Top 29 New York Summer Quotes

#1. The rhythm of a New York summer is passionate and powerful, evoking a rapid calypso, with July being the musical climax.

Ashley Pullo

New York Summer Quotes #1028249
#2. I'm opening a store at the end of the month in the New York meatpacking district. I'm launching a line of bedding this summer, and I am writing a book that will be out next January.

Genevieve Gorder

New York Summer Quotes #1009754
#3. 'Privileged,' without a doubt, was one of the best work experiences of my life. Every crew member cried when we got canceled. But I was then given the opportunity to be in New York and on 'Gossip Girl' and spend the summer in a city that I've absolutely fallen in love with.

Joanna Garcia

New York Summer Quotes #1837798
#4. If I'm in N.Y.C., I love walking around during the summer. It's hot, but I love it. I enjoy seeing everyone out. New York is such a fun place. The energy is so amazing here during the summer.

Behati Prinsloo

New York Summer Quotes #1796091
#5. Every summer my husband and I pack our suitcases, load our kids into the car, and drive from tense, crowded New York City to my family's cottage in Maine. It's on an island, with stretches of sea and sandy beaches, rocky coasts, and pine trees. We barbecue, swim, lie around, and try to do nothing.

Hope Davis

New York Summer Quotes #1714754
#6. I love New York on summer afternoons when everyone's away. There's something very sensuous about it - overripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits were going to fall into your hands.

F Scott Fitzgerald

New York Summer Quotes #1660475
#7. I learned how to get rid of the Southern accent when I was, like, 11 years old and living in New York for the summer doing modeling and commercials and auditioning for Broadway. The mother I lived with for the summer taught me how to drop my Southern accent.

Nikki DeLoach

New York Summer Quotes #1637516
#8. There was a telemarketing job one summer in high school that I was rejected for. I still walk by the building that I actually had the interview in. It's still in New York, and I always think about that job and why I didn't get it.

Noah Baumbach

New York Summer Quotes #1615310
#9. In the summer of 2009, I was at the Shakespeare lab at the public theater in New York.

William Mapother

New York Summer Quotes #1602413
#10. I started coming up to New York at age 17. There was a girl I met over the summer somewhere; I was chasing her. I would drive up to D.C., where I had made some friends, which was about four hours away, and we would take the bus up to New York.

Garth Risk Hallberg

New York Summer Quotes #1562562
#11. In the trees the night wind stirs, bringing the leaves to life, endowing them with speech; the electric lights illuminate the green branches from the under side, translating them into a new language.

E.B. White

New York Summer Quotes #1447966
#12. Thirteen states with a population less than that of New York State alone can prevent repeal [of prohibition] until Halley's comet returns. One might as well talk about a summer vacation on Mars.

Clarence Darrow

New York Summer Quotes #1395797
#13. I was an economics major in college, and every summer after school, I would drive my car from California, from Claremont men's college at the time, to New York. And I worked on Wall Street.

Henry Kravis

New York Summer Quotes #1284476
#14. All fat people hated summer in New York: everything was always sticking to everything else, flesh to flesh, flesh to fabric. You never felt truly dry.

Hanya Yanagihara

New York Summer Quotes #1249533
#15. Fact: Girls who are having a good sex thing stay in New York. The rest want to spend their summer vacations in Europe.

Gail Parent

New York Summer Quotes #1116170
#16. On some summer days in New York City, the air hangs thickly visible, like the combined exhalations of eight million souls. Steam rising from vents underground makes you wonder if there isn't one giant sweat gland lodged beneath the city.

Diane Ackerman

New York Summer Quotes #1050739
#17. I carried it (a revolver) religiously and during the summer I asked a friend, a man who had been one of Franklin's bodyguards in New York State, to give me some practice in target shooting so that if the need arose I would know how to use the gun.

Eleanor Roosevelt

New York Summer Quotes #754360
#18. In the summer New York was the only place in which one could escape from New Yorkers ...

Edith Wharton

New York Summer Quotes #743888
#19. New York is strange in the summer. Life goes on as usual but it's not, it's like everyone is just pretending, as if everyone has been cast as the star in a movie about their life, so they're one step removed from it. And then in September it all gets normal again.

Peter Cameron

New York Summer Quotes #713696
#20. You have to face the fact that I have no reputation as a composer; I have my reputation as a songwriter and a performer-and that opportunity came this summer, when I was invited to perform at the Lincoln Centre festival in New York ... three nights.

Elvis Costello

New York Summer Quotes #671375
#21. I have the same pet peeve as Anderson Cooper, which is bare feet in public. I hate it. It so grosses me out, especially in New York. Oh my God, New York in the summer with people and their feet in their sandals and their flip-flops, like get it away!

Busy Philipps

New York Summer Quotes #402981
#22. Sometimes it's summer camp on location. So it's nice to have a little New York community of people you love.

Paul Dano

New York Summer Quotes #376142
#23. My family life is incredibly important to me. I want to be with them as much as I can. I try to work in New York, or I work in the summer time when my family can come with me.

Julianne Moore

New York Summer Quotes #191650
#24. We don't know what's going to happen this summer or who's going to be here next year. We have no control over any of that. So, we're going to play our [22 remaining] games and do the best we can and show up for the New York Knick fans. That's the most important thing.

Jalen Rose

New York Summer Quotes #174838
#25. When I was in New York, I was making a living. We had a summer house and a car that I could put in a garage. That's something for a stage actor.

William H. Macy

New York Summer Quotes #171449
#26. I went to the beach a couple of times in New York City. Tough summer out there, but I was pretty excited. I found what I thought at the time was a very rare seashell. And I took it to a friend of mine who works in a museum. And I was really disappointed. It turned out to be just a human ear.

David Letterman

New York Summer Quotes #161511
#27. Summer had come to sit on New York's face.

Tom Robbins

New York Summer Quotes #158086
#28. I really love New York, but I have to say, the humidity during the summer is a nightmare for a cartoonist. Not only am I sweating in my studio, my bristol board is curling up, the drafting tape is peeling off the board, my Rapidograph pens bleed the minute I put them to paper ... it's a disaster.

Adrian Tomine

New York Summer Quotes #156551
#29. Last summer had meant lots of Sam Adams Summer Ale by herself on hot weekend days when it seemed like just her and the Dominican Day parade.

Stephanie Clifford

New York Summer Quotes #18147

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