Top 100 Never Agree Quotes
#1. Never agree to a job interview in which the interviewer has seen you naked.
Susan Mallery
#2. I know, darling. Your body speaks to me in ways your mouth would never agree to confessing.
Sai Marie Johnson
#3. I thought instead of a good rule for survival on Wall Street: Never agree to anything proposed on someone else's boat or you'll regret in in the morning.
Michael Lewis
#4. We shall not yield to violence. We shall not be deprived of union freedoms. We shall never agree with sending people to prison for their convictions.
Lech Walesa
#5. I can guarantee you one thing, we will never agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis.
Lester Bangs
#6. In every age and clime we see Two of a trade can never agree.
John Gay
#7. It's past parsons to console us: No, nor no doctor fetch for me: I can die without my bolus; Two of a trade, lass, never agree! Parson and Doctor!
don't they love rarely Fighting the devil in other men's fields! Stand up yourself and match him fairly: Then see how the rascal yields!
George Meredith
#8. If you understand liberals at all, you know that they'll never agree to market-based solutions for ideological reasons and because an expanding dependency class is their most essential power source.
David Limbaugh
#9. You never agree with any one candidate 100 percent. I don't agree with myself 100 percent.
Rudy Giuliani
#10. So I have talked with Betsey and Betsey has talked with me, And we have agreed together that we can't never agree
Will Carleton
#12. Darya Alexandrovna made no reply. She suddenly felt that she had got far away from Anna; that there lay between them a barrier of questions on which they could never agree, and about which it was better not to speak.
Leo Tolstoy
#13. No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to flee and fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams.
Jesse Jackson
#14. Never agree to say or do anything that isn't you.
Ben Barnes
#15. Now, if they're there to talk about something specifically, and I determine through my own editorial judgment, that another area isn't germane, or isn't an important part of it, that's something else. But we never agree to anything in advance, absolutely not.
Katie Couric
#16. It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
Charles Baudelaire
#17. Some of my best friends never agree with me politically.
Harry S. Truman
#18. We will never agree to give up Jerusalem, a united city under Israeli sovereignty, and only Israeli. We will not accept a terrorist Palestinian state, we will not accept an agreement based on the 67 lines.
Naftali Bennett
#19. My wife and I never agree on the dishtowels. It's a matter of terms. She asks me not to put the dishtowel in the sink. So I drape it over the sink, but not in the sink. If that's our biggest problem, I think we're in good shape.
Paul Reiser
#20. Never agree to marry a man because he has potential. Men are not houses, they do not make good fixer-uppers.
Jill Shalvis
#21. The heart and the almanac never agree about time ...
Grace King
#22. I never agree with Communists or any other kind of kept men.
H.L. Mencken
#23. Hark ye, you Cocklyn and la Bouche, I find by strengthening you, I have put a rod into your hands to whip myself, but I am still able to deal with you both; but since we met in love, let us part in love, for I find that three of a trade can never agree.
Howell Davis
#24. But there's certainly only one thing I could never agree with George Galloway on. He's a teetotaller and wants to close all the bars in the House of Commons. That is just not on.
Nigel Farage
#25. Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans.
Will Rogers
#26. I would never agree to sing something I didn't feel was 100% me.
Tove Lo
#27. There are people that say you should never use humor to talk about anything that's important or hard, and since I don't believe that, at some point there has to be a level of "agree to disagree."
Lizz Winstead
#28. if you walk the straight and narrow, they can never blackmail you or coerce you into doing something you don't agree with.
Sidney Halston
#29. Theologians could not even agree about the nature of their gods. These personages ranged from "blue touch-paper gods" who started everything and never interfered again, to "infinitely meddlesome gods who, as well as starting it off, police every elementary particle.
Peter Atkins
#30. Leadership on virtue can never come from the major political actors; it will have to come from a movement of people, such as the people of a town who come together and agree to create moral coherence across the many areas of children's lives.
Jonathan Haidt
#31. Those who champion democracy, but make a fetish of never accepting anything they don't agree with
what advantage do they see in democracy?
