Top 100 My Heart Love Quotes

#1. O my heart! Love God as the chatrik loves the rain drops,
Who even when fountains are full and the land green,
Is not satisfied as long as it cannot get a drop of rain ...

Guru Nanak

My Heart Love Quotes #302626
#2. Oh draw at my heart, love,
Draw till I'm gone,
That, fallen asleep, I
Still may love on.
I feel the flow of
Death's youth-giving flood
To balsam and ether
Transform my blood
I live all the daytime
In faith and in might
And in holy fire
I die every night.


My Heart Love Quotes #848276
#3. Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

William Shakespeare

My Heart Love Quotes #1014049
#4. Did my heart love 'til now?

William Shakespeare

My Heart Love Quotes #1163370
#5. And if one day there's distance
Between your hand and mine,
When our hands join once again,
My heart and soul will shine.

Glyncora Murphy

My Heart Love Quotes #2725
#6. My tears were hot and salty, and I imagine them melting my heart.

Lauren Myracle

My Heart Love Quotes #2799
#7. You are encased in my heart.

Truth Devour

My Heart Love Quotes #5111
#8. May you hear my feeble voice! It will tell you that here below there is a heart full of the memory of you.

Herculine Barbin

My Heart Love Quotes #7747
#9. Monday 29 January 1821 [Halifax]
I love and only love the fairer sex and thus beloved by them in turn, my heart revolts from any love but theirs.

Anne Lister

My Heart Love Quotes #8432
#10. I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast thy seat in the inmost shrine of my heart.

Rabindranath Tagore

My Heart Love Quotes #8988
#11. I don't care if I'm loved back, I still want to love someone.Someone, from the bottom of my heart ... Straightforward, unwavering ... It seems like such a simple thing, so then why ... Must it be so incredibly hard?

Ai Yazawa

My Heart Love Quotes #9162
#12. With you, I want it all. If I get a taste of what it could be, I won't ever want to let it go. I fell in love with you when I was sixteen, and that's never changed. But trusting you with my heart again is different. With you, I need to know it's forever.

Abbi Glines

My Heart Love Quotes #9296
#13. I know we were kids at Brown. But there's no one I've met before you, or since, who even came close to completing my heart. It's always been there for you, waiting for your love to finn in the nooks and crannies. (Drew)

Eva Charles

My Heart Love Quotes #9651
#14. But the right thing...was admitting that I couldn't possibly fully love her if my heart beat faster for someone else

Penelope Ward

My Heart Love Quotes #11770
#15. My mind wants to interpret
All my dreams.
My heart wants to love
All my dreams.
My soul wants to fulfil
All my dreams.

Sri Chinmoy

My Heart Love Quotes #11947
#16. If i had to petname my love, i would have crooned 'SUBLIME' since the day i got my tounge ... MB

Margish V

My Heart Love Quotes #13670
#17. Love and I once had a great relationship, but I fear we've broken up. It cheated on me, wrecked my heart, and then went on to date other people. A lot of other people. And I can't stand to watch it, since love's going to cheat on them too.

David Levithan

My Heart Love Quotes #13778
#18. I will always believe in love and I don't care what happens to me or how many times I get my heart broken, or how many breakup songs I write, I'm always going to believe that someday I am going to meet somebody who is actually right for me and he's going to be wonderful and it's going to work out.

Taylor Swift

My Heart Love Quotes #14935
#19. No matter how many miles I move away, my love will always remain within the boundary of your heart
Lines from Love Vs Destiny ...

Atul Purohit

My Heart Love Quotes #16906
#20. Because I am in love with you. Because I cannot be around you for fear you will finally see what is written across my heart. Because the pain of you is one I cannot bear

Kiersten White

My Heart Love Quotes #18010
#21. Feel my heart beat. Can you feel it?"
"Feel how steady it is?"
"It's fast."
"Yes, well, that has nothing to do with the box.

Veronica Roth

My Heart Love Quotes #18662
#22. I knew that Jesus loved me, not because the Bible told me so but because my heart was informed by love. And later, for that same reason, I knew I was attracted to boys.

