions. To exhaust yourself doing every other little thing rather than face a blank page

Rainbow Rowell

No More Distractions Quotes #15320
#26. Whatever you want to do, do with full passion and work really hard towards it. Don't look anywhere else. There will be a few distractions, but if you can be true to yourself, you will be successful for sure.

Virat Kohli

No More Distractions Quotes #16493
#27. If you have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it, your focus is fixed on a set course of action. Instead of becoming sidetracked by distractions and diversions, your time is focused on a straight line from start to finish.

Brian Tracy

No More Distractions Quotes #24283
#28. So I simply don't buy the concept of "Generation X" as the "lost generation." I see too many good kids out there, kids who are ready and willing to do the right thing, just as Jack was. Their distractions are greater, though. There's no more simple life with simple choices for the young.

Johnny Cash

No More Distractions Quotes #26435
#29. There were some particular themes that I knew I wanted to hit, and when I got deeper into the project I found that it was becoming serious in and on its own. By the end, it's not very funny at all. I think, now, that part of the power of the book is that the jokes are kind of sparkly distractions.

Moshe Kasher

No More Distractions Quotes #45471
#30. Throughout my career, my mind rarely wandered, and I was never sidetracked by distractions, no matter what I was going through off the court.

Pete Sampras

No More Distractions Quotes #45773
#31. People on sinking ships do not complain of distractions during their prayer.

Philip Yancey

No More Distractions Quotes #46298
#32. We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock.

Queen Elizabeth II

No More Distractions Quotes #102695
#33. President Obama clearly cannot run on his record. All he's offering is more of the same. That's not good. Look at the economy. It's stagnating. And so, what they're now going to try and do is bring this campaign down to little things, distractions, distortions, smear, fear, anger, frustration.

Paul Ryan

No More Distractions Quotes #65537
#34. Working with these distractions, steadying the canoe, letting the waves pass by, and coming back again and again in a quiet and collected way, is at the heart of meditation. After

Jack Kornfield

No More Distractions Quotes #67119
#35. I still thought that to get something you had to go straight for your goal whereas it is only distractions, uncertainty, distance that bring us closer to our targets, and then it is the targets which strike us.

Fleur Jaeggy

No More Distractions Quotes #73917
#36. Life is not always about a past filled with mysteries or a future filled with endless dark possibilities ... it is also about a present filled with timeless distractions.

Con Template

No More Distractions Quotes #77191
#37. Faith steals upon you like dew: some days you wake and it is there. And like dew, it gets burned off in the rising sun of anxieties, ambitions, distractions.

Christian Wiman

No More Distractions Quotes #79399
#38. The mark of a person who is in control of consciousness is the ability to focus attention at will, to be oblivious to distractions, to concentrate for as long as it takes to achieve a goal, and not longer. And the person who can do this usually enjoys the normal course of everyday life.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

No More Distractions Quotes #87230
#39. Ever since the millennial crash, the United States has been buffeted by currency shocks, interest-rate gyrations, and financial device bubbles. Government fashions move "investment" from real estate consumption to climate distractions. It was technology alone that saved the world economy.

George Gilder

No More Distractions Quotes #87630
#40. He had a great general's ability to focus on his goals and brush aside obstacles as petty distractions. "You can abuse me, you can strike me," Rockefeller said, "so long as you let me have my own way.

Ron Chernow

No More Distractions Quotes #89810

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