William Stafford
#32. Justice must always prevail
Our solution is the key
Never give in, never give up
Until our leaders must agree
Compromise is not an option
If we truly want to be free!
Larry Pinsky
#33. In classic Steve fashion, he would agree to something, but it would never happen," said Lack. "He would set you up and then pull it off the table. He's pathological, which can be useful in negotiations. And he's a genius.
Walter Isaacson
#34. I've been around Congress long enough to know there are issues we may never see eye-to-eye from the opposite aisle, but we should all agree that our job is to move America forward and benefit the people.
Charles B. Rangel
#35. One is never alone with a book nearby, don't you agree? Every page reminds us of a day that has passed and makes us relive the emotions that filled it. Happy hours underlined in red pencil, dark ones in black ...
Arturo Perez-Reverte
#36. We all agree that we've got to bring these terrorists to justice and to make sure that they're never allowed to perpetrate such an evil act as they did. And so all of us are dealing with that. We know that the President has the authority to go to war under the War Powers Act.
Barbara Lee
#37. I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
#38. Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory.
Stephen Hawking
#39. Maybe if I didn't say anything about what happened, we could get back to the way we were. Ignoring a problem was a perfectly acceptable way to deal with it, as long as both people agree never to bring it up again.
Kim Harrison
#40. I never took part in the rules and hatred that sometimes go along with religion. But if my parents are happy with what they believe, then I'm happy to stay out of their way. We agree to disagree.
Katy Perry
#41. When the government is handed over to the Iraqi Council on 30 June, many have declared, oh, the Americans must never leave because civil unrest may erupt. Well, I agree, we cannot abruptly depart, but Iraq needs to step up to the plate on 30 June.
Howard Coble
#42. You see, counselors, teachers, and various organizations may all agree with you that you are handicapped, but God never will. He loves giving you the opportunity to face what you fear, because when you face what you fear you become fearless.
Lisa Bevere
#43. The minority of a country is never known to agree, except in its efforts to reduce and oppress the majority.
James F. Cooper
#44. When we want to know God's will, there are three things which always concur: the inward impulse, the Word of God and the trend of circumstances. Never act until these three things agree.
F.B. Meyer
#45. Four generals
Set our for Iran.
With the first one, war did not agree.
The second never won a victory.
For the third the weather never was right.
For the fourth the men would never fight.
Four generals
And not a single man!
Bertolt Brecht
#46. I never thought I was a libertarian until I picked up Reason magazine and realized I agree with everything they had printed.
Drew Carey
#47. I believe one should never invalidate another, even if you don't agree. No one is ever 100% right or 100% wrong. There is always some measure of truth on both sides. - L. R. W. Lee
L.R.W. Lee
#48. When you're acting in a movie, you never consider the reception of it. It's impossible to predict how something will be received. Even if you think it's the greatest thing in the world, other people might not like it. Or agree with it.
Jesse Eisenberg
#49. The strange thing, though, is that most people who write novels these days seem to be aware of only a fraction of its possibilities. Kundera goes on and on about this, and I never tire of reading him on the subject, because I agree very deeply with it.
Teju Cole
#50. Attention is never a good thing, as any other accident-prone klutz would agree. No one wants a spotlight when they're likely to fall on their face.
Stephenie Meyer
#51. Where's your common sense? None of those books agree with each other. You've been locked up here for years with a regular damned Tower of Babel. Snap out of it! The people in those books never lived. Come on now!
Ray Bradbury
#52. For all our guessing and speculating, there were a few things we all agree on. Things we knew to be fact.
The drug was never meant to get out.
Ordinary people were never supposed to develop extraordinary powers.
Divines weren't supposed to take over the world.
But they did.
Violet Cross
#53. Do actions agree with words? There's your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words.
Frank Herbert
#54. I never minded giving my opinions. They are just opinions, and I had studied music and I had strong feelings. I was happy for my opinions to join all the other opinions. But you have to be prepared for what comes back, especially if you don't agree with the dominant mythology.
Wynton Marsalis
#55. I won't claim I've never in my life done anything I'm ashamed of, but I haven't done anything for a good while. If not everyone would agree with the decisions I've made, that's fine. What other people think has never made a situation right or wrong.