James Lecesne

My Heart Love Quotes #19452
#23. Your thigh? Your shoulder? Is there any part of you that hasn't been hurt yet?"
He seemed to be contemplating my question for a moment and then he nodded. He tapped his chest. "Yeah, my heart." He looked over at me. "But its feeling mighty vulnerable these days, so who knows.

Tess Oliver

My Heart Love Quotes #19734
#24. You are the Essence of the Essence,
The intoxication of Love.
I long to sing Your Praises
but stand mute
with the agony of wishing in my heart !


My Heart Love Quotes #20136
#25. Oh beloved,
I want to live in your love,
to feel the joy of life,
to see the beauty of desires,
to enjoy the song of heart,
to dance with you, my love.

Debasish Mridha

My Heart Love Quotes #20961
#26. This is what I have.
The dull hangover of waiting,
the blush of my heart on the damp grass,
the flower-faced moon.
A gull broods on the shore
where a moment ago there were two.
Softly my right hand fondles my left hand
as though it were you.

Mary Oliver

My Heart Love Quotes #21092
#27. I felt my heart expanding, making room for him to movie in permanently.

Cecily White

My Heart Love Quotes #21423
#28. But show me just this one thing, my darling, i seek a heart stained like a poppy flower.

Fatima Bhutto

My Heart Love Quotes #22406
#29. It's as if I've stepped off the edge of a cliff, and even though my heart's in my mouth and my stomach is in knots, I'm the most excited I've ever been in my life. I'm totally enthralled by him. I want him, every part of him, and I desperately want him to feel the same way about me.

Serena Grey

My Heart Love Quotes #22775
#30. I am anchored on a resolve you cannot shake. My heart, my conscience shall dispose of my hand
they only. Know this at last.

Charlotte Bronte

My Heart Love Quotes #23703
#31. I got ice in my veins
Blood in my eyes/Hate in my heart
Love in my mind

Lil' Wayne

My Heart Love Quotes #23848
#32. The concern and love I saw in her features pierced my heart, and like that, the anger went out of me.

Richelle Mead

My Heart Love Quotes #23863
#33. It was completely fascinating to me the way that love grew. I kept thinking I'd found a way to give him all that I had, but then I'd learn a new quirk, hear a new story, go through a new experience, and my heart swelled.

Kiera Cass

My Heart Love Quotes #25137
#34. Yesterday I fell in love,
today feels like my funeral,
I just got hit by a bus,
shouldn't have been so beautiful,
dont know why I gave my heart,
gave my trust,
gave everything.

Chris Brown

My Heart Love Quotes #25478
#35. I realize how much I have wanted this and not gotten it [good love], realize how much it is branded in my heart that, to be happy, alone, and childless is a fucking gift that most women get brainwashed into relinquishing.

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

My Heart Love Quotes #25561
#36. I love being able to create characters, give them problems, and make sure everything turns out right in the end. Writing gives me limitless opportunity to study the human condition, and a love story with a positive ending always lifts my spirits and warms my heart.

Jennie Adams

My Heart Love Quotes #25630
#37. Sorrow shatters my heart; And men distress it with blame, Because it follows love.

Moses Ibn Ezra

My Heart Love Quotes #25846
#38. In my long life I have found peace, joy, and happiness beyond my fondest hopes and dreams. One of the supreme benedictions of my life has been my marriage to an elect daughter of God. I love her with all my heart and soul.

James E. Faust

My Heart Love Quotes #25921
#39. I had complete faith that this was a man who would keep his promises, who would always be there when I needed him, who would always have my best interests at heart. Together we would be able to face anything in life.

Rosemary K. West

My Heart Love Quotes #26453
#40. Moments like these are fleeting, and we have to grab onto them while we can. From the instant I saw you, I wanted to give you my heart. But today I'll settle for giving you a flower.

Chloe Asher

My Heart Love Quotes #27449
#41. My heart pounded against my chest, competing with the deafening absence of sound in the air. I'd never known silence like this.

