Top 22 Nadda Nothing Quotes

#1. Be decisive and persevere. You have to recognize that, at the end of the day, no one really cares if you make another movie. That decision falls on you. You're the leader of your own destiny and the one person who can't walk away.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #871045
#2. If you ever heard that old saying, where there's smoke there's fire; well that's a load of bull.

Joe Teti

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1857663
#3. Sleep has no place it can call its own.

Bram Stoker

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1847661
#4. I want people to feel something in the pit of their stomach. I want my movies, especially the ending, to stay with people long after the credits have rolled.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1838939
#5. The Universe operates on a basic principle of economics: everything has its
cost. We pay to create our future, we pay for the mistakes of the past. We
pay for every change we make ... and we pay just as dearly if we refuse to

Brian Herbert

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1827062
#6. As a director I always look at someone's eyes. How truthful are they? Will this person take me on this journey?

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1801297
#7. It's always about a character that I become obsessed with and who refuses to leave me alone.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1689018
#8. I want to give the audience what they want, but not at all costs. I want to leave them with something. I try to do that with every single movie I make.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1508346
#9. I always say, I'm a woman, I can't change my sex. I can't get angry about it. I'm too busy desperately trying to get my movies made. It's hard work. There are no short cuts. If there were, I would have found them by now.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1350352
#10. Don't take no for an answer. Don't let yourself get pushed around, and don't be afraid to be the bad guy. Find a producer who will be there to back you up when things get difficult. Make sure you work with key crew that you trust.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1106031
#11. You have two ways to live your life," Dr. Hew

Joe Vitale

Nadda Nothing Quotes #1091208
#12. The waited stopped by and Nathan order a cup of coffee.
"No cake?" I asked, surprised.
He patted his flat stomach. "Trying to watch my figure."
I laughed. "Whatever, Captain Skittles.

Elicia Hyder

Nadda Nothing Quotes #37599
#13. vigorous walking in natural surroundings,

Robin S. Sharma

Nadda Nothing Quotes #812363
#14. The secret is you need a director who refuses to walk away and you need a director willing to put their whole career behind the project.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #792047
#15. No amount of belief makes something a fact.

James Randi

Nadda Nothing Quotes #731831
#16. There aren't any liberals left in New York. They've all been mugged by now.

James Q. Wilson

Nadda Nothing Quotes #585757
#17. Definition of tragedy: A hero destroyed by the excess of his virtues


Nadda Nothing Quotes #520742
#18. Life goes on, and deadlines arrive, even when it seem the world should stop out of respect for a shattered self-esteem.

Kelly Bingham

Nadda Nothing Quotes #483392
#19. I want to give up every single day of my life, but I can't. I'm obsessed.

Ruba Nadda

Nadda Nothing Quotes #446290
#20. The common Christian practice compartmentalizing knowledge into sacred and secular is unbiblical and leads to the dangerous notion that secular knowledge is somehow less important, worldly, and hence unfit for the spiritual Christian.

Ronald H. Nash

Nadda Nothing Quotes #442682
#21. Life can be less mysterious than we make it out to be when we try to think about how it would be on other planets. And if we remove the mystery of life, then I think it is a little bit easier for us to think about how we live, and how perhaps we're not as special as we always think we are.

Chris Adami

Nadda Nothing Quotes #367976
#22. President Bush says in the last month he has created 300,000 new jobs. Yeah, they're called Kerry campaign workers.

Craig Kilborn

Nadda Nothing Quotes #343029

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