Curtis Sittenfeld
#56. They'll never meet him. They'll never know that its actually possible for a boy to be so boring you'd agree to kiss him just to get him to shut up. I should get paid to listen to him talk when he calls on the phone. I should get a dollar fifty a hour. Minimum.
Alice Hoffman
#57. When someone gets sick, it is easy to get walked all over, walk all over people, and be so beat down you agree to things you would never normally agree to.
Jenna Morasca
#58. Never be afraid of doing the thing you know in your heart is right, even if others don't agree.
Elizabeth Berg
#59. So let's just forget about the whole thing and agree never to speak of it again. And I promise I'll never lie to you again.
Ah, but surely you must be saying, "Hey! Isn't this entire story a work of fiction and therefore one big lie?"
Perhaps. But we already agreed never to speak of it again.
Jason Carter Eaton
#60. What is the point in consensual opinion?" Bryant asked, exasperated. "If you only discuss matters of interest with like-minded individuals you never learn anything new. Why would I want a peer group on Twitter? They're just going to agree with me.
Christopher Fowler
#61. The reality is I was never in control. God is. What I am learning is I can only control how I respond to whatever happens. I'm learning that I can forgive beyond just saying it and smiling. I'm learning that I can coexist with things that don't agree with my way.
Kenn Bivins
#62. I have lived in Toledo, Ohio, off and on throughout my entire life, and I have plenty of friends who are union members. Sometimes we agree politically and sometimes not, but it has never kept us from being friends.
Joe Wurzelbacher
#63. Never be afraid to express yourself in the stories you tell. There will always be those out there who don't agree, but doing what you love is what's important.
Laura Burke
#64. Science has nothing in common with religion. Facts and miracles never did and never will agree.
Robert Green Ingersoll
#65. Fella's a genius. Best ever by a distance in my life time. Never really saw Pele ... Souness, Gullit, Venables and now Rooney agree Messi is the best they have seen. He plays a game with which we are not familiar.
Gary Lineker
#66. Sii la mia schiava d'amore," I purr.
Her expression is guarded. "What did you say?"
An amused smile pulls at my lips. "I'll never tell." Somehow, I don't think she'd agree to be my love slave anyway.
Lisa Desrochers
#67. You do not need to be in the single market we do not need that we are the word's fifth biggest economy. Most economies can agree free trade deals within two years the EU is taking 10 years or never at all, why?
Andrea Leadsom
#68. But be careful about the parts you agree to play ... You never know when one is going to stick.
Edward Bloor
#69. I will never compromise Truth for the sake of getting along with people who can only get along when we agree.
D.R. Silva
#70. When I started as a White House correspondent, there was a lot of criticism from guys saying, 'She focuses too much on the person but not enough on policy.' I never understood that argument at all. I just didn't agree with the premise.
Maureen Dowd
#71. The adults said the only good food was the bacon, but the kids knew better. They had never had a more fun breakfast in their lives. Although they had to agree the bacon was very good. Then again, it was bacon. It was always good.
Ella Minster
#72. More and more I find I'm really impressed with how much my son knows and how much he thinks like me. But he never would agree with me and he never would listen to me on anything.
Andrew Young
#73. I never set out to make a movie that was everything to everybody; if that were the case, we could all just take a picture of a tree and agree that the tree is beautiful and move on with our lives. I wouldn't even need to show up.
Shane Carruth
#74. It has been said that time heals all wounds. I don't agree. The wounds remain. Time - the mind, protecting its sanity - covers them with some scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone.
Rose Kennedy
#75. Never disagree, agree to reach the destination in a different way.
Debasish Mridha
#76. If I had known, do you think I should have let her get away with this mad plan? That I should have let her rob me of my child? No, I should have taken you myself and hidden with you in some far-off land and never seen her again rather than agree to such an unnatural scheme
Mary Hoffman
#77. You can never find a candidate that will agree with everything you believe. Then you would just have a clone and that doesn't exist.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
#78. We're never all going to agree with each other. We have to learn to value the diversity. It's one of the presumable principles of our government that isn't followed nearly enough - one of the jobs of the majority is to try and make the minority feel comfortable.