Tracy Lane

My Heart Love Quotes #27516
#42. I have tried to understand what crucifixion must feel like. I just know that the pain must be beyond what I have ever experienced. I respect, love, and trust the One who endured all this when He didn't have to. I understand Jesus with my heart, and the rest of the world can think of Him as it will.

Marina Nemat

My Heart Love Quotes #28046
#43. P.S. I'm going to throw an absolutely mind-blowing fact your way. I'm not kidding, either. The country of Uganda is obsessed with Celine Dion. They dedicate entire days to broadcasting her music. They love her that much. Five words. My. Heart. Will. Go. On. Yeah.

Fisher Amelie

My Heart Love Quotes #28618
#44. But what I cannot settle in my mind is that the end will absolutely come. I hold her hand in mine, I hold her heart in mine, I see her love for me, alive in all its strength.

Charles Dickens

My Heart Love Quotes #29251
#45. When I think about you with him, it guts me. I feel like you ripped open my chest and tore out my damn heart. Do you even realize that? I know I should want you to be happy, but I can't wish it for anyone else other than me. I belong to you, and that's never going to change.

Ashleigh Z.

My Heart Love Quotes #29448
#46. The sweet reverence that emanated from his beautiful irises warmed the chilled chambers of my heart. Looking into Hunter's eyes felt like seeing into my own soul.

Adriane Leigh

My Heart Love Quotes #29638
#47. At that time I told myself that I didn't want to fall in love ever again. But that night while praying for your happiness Nana, I thought that despite all the wounds and all the pains it could cause I wanted to dream again, and love someone with all my heart.

Ai Yazawa

My Heart Love Quotes #31203
#48. You can find me on the moon waxing and waning. My heart full of petals, every single one begging 'Love me, love me, love me. Whoever I am. Whoever I become.'

Andrea Gibson

My Heart Love Quotes #31323
#49. Rachel would be beautiful in the middle of mud slides and hailstorms. On a sweet, sunny day, she made my heart ache.

Katherine Applegate

My Heart Love Quotes #31862
#50. My Heart May Change Over Time (Boyhood->Manhood->Old) But The Love It Carries, Will Remain The Same ...

Muhammad Imran Hasan

My Heart Love Quotes #32805
#51. When an answer I did not expect comes to a prayer which I believed I truly meant, I shrink back from it; if the burden my Lord asks me to bear be not the burden of my heart's choice, and I fret inwardly and do not welcome His will, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

Amy Carmichael

My Heart Love Quotes #36185
#52. It stayed there because, honey, I've never stopped loving you. In my heart, you are my wife and always will be. ~Carlos & Maddie

Bernadette Marie

My Heart Love Quotes #37473
#53. I kissed him softly and left my lips pressed to his for a few beats of my heart.

N.R. Walker

My Heart Love Quotes #37712
#54. The brittle bones beneath my chest cracked, piercing my heart. It was you who breathed new life into my lungs and it was you who would later syphon the life you had given so as to feed your selfish desires

Sonya Watson

My Heart Love Quotes #38025
#55. My heart, my wife, my life. I will love you until the day I die.

Laura Thalassa

My Heart Love Quotes #38423
#56. There was enough ice.So I thought. For my drink.When I used it all,I cut her heart out and used it instead.I never ran out of ice that night.


My Heart Love Quotes #39117
#57. You hold in your hands my heart, my soul, and my very being. You are already the Queen of my heart, my love, my true love, my only love.- Kian, Frost Kisses

Kailin Gow

My Heart Love Quotes #40690
#58. I wanted to shut my mind, that my thoughts might close
on my own peace, I wanted to close
the peace of my love in my heart
like dew in a dark rose."
From "Philip Speaks

Caryll Houselander

My Heart Love Quotes #41605
#59. I still promise. Every day for the rest of my life. I'll hold your dreams, wishes, hopes and fears forever. I Promise to never give up on us and to love you with every beat of my heart till the end of time.
I miss you.
Jared xxx

Marie Coulson

My Heart Love Quotes #41947
#60. Don't leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.

