Top 13 Narborough Quotes

#1. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs." "Narborough wasn't perfect," cried the old lady.

Oscar Wilde

Narborough Quotes #557583
#2. The Western musical canon came about not merely by accumulation, but by opposition and subversion, both to the ruling powers on whom composers depended for their livelihoods and to other musics.

Brian Ferneyhough

Narborough Quotes #10425
#3. The theater has always been to me a place where beautiful lies are told.

Charles Ludlam

Narborough Quotes #151274
#4. To know is not too demanding: it merely requires memory and time. But to understand is quite a different matter: it requires intellectual ability and training, a self conscious awareness of what one is doing, experience in techniques of analysis and synthesis, and above all, perspective.

Carroll Quigley

Narborough Quotes #431657
#5. Riding in a carriage without an escort is modern. But traveling out and about unescorted is unheard of.

Jordan Stratford

Narborough Quotes #471492
#6. No one should ever feel sorry for me. I've been treated very well for the most part.

Kevin Spacey

Narborough Quotes #670179
#7. We are simultaneously the most hated, loved, feared and admired nation on this planet. In short, we are Frank Sinatra. And the Chairman didn't make his bones laying down for punks ...

Dennis Miller

Narborough Quotes #758852
#8. You can't just walk away when somebody recognizes you. You have to take some time out and talk to them. It's not a waste of time - I just love talking to people. And I don't do this to sell records. The truth is, I do what I do because I love it.

Kenny G

Narborough Quotes #983975
#9. Sleeping in a bed
it is, apparently, of immense importance. Against those who sleep, from choice or necessity, elsewhere society feels righteously hostile. It is not done. It is disorderly, anarchical.

Rose Macaulay

Narborough Quotes #1033717
#10. I was always interested in law at school; it was a great outlet to argue but not make anyone angry!

Sasha Jackson

Narborough Quotes #1082183
#11. I have seen men incapable of the sciences, but never any incapable of virtue.


Narborough Quotes #1362950
#12. But her words haunted me for much of my life and played a major part in inhibiting and injecting with guilt what should have been a free and joyous expression of sexuality.

Oliver Sacks

Narborough Quotes #1558757
#13. Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism.

Chuck Palahniuk

Narborough Quotes #1597610

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