Paul R. Ehrlich
#79. Look, I happen to agree with what George says about the interpretation of the New Testament, but I want to remind both of you to never play God.
Billy Graham
#80. I never tell my boyfriend that I'm busy when I'm not. No matter how effective they are, cheap techniques like that just don't agree with me. So it's always okay, it's always all right. In my opinion the surest way to hook a man is to be as open with him as possible.
Banana Yoshimoto
#81. I do not agree with a big way of doing things. What matters is the individual. If we wait till we get numbers, then we will be lost in the numbers and we will never be able to show that love and respect for the person.
Mother Teresa
#82. My breaking heart and I agree, that you and I could never be, so with my best ... my very best, I set you free
Rachael Yamagata
#83. To agree to a marriage is to consent to a mutual act of transformation, to promise to ensure that the versions of yourselves that you will become will remain in harmony, though you yourselves can never stay the same.
Dexter Palmer
#84. We may not agree on what a good society is, but... we will never have one until we realize that the public we complain about is us.
Kenneth L. Woodward
#85. Michael Giles the first drummer of King Crimson, never agreed to the name King Crimson. But then, if you'd knew Michael, you would know he didn't agree to the album cover either. So maybe Michael didn't agree to the point of definition with many things.
Robert Fripp
#86. A mistress never is nor can be a friend. While you agree, you are lovers; and when it is over, anything but friends.
Lord Byron
#87. Fine," I growled. "You win. I'll help you."
"Thank you."
"Seriously? You threatened my family if I didn't agree. I don't really think thank you covers it."
He pressed his lips together and shrugged. "Manners never killed anyone.
K.J. McPike
#88. How the hell old is she? "You're not in junior high, are you?" "God no. I've just never held anyone's hand before. The guys I've been with seem to forget this part. But it's nice. I like it." "Yeah," I agree. "It is nice." "Wait," she says. "You aren't in junior high, are you?" "No. Not yet," I say.
Colleen Hoover
#89. If you only read what you agree with, you'll never learn anything. - James D. Hodgson
Pat Williams
#90. The enormously diverse culture where people can agree and disagree is just amazing, and to learn about the events that took place here over millennia has been fantastic. It's a trip I'll never forget.
Miguel Ferrer
#91. We all agree it's too big to keep up with, that we're surrounded by life, that we'll never understand it, so we center it all in by swigging Scotch from the bottle and when it's empty I run out of the car and buy another one, period.
Jack Kerouac
#92. Is it really that hard for you to just agree with me for once?"
"I never disagree."
"You always have an answer for everything." She shook her head. "It's insufferable.
Sarah J. Maas
#93. Well there are tough decisions necessary in budgets. I agree there are tough decisions necessary to ensure the long-term health of the budget. What I don't accept and will never accept is that those decisions must be unfair as a matter of course.
Chris Bowen
#94. God help us from those who believe that they are the sole possessors of truth. How we manage at times to agree willingly to become prisoners within our own minds and souls of beliefs and ideas on which we can never be flexible.
King Hussein I
#95. Lewis once said, 'You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.' I'd have to agree. Wouldn't you?
Diane Moody
#96. I perfectly agree with you, sir,' was then his remark. 'You did behave very shamefully. You never wrote a truer line.
Jane Austen
#97. They say education has no end. If you still disagree with this, here is a better way to take it in; "Education has an end that never comes".
Israelmore Ayivor
#98. I've never deprived myself of anything. I've always thought if you need to lose weight, carry on eating what you like, just eat less. I don't agree with doing without pasta or bread; it's too harsh.
Donna Air
#99. Why they think everyone should be alike in making love when no one can even agree on what ice cream they like, I'll never know
from Dark Citadel
Cherise Sinclair
#100. Such is the endless dilemma of dialect. Not every reader will ever agree with the way that I handle it, no matter how hard I work to keep everything readable. But again it's that balance I have to maintain between keeping it easy and keeping it real, and I know that I'll never please everyone.
Susanna Kearsley
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