Pablo Neruda

My Heart Love Quotes #41985
#61. My heart longs for the day when there will be no more suffering, no more hatred or violence, only love and a child will be able to grow up in a world without ever having to know the pain and anguish of an empty belly.

Heather Wolf

My Heart Love Quotes #42824
#62. Sometimes,
I doubt the courage
My bones are made of

And then,
A breath finds her way in
And her way out

The half-way-almost-full moon
Smiles down;

My heart sighs
And quietly whispers:
I remember.

Bryonie Wise

My Heart Love Quotes #43936
#63. He put his forehead against hers.
"Alannah, my heart is yours." He said softly.
"And yet, I must hand it over to someone else for the keeping." Her last words falling to a strained whisper.

B.C. Morin

My Heart Love Quotes #44573
#64. I Believe she thought I had forgotten my station; and yours, sir.'
'Station! Station!
your station is in my heart, and on the necks of those who would insult you, now or hereafter.

Charlotte Bronte

My Heart Love Quotes #45103
#65. I am not upset that you don't love me, I am very happy to know that you are still living in my heart, in my love.

Debasish Mridha

My Heart Love Quotes #46805
#66. I love being a grandmother. That feeling you have for your own child - you don't ever think it will be replicated, and I did wonder if I would have to 'pretend' with my grandchildren. But my heart was taken on day one.

Joanna Lumley

My Heart Love Quotes #49336
#67. I told you when we mated that I would gladly give you my heart, my life, and my love, but that when I did so they came with one condition. Never abuse me. Love is not abuse.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

My Heart Love Quotes #49453
#68. My heart swelled in my chest, like a froth of bubbles begging to be released.

Demelza Carlton

My Heart Love Quotes #50903
#69. The piece of you that loves a part of me tries its best to hold onto the rest,
but my heart is a thousand-piece puzzle of a faraway galaxy, deep purple,
colors blending together and impossible to place.

Kris Kidd

My Heart Love Quotes #51367
#70. I was where my heart held out hope that someday I would be again. It was the reason I never forgot him. My heart had held onto him. And as he clung to me, as he soothed me, held me, I felt everything begin to relax.

Rebecca Ethington

My Heart Love Quotes #54550
#71. Lord # God , I praise Your Holy Name. Let every beat of my heart be a note of love in the symphony of my life.

Mother Angelica

My Heart Love Quotes #54752
#72. Sometimes I sit alone under the stars and think of the galaxies inside my heart and truly wonder if anyone will ever want to make sense of all that I am

Christopher Poindexter

My Heart Love Quotes #54987
#73. Wrap your mind around my thoughts as I wrap my soul around your heart.

Munia Khan

My Heart Love Quotes #55816
#74. Love is the connection between souls synchronized through heart beats.
Quote from my upcoming book 'Always Be MINE

Neha Daraad

My Heart Love Quotes #57113
#75. I'll have your heart, if not by gift my knife Shall carve it out. I'll have your heart, your life.

Stevie Smith

My Heart Love Quotes #57617
#76. I'm uncontrollably in love with Vivian. In such a short amount of time she's infiltrated my thoughts, cast a spell over my body, and wormed her way into the deepest part of my heart. A day without her would feel like a lifetime without breath, an eternity without light.

Jewel E. Ann

My Heart Love Quotes #58551
#77. You have captured my soul in a cocoon of love. My heart will be forever yours.

Shae-Lynn Bourne

My Heart Love Quotes #61255
#78. I can't fax you my love, I can't email my heart.

Jimmy Buffett

My Heart Love Quotes #63593
#79. Just the sound of his name causes my heart to trip over itself. I love the way Ryan makes me feel. I love his words. I love his hands on my body. I love the way his gaze causes me to blush.

Katie McGarry

My Heart Love Quotes #63858
#80. Because my love for you is like a glass rose. Care for it gently. Drop it once, you'd leave a mark. Drop it twice, and my heart will shatter into a million pieces.

Melissa M. Futrell

My Heart Love Quotes #65123
#81. There is a hole in the heart called "absence". You live in it my dear.

Malak El Halabi

My Heart Love Quotes #66054
#82. He smiled at me shyly and took a step closer. I froze, heart pounding, as he put one hand on my cheek and leaned toward me. I swallowed, gazing up at him with what I hoped was an expectant (and not alarmed) expression. He bent his head toward mine and ...

J.M. Richards

My Heart Love Quotes #67043
#83. My greatest struggle is to coexist while watching the people I love choose less than life-supporting paths via drugs, alcohol, or poor lifestyle decisions. There is so much to life; my heart breaks watching someone held captive by addiction.

Mike Love

My Heart Love Quotes #67825
#84. I enjoy the healing music and touch of love, touching my heart and soul when I give it away.

Debasish Mridha

My Heart Love Quotes #68265
#85. It began with your eyes cast down, and mine looking right at you,
I watched you rule out hundreds of questions and accept only mine. I poured my stories into your eager heart, and you sparked faith inside the stubbornness of mine. Our beginning was written in the stars - how could it not be?

Emalynne Wilder

My Heart Love Quotes #68927
#86. Break my heart or break my fall.

Amber Newberry

My Heart Love Quotes #68993
#87. I am earth, earth My heart's love Bursts with hay and flowers. I am a lake of blue air In which my own appointed place Field and valley Stand reflected

Thomas Merton

My Heart Love Quotes #69951
#88. Much to my surprise, as I set them free, I was able to forgive myself for the judgments I had made about them. I now hold them in a loving space in my heart and honor them as my ancestors who love me and guide me each day.

Iyanla Vanzant

My Heart Love Quotes #70455
#89. Since love first made the breast an instrument
Of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart
Was molten to a mirror, like a rose
I pluck my breast apart, that I may hang
This mirror in your sight
Gaze you therein

Muhammad Iqbal

My Heart Love Quotes #70598
#90. I'm alive with love in my heart.. I'm grateful for each moment.. With a little patience and god's grace I know everything in my life will work out on its own time!

Nehali Lalwani

My Heart Love Quotes #70789
#91. I don't throttle and smother people in my life.. Not because I don't have my own fair share of doubts and sometimes, yes, insecurities.. But I have a great deal of confidence in my instincts that I've chosen the right one to trust.. When I trust, I do so with my whole heart..

Laarni Venus Marie Giango

My Heart Love Quotes #71883
#92. I Might never find that love my heart has always desired, but I know I will succeed before I die.

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

My Heart Love Quotes #72077
#93. Loneliness of heart
In the still of the night my heart doth cry out, who can hear it for time is far spent. In the darkness in the shadow of the depth I find isolation and fear ...

M.I. Ghostwriter

My Heart Love Quotes #72283
#94. This youthful heart can love you and give you what you need, but I'm too old to go chasing you around wasting my precious energy.

Tracy Chapman

My Heart Love Quotes #72387
#95. I want to towel off, leave my heart on this beach and
walk the sand into a lake
of stars, while never looking back.

A.P. Sweet

My Heart Love Quotes #74281
#96. One day, my sweet girl, some lucky man will come and help you understand the very meaning of love. He will sweep you off your feet and show you what it is to place your heart in someone else's care to willingly offer them the gift of your soul.

Tillie Cole

My Heart Love Quotes #75441
#97. Oh, I'm going to miss everything. It's been the most amazing and significant job of my life obviously and I'll always have it near and dear to my heart. I'm so grateful and appreciative that I worked with the best crew and the best writers and producers and cast and I love them all.

Alyson Hannigan

My Heart Love Quotes #75547
#98. My love runs by like a day in June, And he makes no friends of sorrows. He'll tread his galloping rigadoon In the pathway of the morrows. He'll live his days where the sunbeams start, Nor could storm or wind uproot him. My own dear love, he is all my heart,
And I wish somebody'd shoot him.

Dorothy Parker

My Heart Love Quotes #75911
#99. Thou hast ravished my heart.

Abigail Reynolds

My Heart Love Quotes #76139
#100. I may not always be with you
But when we're far apart
Remember you will be with me
Right inside my heart

Marc Wambolt

My Heart Love Quotes #79952

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